


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
DseTwo.php 9.63 KB 1499 over 13 years DarkViper little fix in calling globalExceptionHandler fr...
LogfileDev.php 5.38 KB 1689 almost 13 years darkviper fixed Errorhandling for old class.database
ModLanguage.php 6.85 KB 1866 about 12 years Luisehahne # typofix in class TranslateTable ! framework/f...
PasswordHash.php 7.45 KB 1512 over 13 years darkviper settings for pwgen updated
SecureForm.mtab.php 17.2 KB 1804 over 12 years Luisehahne # fixed Illegal string offset 'time' in \framew...
SecureForm.php 9.44 KB 1561 about 13 years Luisehahne secureForm Fix for hosting with load balancing
Translate.php 8.39 KB 1882 about 12 years darkviper protect magic setter to fix security issue in T...
TranslateAdaptorInterface.php 1.39 KB 1873 about 12 years darkviper some small fixes in packet Translate added opti...
TranslateAdaptorWbOldStyle.php 3.84 KB 1873 about 12 years darkviper some small fixes in packet Translate added opti...
TranslationTable.php 8.28 KB 1873 about 12 years darkviper some small fixes in packet Translate added opti...
WbAdaptor.php 6.8 KB 1879 about 12 years darkviper protect magic setter to fix security issue in W...
WbAutoloader.php 1.41 KB 1870 about 12 years Luisehahne # solved installation issues ! upgrade-script s...
WbDatabase.php 15.2 KB 1866 about 12 years Luisehahne # typofix in class TranslateTable ! framework/f... 10.5 KB 1499 over 13 years DarkViper little fix in calling globalExceptionHandler fr...
charsets_table.php 94.9 KB 1499 over 13 years DarkViper little fix in calling globalExceptionHandler fr...
class.admin.php 24.7 KB 1811 over 12 years Luisehahne ! forgot to upload class.wb.php
class.database.php 1.93 KB 1690 almost 13 years darkviper ModLanguage modified for auto fallback to DEFAU...
class.frontend.php 16.1 KB 1872 about 12 years Luisehahne # bugfix preferences timezone, date_format, tim...
class.login.php 14.8 KB 1834 over 12 years Luisehahne # fixed redirect checking in class.login.php
class.order.php 4.65 KB 1684 almost 13 years Luisehahne ! update upgrade-script, now don't overwrite ex...
class.wb.php 23.4 KB 1872 about 12 years Luisehahne # bugfix preferences timezone, date_format, tim...
class.wbmailer.php 4.33 KB 1499 over 13 years DarkViper little fix in calling globalExceptionHandler fr...
frontend.functions.php 23.7 KB 1786 over 12 years Luisehahne # fixed double content
functions-utf8.php 16.6 KB 1499 over 13 years DarkViper little fix in calling globalExceptionHandler fr...
functions.php 47.7 KB 1871 about 12 years Luisehahne # bugfix Undefined variable: sName in .../frame...
globalExceptionHandler.php 3.63 KB 1808 over 12 years Luisehahne ! add ErrorMsgException in /framework/globalExc...
index.php 845 Bytes 1495 over 13 years DarkViper fix SQL-statements to SQL-strict
initialize.php 13 KB 1874 about 12 years darkviper some little typo fixes in initialize.php readCo...
module.functions.php 12.3 KB 1499 over 13 years DarkViper little fix in calling globalExceptionHandler fr...
msgQueue.php 1.57 KB 1709 over 12 years Luisehahne ! update folder framework class.login, admin/lo...
  • svn:ignore: JSIncluder.php Module SecFormNt.php

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
1882 2013-03-06 10:18 darkviper

protect magic setter to fix security issue in Translate

1879 2013-03-05 09:36 darkviper

protect magic setter to fix security issue in WbAdapter

1878 2013-03-05 08:18 darkviper

fixed PagesDir in WbAdaptor: no more single slash in this entry.

1874 2013-02-28 12:57 darkviper

some little typo fixes in initialize.php
readConfiguration() fixed in initialize.php

1873 2013-02-27 01:15 darkviper

some small fixes in packet Translate
added option to disable cache
added option to keep placeholders if no translation was found

1872 2013-02-25 12:48 Luisehahne
  1. bugfix preferences timezone, date_format, time_format settings, backend and frontend
1871 2013-02-23 23:11 Luisehahne
  1. bugfix Undefined variable: sName in .../framework/functions.php
  2. bugfix droplet ShowWysiwyg Undefined variable: module
1870 2013-02-21 19:07 Luisehahne
  1. solved installation issues
    ! upgrade-script sanitize pages_directory before creating access files
1866 2013-02-19 21:47 Luisehahne
  1. typofix in class TranslateTable
    ! framework/functions.php set function create_access_file to deprecated
    ! set ModLanguage.php to deprecated
    ! add methode escapeString to class WbDatabase
    ! update upgrade-script.php
    ! add getter property LastInsertId to class WbDatabase
1865 2013-02-19 17:56 darkviper

update initialize.php for changed Twig-dir and activated cache in Translate
initialize can handle now the new setup.ini format also.

View revisions

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