


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
AccessFile.php 13.2 KB 1949 over 11 years darkviper updated for some corrections in class AccessFile
AccessFileHelper.php 4.32 KB 1976 over 11 years darkviper Packet AccessFile fixed indifferent handling of...
DseTwo.php 9.63 KB 1499 over 13 years DarkViper little fix in calling globalExceptionHandler fr...
LogfileDev.php 5.38 KB 1689 over 12 years darkviper fixed Errorhandling for old class.database
Password.php 9.47 KB 1964 over 11 years darkviper modified loading sequence of Password classes
PasswordHashInterface.php 1.49 KB 1932 over 11 years darkviper modified class Password for use with different ...
SecureForm.mtab.php 17.2 KB 1804 over 12 years Luisehahne # fixed Illegal string offset 'time' in \framew...
SecureForm.php 9.44 KB 1561 about 13 years Luisehahne secureForm Fix for hosting with load balancing
Translate.php 9.46 KB 1929 over 11 years darkviper added new method to class Translate. it gives p...
TranslateAdaptorInterface.php 1.39 KB 1873 almost 12 years darkviper some small fixes in packet Translate added opti...
TranslateAdaptorWb3Mysql.php 2.71 KB 1902 over 11 years darkviper added posssibility to use different adaptors fo...
TranslateAdaptorWbOldStyle.php 4.71 KB 1962 over 11 years darkviper package Translate: creating language path in Tr...
TranslationTable.php 8.42 KB 1902 over 11 years darkviper added posssibility to use different adaptors fo...
UpgradeHelper.php 2.24 KB 1965 over 11 years darkviper added framework/UpgradeHelper::getMissingTables...
WbAdaptor.php 6.8 KB 1879 almost 12 years darkviper protect magic setter to fix security issue in W...
WbAutoloader.php 1.41 KB 1870 almost 12 years Luisehahne # solved installation issues ! upgrade-script s...
WbDatabase.php 18 KB 1974 over 11 years darkviper /framework/WbDatabase fixed little problem wit... 10.5 KB 1499 over 13 years DarkViper little fix in calling globalExceptionHandler fr...
charsets_table.php 94.9 KB 1499 over 13 years DarkViper little fix in calling globalExceptionHandler fr...
class.admin.php 24.8 KB 1908 over 11 years Luisehahne ! class.admin.php corrected url_help, add Tr...
class.database.php 1.93 KB 1690 over 12 years darkviper ModLanguage modified for auto fallback to DEFAU...
class.frontend.php 16.1 KB 1872 almost 12 years Luisehahne # bugfix preferences timezone, date_format, tim...
class.login.php 14.8 KB 1834 about 12 years Luisehahne # fixed redirect checking in class.login.php
class.order.php 4.65 KB 1684 almost 13 years Luisehahne ! update upgrade-script, now don't overwrite ex...
class.wb.php 24.2 KB 1923 over 11 years darkviper syncronize project and some small typo correcti...
class.wbmailer.php 4.33 KB 1499 over 13 years DarkViper little fix in calling globalExceptionHandler fr...
frontend.functions.php 23.6 KB 1908 over 11 years Luisehahne ! class.admin.php corrected url_help, add Tr...
functions-utf8.php 16.6 KB 1499 over 13 years DarkViper little fix in calling globalExceptionHandler fr...
functions.php 50.2 KB 1978 over 11 years Luisehahne /framework/functions.php::rebuild_all_accessfil...
globalExceptionHandler.php 3.65 KB 1893 almost 12 years Luisehahne # little issue on handing the cache in Translat...
index.php 845 Bytes 1495 over 13 years DarkViper fix SQL-statements to SQL-strict
initialize.php 14.9 KB 1963 over 11 years darkviper adding SERVER_TIMEZONE to table settings insert...
module.functions.php 12.3 KB 1499 over 13 years DarkViper little fix in calling globalExceptionHandler fr...
msgQueue.php 1.57 KB 1709 over 12 years Luisehahne ! update folder framework class.login, admin/lo...
  • svn:ignore: JSIncluder.php Module SecFormNt.php

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
1978 2013-10-08 03:36 Luisehahne

/framework/functions.php::rebuild_all_accessfiles() output of detailed log corrected

1977 2013-10-06 00:19 Luisehahne

! /framework/functions.php: started implementation of packet AccessFile in function rebuild_all_accessfiles()
+ /framework/functions.php::rm_full_dir() added additional argument to set list of protected files
! integrate the new processes into the upgrade-script.php...

1976 2013-10-05 18:09 darkviper

Packet AccessFile fixed indifferent handling of './..' directory entries

1974 2013-10-04 01:35 darkviper

/framework/WbDatabase fixed little problem with multiple database connections

1965 2013-09-19 16:56 darkviper

added framework/UpgradeHelper::getMissingTables()
added alias framework/UpgradeHelper::getMissingTables() with existsAllTables()
added upgrade-script.php add loading class PasswordHash
update some corrections of typos in upgrade-sript.php

1964 2013-09-18 16:07 darkviper

modified loading sequence of Password classes

1963 2013-09-18 15:58 darkviper

adding SERVER_TIMEZONE to table settings
insert date_default_timezone_set( SERVER_TIMEZONE ) into /framework/initialize.php
some little optimations in update-script.php

1962 2013-09-18 15:26 darkviper

package Translate: creating language path in TranslateAdaptorWbOldStyle with modified admin-path fixed

1952 2013-08-12 01:05 darkviper

solved an autoloading problem on upgrade in /framework/Password.php

1949 2013-08-09 00:26 darkviper

updated for some corrections in class AccessFile

View revisions

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