


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
BG.php 74.3 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
CA.php 37.4 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
CS.php 41.1 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
DA.php 36.9 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
DE.php 38.7 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
EN.php 34.4 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
ES.php 36.4 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
ET.php 35.3 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
FI.php 34.3 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
FR.php 40.2 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
HR.php 36.3 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
HU.php 41.6 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
IT.php 34.9 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
LV.php 35.7 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
NL.php 35.7 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
NO.php 35.9 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
PL.php 36 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
PT.php 37.9 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
RU.php 82.6 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
SE.php 35.6 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
SK.php 40.8 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
TR.php 39 KB 1672 almost 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars for signup
index.php 542 Bytes 1457 almost 14 years Luisehahne Preparing 2.8.2 stable, last tests 10.8 KB 1674 almost 13 years Luisehahne # fixed add-ons upload error (tks to DBS) + add...
  • svn:ignore: check_languages.php

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
1674 2012-04-20 20:50 Luisehahne
  1. fixed add-ons upload error (tks to DBS)
    + add tool_icon.png to core module
    ! update outpu_filter success an error messages
    ! small redesign wb_themes
  2. fixed fileformat to unix
1672 2012-04-18 22:53 Luisehahne

+ add languages vars for signup

1666 2012-04-17 14:15 Luisehahne

! update of installer and upgradescript for Revision 1664/1665
+ add fields page_icon, menu_icon_0, menu_icon_1 to pages
+ add settings values dev_infos and page_icon_dir
! update languages files

1661 2012-04-11 01:45 Luisehahne

add new language vars

1654 2012-04-01 01:12 Luisehahne

Fixed SERVER_EMAIL in languages, needs double brackets
Installer redesign Step 2

1645 2012-03-22 21:13 Luisehahne

+ add language variable for template details

1636 2012-03-09 15:30 Luisehahne

+ add missing language variables for the theme handling

1634 2012-03-09 03:20 Luisehahne

! update language files and rework some core files (read DEVINFOS)
! compress mdcr.js
+ add DEVINFOS Instructions/Informations for modulecoder

1573 2012-01-16 03:01 Luisehahne

+ add automatically generated e-mail language form variable
! send confirmation mail with details to superadmin from SERVER_EMAIL
! send confirmation mail without details to sender from SERVER_EMAIL

1564 2012-01-06 14:10 Luisehahne

entities fixes in FI and TR languages files (Tks to Ruebenwurzel)

View revisions

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