


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  account 850 over 16 years doc applied additional mail check to forgot login form
  admin 896 about 16 years Matthias modul_uninstall: Removed undefined and unused c...
  framework 886 about 16 years thorn fixed two issues with searchresult-highlighting...
  include 875 over 16 years thorn Module code: curly backets get deleted by ppars...
  install 871 over 16 years thorn added config for section anchor. ATTN: add "INS...
  languages 897 about 16 years Matthias added default new language variables to all lan...
  media 519 over 17 years Matthias Changed all copyright notices to include now 2008
  modules 892 about 16 years Matthias replaced in news modul special chars with entit...
  pages 519 over 17 years Matthias Changed all copyright notices to include now 2008
  search 881 over 16 years thorn search: replaced most of $string_ul_umlauts (fr...
  temp 519 over 17 years Matthias Changed all copyright notices to include now 2008
  templates 865 over 16 years doc updated basic templates according the template ...
config.php 8 Bytes 283 about 19 years stefan Once again reverted to correct config.php...
htaccess.txt 92 Bytes 556 about 17 years Matthias Added example .htaccess to parse .html files, f...
index.php 3.71 KB 883 over 16 years thorn added redirect-type (301/302) to menu_link
upgrade-script.php 5.34 KB 883 over 16 years thorn added redirect-type (301/302) to menu_link

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
897 2008-12-30 17:08 Matthias

added default new language variables to all language files

896 2008-12-30 16:26 Matthias

modul_uninstall: Removed undefined and unused constants (DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)

modul_uninstall: added language variable $TEXT['FILE'] instead of "Datei"

894 2008-12-29 11:41 aldus

remove debugging code

893 2008-12-29 11:35 aldus

added language-support for the error-messages
for the uninstall files for modules and templates.
update german languagefile with the new textes.

892 2008-12-29 09:47 Matthias

replaced in news modul special chars with entities to get valid output;
changed SESSION ID Separator from '&' to '&' to get valid output
Removed the <p> tag around the news as it is added from the editor
set version to 2.8 BETA

890 2008-12-28 15:11 aldus

Tcket #607: including the frontend.css in comment_page.php in the news-modules

889 2008-12-28 15:00 aldus

Tcket #610: add the IP-Address to the EMail-Body in the Form-Modul

888 2008-12-28 13:25 aldus

removed a query - the table isn't in wb2.7 anymore

887 2008-12-28 13:16 aldus

add 'order by name' to the select-query to display the admintools in alphabetic order.

886 2008-12-26 18:45 thorn

fixed two issues with searchresult-highlighting: do not highlight in

/-tags, do not convert &lt; to &amp;lt; anymore.

View revisions

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