


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  branches 837 almost 17 years ryan Created 2.7.x branch
  tags 838 almost 17 years ryan Created 2.7.0 tag
  trunk 892 about 16 years Matthias replaced in news modul special chars with entit...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
892 2008-12-29 09:47 Matthias

replaced in news modul special chars with entities to get valid output;
changed SESSION ID Separator from '&' to '&' to get valid output
Removed the <p> tag around the news as it is added from the editor
set version to 2.8 BETA

891 2008-12-28 15:35 aldus

update the changelog

890 2008-12-28 15:11 aldus

Tcket #607: including the frontend.css in comment_page.php in the news-modules

889 2008-12-28 15:00 aldus

Tcket #610: add the IP-Address to the EMail-Body in the Form-Modul

888 2008-12-28 13:25 aldus

removed a query - the table isn't in wb2.7 anymore

887 2008-12-28 13:16 aldus

add 'order by name' to the select-query to display the admintools in alphabetic order.

886 2008-12-26 18:45 thorn

fixed two issues with searchresult-highlighting: do not highlight in

/-tags, do not convert &lt; to &amp;lt; anymore.

885 2008-12-13 11:08 doc

changed mailer to not extract line break of alternative body text

884 2008-11-28 20:45 doc

updated output filter regex to exclude mail addresses contained in input fields

883 2008-11-27 22:58 thorn

added redirect-type (301/302) to menu_link

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