fixed language-files
fixed error in german laguage file
Moved language variables for edit module CSS from modules language files to core language files
search: added search_time_limit in settings (mainly for sites with PHP < 4.3.3 and slow search)
fixed some small layout issues
added missing text in language-files
added new languages to install script; fixed some issues and typos in languagefiles
minor change in german language file
fixed some errors in standard german language file
added new colloquially german language file (thanks to Michael Tenschert)
Added missing text in languages files for jscalendar
Replaced all special chars in language files with htmlentities or unicode.
Added some missing lines in language files.
introduced the WB 2.7 backend style developed by Michael Brinsteiner (escpro), thanks man
Fixed some spelling errors in german language file
Added new language files
Added keywords to files where they are missing
Added German language file for WB 2.7