


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  languages 562 about 17 years Matthias Updated news modul with features from the advan...
add.php 3.11 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
add_group.php 1.82 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
add_post.php 2.08 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
backend.css 249 Bytes 562 about 17 years Matthias Updated news modul with features from the advan...
comment.php 2.99 KB 594 about 17 years thorn fixed bug in news module: Dont allow comments i...
comment_page.php 2.73 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
css.functions.php 4.12 KB 583 about 17 years doc Fixed bug with the edit module CSS file impleme...
delete.php 2.22 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
delete_comment.php 1.89 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
delete_group.php 1.69 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
delete_post.php 2.38 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
edit_css.php 4.79 KB 592 about 17 years doc fixed bug in Codepress integration (if codepres...
frontend.css 719 Bytes 562 about 17 years Matthias Updated news modul with features from the advan...
index.php 850 Bytes 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
info.php 1.09 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
install.php 6.72 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
modify.php 7.93 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
modify_comment.php 2.88 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
modify_group.php 3.54 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
modify_post.php 8.51 KB 571 about 17 years thorn adapted news-module to use the new jscalendar, ...
modify_settings.php 8.25 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
move_down.php 1.72 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
move_up.php 1.72 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
rss.php 3.05 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
save_comment.php 2.18 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
save_group.php 3.95 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
save_post.php 4.21 KB 567 about 17 years Matthias Fixed bug in news modul with missing variable P...
save_settings.php 2.96 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
search.php 3.72 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
submit_comment.php 3.34 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
uninstall.php 1.45 KB 563 about 17 years Matthias added again keywords to news modul files
view.php 15.4 KB 573 about 17 years thorn fixed E_NOTICE-warning in news-module (SECTION_ID)

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
594 2008-01-25 04:49 thorn

fixed bug in news module: Dont allow comments if commenting is disabled or post or post's group is inactive

592 2008-01-24 22:48 doc

fixed bug in Codepress integration (if codepress framework not installed)

583 2008-01-21 19:05 doc

Fixed bug with the edit module CSS file implementation (IE7, Opera)

573 2008-01-20 00:22 thorn

fixed E_NOTICE-warning in news-module (SECTION_ID)

571 2008-01-19 20:51 thorn

adapted news-module to use the new jscalendar, removed old one

567 2008-01-19 17:30 Matthias

Fixed bug in news modul with missing variable PAGE_DIRECTORY

563 2008-01-19 00:13 Matthias

added again keywords to news modul files

562 2008-01-19 00:07 Matthias

Updated news modul with features from the advanced news modul

554 2008-01-18 13:26 Matthias

Added keywords to new files

552 2008-01-18 02:56 thorn

added new module-based search-function and publish-by-date code

View revisions

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