small changes in INSTALL and UPGRADE (Tks to unawave2)update upgrade-script showing from Version to Version (Tks to unawave2)add Servicepack version to header.htt
add new backend theme handling (Tks to Stefek)
fix versions compare upgrade from WB version 2.7
move fixes 2.8.2 to 2.8.3fixes will be shown in an extra readmean package with the fixed files will be createdfor all users who downloaded the 2.8.2 before 29 Jul-2011
! update DA language (Tks to Achrist)! update some languages variables (Tks to Rübenwurzel, Testör)! move function url_encode from admin/pages to framework/functions.php ! add missing svn properties in some headerinfos! font-size correction in wb_theme (Tks to Rübenwurzel)
Preparing 2.8.2 stable, last tests
in /framework/functions.php::media_filename - replace whitespaces by _/upgrade-script.php - some small fixes
add FINGERPRINT_WITH_IP_OCTETS to table settings
remove new function see,20268.msg139557.html#msg139557
+ Ticket 1058 added warn_page_leave (currently only in wysiwyg)
fixed headerinfos
update headerinfos
add ini_set('display_errors', 1) (Tks to Thorn)update headerinfos
insert $wb->preprocess($output), preprocess no longer needed in moduleslittle modifaction in upgrade-script.php in function check_wb_tablesupdated module wysiwyg, set to module version 2.8
Droplet emailfilter fixed search mdcr.jssome little fixes in upgrade-scriptnew WebsiteBaker Logo in themes
continue update headertext
Ticket #921 Update EditArea frameworkfix stylings wb_theme, fix upgradescript
continue update header info
Ticket #869 Droplet-Engine does'nt work in some casecontinue update header info
fix Warning: stristr() [function.stristr]
update header, check that all tables in WB package are installed
Clean check in of minor bugfixes: Add some localizations, correct html/php syntax
Rollback of accidentally checked in files
Ticket #832: Fix wrong configuration of timezone-handling when saving preferences-form on backend and frontend
Add Missing code inside "framework/addon.precheck.php" (ticket #798).Changes inside "upgrade-script" to avoid "mysql_list_tables is deprecated" warnings (ticket #800).Add "global $admin" to the install.php of the droplets-module to avoid (variable isn't declared) warnings. (ticket #800).
Fixed bug inside the upgrade-script. Ticket #784
Created 2.8.x branch
Set Version to 2.8
Updated upgrade_script to make use of the changed news settings
added changes from news/add.php to the upgrade-script.php
some minor cosmetic changes to upgrade-script.php
Added changed news settings to upgrade-script
Updated Version Number in upgrade_script to 2.8RC1
- Added new functions to admin dir (Thanks Argos and Ruud)
- Updated install and upgrade-script
- Adapted wb_theme and classic_theme to changed admin dir files
update upgrade-script to avoid droping droplet-tables if the modul still exists. Add an upgrade-script to the droplets.
Added install routine for droplets to the upgrade script
Fixed minor dispay issue in upgrade script
Added disclaimer to upgrade script
added skinable Admin Interface
added update of search table missing in Changeset 941
Redirect time for function print_success can now be defined in Settings (ticket #603)
Copyright notices now includes 2009
added redirect-type (301/302) to menu_link
updated upgrade-script.php to add sec_anchor field to settings table
Set version to 2.7
fixed minor issue in upgrade-script.php introduced in changeset [820]
ASP: off per default. CAPTCHA: removed unneeded $admin. Filename: just convert chars like quote, doublequote, < > & to empty string.
set version from 2.7 (RC3) to 2.7 (RC3a)
set WB version to 2.7 (RC3) for the next upcoming release candidate
search: added search_time_limit in settings (mainly for sites with PHP < 4.3.3 and slow search)
search: great speed-up with large pages - requires PHP >= 4.3.3; small speed-up for PHP < 4.3.3.FCK-Editor: loads large pages faster
adjusted background color of installation and upgrade script
set version number to 2.7 (RC2) for the upcoming second release candidate
Removed hardcoded /admin folder strings from WB core files where possible
issue with menulink in upgrade-script. Fixed.
issue with menulink in upgrade-script. Fixed?
suppressed warnings in initialize.php if constant already defined; modified upgrade script to make FCK the new default editor
fixed bug in upgrade script (WBMailer setting)
some layout changes on the upgrade-script, fixed error in precheck
added WYSIWYG DB update and missing WBMAILER settings to upgrade script (added some status messages)
modified upgrade script and suppressed headers already send message (avoid issues with error reporting E_ALL)
Updated upgrade script (added WB2.7 basic styles, pre-checks and disclaimer)
Updated upgrade script
updated upgrade-script (menulink)
added disclaimer to the upgrade-script as the script is not sufficiently tested yet
Added multi-group to upgrade-script. Did some minor changes in upgrade-script.
Updated upgrade-script.
Added missing field to table mod_captcha_control in upgrade-script
Re-introduced Changeset 593 (filename in pages/ from page_title instead of menu_title)
module news: added publish_until field to control the visibility of a news-posting by date and time
added new CAPTCHA and ASP (Advanced Spam Protection)
Removed changes introduced with Changeset 593 (need to agree if we want add this to the core with WB2.7)
Generate filename in pages/ from page_title instead of menu_title.
upgrade-script.php: added code to upgrade menu_links
upgrade-script.php: fixed mysql_error() handling. added code to update menu_links (partly finished)
fixed a typo in upgrade-script.php
module menu_link: after adding a menu_link, the anchor dropdown shows "#"; fixed
upgrade-script: added code to convert old menu_links to new ones (partly)
Updated news modul with features from the advanced news modul
Updated form modul with features from the advanced form modul
Added keywords to new files
added new module-based search-function and publish-by-date code