Revision 560
Added by Matthias about 17 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- trunk
- CHANGELOG (diff)
- wb
- modules
- form
- add.php
- add_field.php
- backend.css
- css.functions.php
- delete.php
- delete_field.php
- delete_submission.php
- edit_css.php
- frontend.css
- index.php
- info.php
- install.php
- languages
- modify.php
- modify_field.php
- modify_settings.php
- move_down.php
- move_up.php
- save_field.php
- save_settings.php
- search.php
- uninstall.php
- view.php
- view_submission.php
- form
- upgrade-script.php (diff)
- modules
Updated form modul with features from the advanced form modul