Revision 1684
Added by Luisehahne almost 13 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- branches
- 2.8.x
- CHANGELOG (diff)
- wb
- admin
- framework
- class.admin.php (diff)
- class.order.php (diff)
- class.wb.php (diff)
- msgQueue.php /branches/2.8.x/wb/framework/class.msg_queue.php
- install
- modules
- templates
- upgrade-script.php (diff)
- 2.8.x
! update upgrade-script, now don't overwrite existings values in settings
+ add field tooltip to table pages in installer
! change some module tool_icon.png (Tks to Stefek)
! add date_time string to
- search and comment out founded require_once(WB_PATH."/framework/class.database.php");
- this will be never needed anymore and produce errors
! rename class.msg_queue.php in msgQueue.php to work with autokoader
+ add function format_message to class.wb.php