


  • svn:executable: *
  • svn:keywords: Id

# Date Author Comment
1409 2011-01-23 11:58 FrankH

+ Ticket 1058 added warn_page_leave (currently only in wysiwyg)

1374 2011-01-10 13:21 Luisehahne

fixed headerinfos

1373 2011-01-10 13:14 Luisehahne

update headerinfos

1370 2011-01-09 10:53 Luisehahne

update install, changed some default settings to enabled

1349 2010-12-19 20:04 Luisehahne

add ini_set('display_errors', 1) (Tks to Thorn)
update headerinfos

1278 2010-01-28 11:06 Luisehahne

Ticket #925 Slovak Lang Missing in allowed install languages!

1197 2009-11-28 15:42 Luisehahne

Ticket #886 fix validation email, check tld between 2-4 letters

1194 2009-11-28 00:51 Luisehahne

Ticket #828 fix deprecated eregi

1137 2009-08-22 22:29 Ruud

Changed the default searchform name in the installer. (ticket #775)
Fixed the recursive redirect problem when a page is called with a wrong language parm (ticket #780)

1136 2009-08-15 11:19 kweitzel

Created 2.8.x branch

1035 2009-07-07 00:34 Matthias

- Added new functions to admin dir (Thanks Argos and Ruud)

- Updated install and upgrade-script

- Adapted wb_theme and classic_theme to changed admin dir files

987 2009-06-14 17:17 aldus

Bugfixes for ticket 728 (install without tables) - see changelog for details.

944 2009-02-22 10:39 Matthias

added skinable Admin Interface

941 2009-02-20 14:03 aldus

add additional tr and td tags to the text_no_results message to get valid XHTML output if the search produce no matches

929 2009-02-15 16:05 doc

Redirect time for function print_success can now be defined in Settings (ticket #603)

924 2009-02-08 21:18 doc

fixed warning if database connection failed during installation process

915 2009-01-21 20:27 Matthias

Copyright notices now includes 2009

871 2008-11-01 00:27 thorn

added config for section anchor.
ATTN: add "INSERT INTO TABLE_PREFIX.'settings' (name,value,extra) VALUES ('sec_anchor', 'wb_', '')" to upgrade-script.

807 2008-04-05 21:24 Matthias

Added norwegian translation (Thanks OEH)

799 2008-04-05 08:26 doc

allowed character "-" to be used in database names

769 2008-03-25 20:10 thorn

search: added search_time_limit in settings (mainly for sites with PHP < 4.3.3 and slow search)

761 2008-03-24 15:54 thorn

search: great speed-up with large pages - requires PHP >= 4.3.3; small speed-up for PHP < 4.3.3.
FCK-Editor: loads large pages faster

749 2008-03-12 22:00 doc

Removed hardcoded /admin folder strings from WB core files where possible

721 2008-02-22 16:18 doc

restricted database name and table prefix to "a-zA-Z0-9_" (avoid problems with non quoted table/field names)

711 2008-02-19 12:49 Matthias

added new languages to install script; fixed some issues and typos in languagefiles

702 2008-02-17 14:46 doc

fixed language bug (backend language switched to the pages language viewed in frontend)

695 2008-02-10 19:45 Matthias

fixed some errors in standard german language file

added new colloquially german language file (thanks to Michael Tenschert)

687 2008-02-10 00:41 doc

added visualization of wrong/empty input fields, fixed bug with re-enter of admin password

632 2008-01-28 20:04 doc

added missing session cookie forgotten in Changeset 593

629 2008-01-28 18:54 doc

added possibility to select the default backend language during installation process

613 2008-01-27 12:40 doc

added default language for users to avoid empty language fields

596 2008-01-25 22:29 thorn

added new CAPTCHA and ASP (Advanced Spam Protection)

582 2008-01-21 03:25 thorn

fixed bug in changeset 581 (reverts most of it)

581 2008-01-21 02:33 thorn

Unique session-identifier for each website baker installation. fixes #354

577 2008-01-20 17:31 doc

Fixed E_NOTICE error in save.php (onl if input data from WB Installer was wrong).

568 2008-01-19 18:34 doc

Added support to configure the mailer settings via the backend

552 2008-01-18 02:56 thorn

added new module-based search-function and publish-by-date code

546 2008-01-17 19:10 doc

added the "users in multiple groups" feature (closes parts of ticket #546)

540 2008-01-14 22:08 Matthias

Replaced the variable PAGE_EXTENSION with hardcoded .php on all places where the pathes points to WB Corefiles with the page extension .php

536 2008-01-13 18:30 doc

Moved the admin tools from 'Settings' to the new section 'Admin-Tools'.

527 2008-01-11 19:37 doc

Added FCKEditor as the new default WYSIWYG editor (htmlarea removed from the package)

519 2007-12-23 15:37 Matthias

Changed all copyright notices to include now 2008

451 2007-04-30 09:42 Matthias

Added Changeset [417] again to the trunk because removing it from the branches also removed it from the trunk

449 2007-04-30 09:17 Matthias

Removed changeset [417] from the 2.6.x branches because it is for WB 2.7.x versions

440 2007-03-12 15:25 Matthias

Added multilingual support to the search;
Fixed ticket #385;

417 2007-01-24 19:49 doc

Updated some core files to allow the configuration of PHPMailer via the admin settings panel instead of config.php. PHPMailer related settings are now stored in the Website Baker database. The following settings can be configured:
SMTP-host, SMTP-authentification , SMTP-password and SMTP-username.

