


  • svn:eol-style: native
  • svn:executable: *
  • svn:keywords: Date Revision Id HeadURL
  • svn:mime-type: text/plain

# Date Author Comment
1457 2011-06-25 19:18 Luisehahne

Preparing 2.8.2 stable, last tests

1443 2011-04-19 21:38 Luisehahne

remove auto including YUI Framework in backend for modules, enable with >print_footer(true)
>print_error and ->print_success too accept a message as array
auto validate in frontend if style block inside body tag
captcha now XHTML valide

1441 2011-04-10 01:04 Luisehahne
  1. recoded /modules/admin.php info_banner, now compare with modify in pages
  2. security fixes remove defined WB_PATH for backend templates
  3. fixed class.admin.php missing $TEXT declaration, add get_section_details
1428 2011-02-07 05:55 Luisehahne

update Argostheme to version 1.5 (Tks to Argos)
validation fixes
call edit_full_area on the fly

1420 2011-01-26 18:43 Luisehahne

YGN Ethical Hacker Group (2.8.2 / 2.9.0)

1412 2011-01-23 17:05 DarkViper

fixed wb::password_chars

1402 2011-01-22 05:41 Luisehahne

secure peparing and beginning fix admin/pages

1379 2011-01-13 04:10 Luisehahne

fix class.admin

1378 2011-01-13 02:21 Luisehahne

fixed inclusion of SecureForm
added IDNA/Punycode to wb::validate_email()

1374 2011-01-10 13:21 Luisehahne

fixed headerinfos

1373 2011-01-10 13:14 Luisehahne

update headerinfos

1349 2010-12-19 20:04 Luisehahne

add ini_set('display_errors', 1) (Tks to Thorn)
update headerinfos

1291 2010-02-19 03:07 Luisehahne

recoded function extract_permission in /framework/functions.php
change URL_HELP to in /framework/class.admin.php
recoded function preprocess in /framework/class.frontend.php
optimize function getVersion in /framework/

1281 2010-01-30 05:57 Luisehahne

continue update headertext
Ticket #930 disabled SyntaxHighlighter from default WB Installation
change help url to

1277 2010-01-28 06:18 Luisehahne

update headertext

1271 2010-01-23 03:30 Luisehahne

continue update header info

1269 2010-01-22 23:51 Luisehahne

Ticket #869 Droplet-Engine does'nt work in some case
continue update header info

1245 2010-01-14 04:25 Luisehahne

Ticket #911 3. continue to fix CSS-errors in WB backend

1242 2010-01-13 07:34 Luisehahne

Ticket #911 Beginning to fix More CSS-errors in WB backend
add SVN- Revision to backend theme

1166 2009-10-12 18:54 Luisehahne

Fix Bugs headersend errors in some core files
delete whitespaces after ?>

1142 2009-09-16 18:53 Luisehahne
  1. Fixed bug changed URL_HELP in class.admin.php to (ticket #801).
  2. Fixed bug: inside the FCK-Editor wbmodul: missing 'OK' button when inserting WB link with Safari/Chrome (ticket #795).
  3. Fixed bug changed png fix and path to jquery-pngFix.js inside footer.htt for backend themes (ticket #786)....
1136 2009-08-15 11:19 kweitzel

Created 2.8.x branch

1086 2009-07-20 22:25 Matthias

Moved backend.js back from <body> to <head>

Added possibility to add a backend_body.js to modules wich is then called in <body>

1081 2009-07-18 18:51 Matthias

Added more meta tags to backend themes

1009 2009-06-23 23:42 Matthias

-Moved styles from admin/pages/sections.php to sections.htt in backend themes (Thanks to Luisehahne)

- Moved javascript files from admin/pages/index.php to external js files (Thanks to Luisehahne)

- Major improovements and changes to all backend files to get more valide Code output (Thanks to Luisehahne)

979 2009-05-06 17:28 Matthias

Fixed bug with not always included stylesheets in backend (ticket #717)

944 2009-02-22 10:39 Matthias

added skinable Admin Interface

927 2009-02-14 23:08 doc

Added option to display user name on all backend sides

916 2009-01-22 19:28 doc

Added default target attribut to backend menu links

909 2009-01-13 20:08 doc

Added Javascript syntax highlighting framework EditArea as replacement for Codepress.

906 2009-01-08 23:43 doc

fixed error message in admin class if type array not defined

842 2008-05-04 21:58 thorn

changed register_backend_modfile() to work with wysiwyg-module, too

840 2008-04-26 16:31 thorn

class.admin.php deletes actual query-string while redirection. fixed.

