ModLanguages:: fixed the order of loading languages
ModLanguage modified for auto fallback to DEFAULT_LANGUAGEglobalExceptionHandler added AppException, SecurityException, SecDirectoryTraversalExceptionErrormessage for old class.database modified
fixed Errorhandling for old class.database
! update upgrade-script first remove access files in an existing pages folder before rebuilding them ! for security upgrade don't remove access files in root
Drop tables in installer fixedTwig_Autoloader activated
some modifications concerning the new autoloaderTwig Template engine v.1.7.0some droplets actualisizedunfinished changes in installer
last fixes for use of page_icon s.o.
! update upgrade-script, now don't overwrite existings values in settings+ add field tooltip to table pages in installer! change some module tool_icon.png (Tks to Stefek) ! add date_time string to search and comment out founded require_once(WB_PATH."/framework/class.database.php"); ...
changed class Database into a Singleton-Classadded forgotten 'static' keyword in ModLanguageremoved version control from sm2 - include.php
some little corrections ModLanguage/Database/initialize.php
reorganisation of default theme of page-settingsadded menu_icon_0 and menu_icon_1update show_menu2 to handle the new icon fields (see|en.txt)add new droplet 'iParentIcon' for use with the new iconsadded new module-depending language files (not complete yet) in admin/pages
renamed file class.database.php to Database.phprenamed class database into Databaseclasses SecurityException and SecDirectoryTraversalException added in globalExceptionHandler.phpCoreAutoloader() added in initialize.phpnew Constants 'WB_REL' and 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' in initialize.php...
add tool_icon.png to admintools
! preparing new groups management and page settings! upgrade-script insert or update page access files
! fixed signup, remove $admin->print_error methods+ add send registation mail to systemadministartor
+ add languages vars for signup
fixes installer and upgrade-script
added new global exceptionhandler (class AppException)
little fixes in /admin/addons/reload.php
! settigs.php add fields dev_infos and page_icon_dir+ add developer info to footer! update class.admin.php, footer.htt
add folder /templates/round/title_images to work with page_icon
! update of installer and upgradescript for Revision 1664/1665+ add fields page_icon, menu_icon_0, menu_icon_1 to pages+ add settings values dev_infos and page_icon_dir! update languages files
update page_settings - CSS for wb_theme and argos_theme (for Rev.1664)
added additional rights for AdminUsers/ViewerUsers in /pages/page_settings/pages/settings2.php renamed into /pages/settings_save.php
update round print.css for better output
added new getter 'getQueryCount' in class database
add new language vars
more validation fixes in backend (Tks to Ruebenwurzel)
fixed alternating row styles in droplet listing
some validation fixes in backend
fixed filter to serve malformed/nested HTML also.
add replyto to form module (see DEVINFOS)
Fixed SERVER_EMAIL in languages, needs double bracketsInstaller redesign Step 2
fixed change_mode() against a very old problem with invalid calling arguments
fixed path to globalExceptionHandler.php in wysiwyg
fixed a little problem with chmod()
add argument 'replyTo' into class.wb::mail()
! rebranding banner.jpg and powered.jpg round template
a litte fix in /admin/addons/index.php.added unregister_Theme to CopyTheme::_doRollback()added CopyTheme::_activateTheme()
add additional exeptionhandling in globalExceptionHandler
+ add language variable for template details
prevent from empty theme-name in CopyTheme::_SanitizeNewName()
added backend functions to copy themes and import htt-template files according to the the new theme fallback functionality
! update header info.php wb_themes
+ move admin/themes/templates/ to admin/skel/themes/htt/! and update class.wb.php, upgrade-script.php
! optimize modules WYSIWYG for editors
+ Installer add const DEBUG to config.php! move const DEBUG and var $starttime from index.php to initialize.php
config.php added define to set admin-directory
made handling of config.php a little bit more easy
+ add missing language variables for the theme handling
fallback signuo2.php revision 1633
! update language files and rework some core files (read DEVINFOS)! compress mdcr.js+ add DEVINFOS Instructions/Informations for modulecoder
fixed class::methode print_error(...) overwrite in /install/save.php
! small design update for wb theme, login und login_forgot
! FCKeditor Fallback not working with IE9
started rebuild and reorganize the OutputFilter-System
! update correct_theme_source and fixed the call in all files
typofix in Droplet [ShowRandomWysiwyg]
Droplet [SectionPicker] fixedAdded new droplets [ShowWysiwyg] and [ShowRandomWysiwyg]
! forgot info.php
fixed function SanitizeHttpReferer() in consideration of subdirectories
! update INSTALL and UPGRADE instruction to 2.8.3 (Tks to Ruebenwurzel)
+ Validationfix, add qx_rawlang.php in quickSkin_alpha to solve <a> escaping malformed URI reference messages in javascript! fixed magic_quotes_gpc=on, magic_quotes going to be removed in PHP6. and some hoster do not set it to off
little fixes in classs database and add new readonly property DbName
Number of version and revision updated in branch too (hello Mr. Alzheimer)
Number of version and revision updated
Version 2.8.3 tagged
change Website Baker to WebsiteBaker in installer
A small optical correction of the installer.
typofix in /modules/form/view.php (Tks to jacobi22)
some little changes and fixes in template allcss and roundadd // register_frontend_modfiles('jquery'); to activate comment outSet version to 2.71
login.php fallback to revision 1602
fixed parse error in login.php
fix local module reload and module manuell installforgot to upload login.php
a quick simple stylesheet fix in wb_theme
little designfix in forgot_form.phpfix media if uploading zip files with folder, than create FolderProtectFiles
more fixed issues with get_magic_quotes_gpc and FCKeditorremove create and upload in FCKeditor Filemanager
update all used files with redirect_url to $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER']
fixed undefined fragment index in initialize.php add $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'] storing active pagelink if page_id != 0
fixed issues with get_magic_quotes_gpc and FCKeditor
highly critical security-fixannounced on
fix form language vars for better understanding (Tks to Maverik)change request if HTTP_REFERER is not empty in logout.php
fixed use of undefined constant fri in /form/view.php
rebuild protectfile in pages/posts
little Typo-fix in database::SqlImport()