412 2007-01-02 23:15 Matthias

Added Id keywords to all missing files

403 2006-12-25 02:13 ryan

Fixed bug in installer

402 2006-12-25 02:11 ryan

Removed use of GMX name in installation

399 2006-12-24 08:50 Matthias

Added 2007 to all copyright notices
Added missing ID Keywords
Removed not Unix conform line endings

389 2006-12-21 00:37 Matthias

Return to Search Results Page (#365)

386 2006-12-20 22:43 Matthias

Added phpmailer class (thanks to doc)

370 2006-12-20 21:10 Matthias

Fixed installer does not insert admin user, added missing default values for INT fields to save.php (#328)

363 2006-08-22 11:17 stefan

Fixed bug #313 - MySQL strict mode installation issue with missing default values.

343 2006-05-03 10:22 stefan

Ticket #162 - info top level domain not accepted in installation.

332 2006-03-12 23:25 stefan

Changed INSERT SQL code for settings table in installation.

330 2006-03-10 21:31 stefan

Removed a semicolon from settings table insert SQL query.

329 2006-03-10 17:42 stefan

Style adjustment of the install script.

310 2006-02-19 06:31 ryan

Updated all copyright notices to include 2006

309 2006-02-08 19:59 stefan

Added default value '' to all varchar and text fields

256 2005-11-28 09:33 ryan

Added default charset option to settings

252 2005-11-27 13:31 ryan

Updated installer to add captcha_verification into settings table

249 2005-11-26 09:33 stefan

Fixed a problem with the install script that occur when non-stock modules are already present and use $admin->print_error().

245 2005-11-23 22:31 stefan

Fixed bug #70 - again...

244 2005-11-23 19:30 stefan

Fixed the dubious header already sent bug in installation

240 2005-11-23 16:17 stefan

Applied aportale's patch to use label instead of javascript toggle code

239 2005-11-22 12:50 stefan

Fixed more inconsistencies regarding line endings and end-of-file newlines

236 2005-11-21 10:46 stefan

Changed line endings in install/save.php to Unix format

224 2005-11-19 22:56 stefan

Fixed save.php

223 2005-11-19 21:40 stefan

Fixed ticket #46 - addon details are taken from database. Minor changes to install/save.php.

221 2005-11-18 18:19 stefan

Fixed bug #70. Thanks to John.

212 2005-10-24 23:08 stefan

Fixed bug #32 - (wrong use of add_slashes in installation script)

211 2005-10-23 15:34 stefan

Fixed bug #33 and other bugs regarding addon (un)installation

204 2005-09-30 11:10 ryan

Fixed language install problem

181 2005-09-28 10:55 ryan

Fixed minor module-loading bug on install

180 2005-09-28 10:51 ryan

Removed modules-table code

177 2005-09-28 01:40 ryan

Fixed str_replace

168 2005-09-27 05:28 ryan

Added addons loading code

159 2005-09-27 02:02 ryan

Removed relative path input

156 2005-09-21 21:53 stefan

Replaced addslashes by magic_quotes aware add_slashes in install/save.php

133 2005-09-19 01:29 ryan

Renamed designed_for to platform on addons table

132 2005-09-19 01:26 ryan


131 2005-09-19 01:25 ryan

Added addons table

121 2005-09-17 17:35 stefan

Fix: Timezone option in installation doesn't affect the setting.

110 2005-09-15 22:34 stefan

Created new table "modules" to allow for faster lookup of which modules are installed. Allows for greater flexibility also.

109 2005-09-15 21:56 stefan

Added new setting 'wb_version' which is not changeable in admin>>settings but allows for easier upgrade scripts in the future.

106 2005-09-15 21:15 stefan

Renamed compatibility.php to frontend.functions.php.
Moved frontend functions from class frontend to frontend.functions.php.
Removed instances of strip_slashes_dummy. Replaced $this by $wb in a couple of places.
Created file initialize.php, where all initializations now take place (moved from class wb constructor).

105 2005-09-14 19:49 stefan

Fixed some issues regarding settings.

96 2005-09-13 09:14 stefan

Fixed problems with settings in database. Should be fully functional again.

95 2005-09-13 01:08 stefan

Moved settings from config.php into database.

70 2005-09-11 15:47 stefan

Removed support for internal HTMLArea editor. Created new stock module HTMLArea.

61 2005-09-10 01:36 stefan
41 2005-09-07 22:20 stefan

Corrected use of addslashes in install/save.php

40 2005-09-07 21:22 stefan

Change addslashes,stripslashes to (wb class) method calls add_slashes,strip_slashes

10 2005-09-04 10:59 ryan

Added the Id keyword for all files

5 2005-09-04 09:42 stefan

Restructured frontend code and fixed various bugs

4 2005-09-01 08:49 ryan

Initial import from CVS to Subversion of Website Baker 2.5.2