794 2008-04-03 19:15 doc

updated edit module CSS functions to include backend.css into head if possible

749 2008-03-12 22:00 doc

Removed hardcoded /admin folder strings from WB core files where possible

745 2008-03-11 19:40 doc

fixed issue with WYSIWYG pages (appears if backend language and page frontend language differs)

742 2008-03-04 19:45 doc

fixed issue with smart view URL link

702 2008-02-17 14:46 doc

fixed language bug (backend language switched to the pages language viewed in frontend)

656 2008-02-01 23:53 thorn

Added some missing add_slashes(), get_post_escaped(), and strip_tags() for $_POST, $_GET and $_REQUEST-data. Also for $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].

621 2008-01-27 21:55 doc

introduced the WB 2.7 backend style developed by Michael Brinsteiner (escpro), thanks man

601 2008-01-26 13:07 doc

Added Javascript Admin module (developed by Stepan Riha, adapted for WB2.7 by Swen Uth)

555 2008-01-18 13:56 Matthias

Revoked parts of changeset [547] and again introduced changeset [540]

547 2008-01-17 20:38 Matthias

Reintroduced changes from changeset [520] and [540] wich where overwritten by changeset [546]

Revoked changeset [541] end removed all PAGE_EXTENSION variables and the related option in WB settings as this function only works on Apache Servers together with .htaccess and mod_rewrite...

546 2008-01-17 19:10 doc

added the "users in multiple groups" feature (closes parts of ticket #546)

536 2008-01-13 18:30 doc

Moved the admin tools from 'Settings' to the new section 'Admin-Tools'.

530 2008-01-12 17:39 doc

introduced smart URL detection for the 'View' menu in the WB backend (if page_id is set, redirect to this page instead of the root)

519 2007-12-23 15:37 Matthias

Changed all copyright notices to include now 2008

458 2007-05-12 20:14 doc

Added package which allows to integrate optional JS & CSS module files (frontend.css, frontend.js, backend.css, backend.js) into the <head> section of the HTML code. This allows developers to code modules which creates (X)HTML valid output.

404 2006-12-25 02:36 ryan

Updated links to Website Baker website

399 2006-12-24 08:50 Matthias

Added 2007 to all copyright notices
Added missing ID Keywords
Removed not Unix conform line endings

387 2006-12-20 23:03 Matthias

Fixed a little typo error in class.admin.php (#364)

321 2006-03-02 22:17 stefan

Fixed bugs in the new functions in class.admin.php.

318 2006-03-02 21:52 stefan

Added methods get_user_details, get_page_details, get_page_permission to class admin.

311 2006-02-19 06:39 ryan

Updated help links to use

310 2006-02-19 06:31 ryan

Updated all copyright notices to include 2006

291 2006-01-30 23:35 stefan

Character encoding setting also affects admin backend. Mentioned in ticket #102.

286 2006-01-23 22:15 stefan

Added an exit call after every heading("Location:...") redirector to prevent unwanted execution of code.

275 2006-01-14 22:50 stefan

Replace 'admin' by 'wb' in all account pages. Moved print_success and print_error code to class.wb.php. Added correct parameters to these functions in account pages.

239 2005-11-22 12:50 stefan

Fixed more inconsistencies regarding line endings and end-of-file newlines

127 2005-09-19 01:14 ryan

Updated "Help" link

106 2005-09-15 21:15 stefan

Renamed compatibility.php to frontend.functions.php.
Moved frontend functions from class frontend to frontend.functions.php.
Removed instances of strip_slashes_dummy. Replaced $this by $wb in a couple of places.
Created file initialize.php, where all initializations now take place (moved from class wb constructor).

95 2005-09-13 01:08 stefan

Moved settings from config.php into database.

55 2005-09-09 23:01 stefan

Removed initialize.php, moved initialization code to class wb constructor. Changed attribute no_default_content to default_block_content and changed behavior.

42 2005-09-07 23:10 stefan

Changed most occurrences of strip_slashes to new dummy method strip_slashes_dummy.

40 2005-09-07 21:22 stefan

Change addslashes,stripslashes to (wb class) method calls add_slashes,strip_slashes

36 2005-09-07 01:31 stefan

Created new stripslashes method in class wb. Changed stripslashes() calls to method calls.

18 2005-09-04 18:11 stefan

Added direct access redirection in framework files.

10 2005-09-04 10:59 ryan

Added the Id keyword for all files

5 2005-09-04 09:42 stefan

Restructured frontend code and fixed various bugs

4 2005-09-01 08:49 ryan

Initial import from CVS to Subversion of Website Baker 2.5.2