wb-archiv283/branches/2.8.x/wb/install @ 1686
Name | Size | Revision | Age | Author | Comment |
background.png | 630 Bytes | 1608 | about 13 years | Luisehahne | A small optical correction of the installer. |
index.php | 21.2 KB | 1654 | almost 13 years | Luisehahne | Fixed SERVER_EMAIL in languages, needs double b... |
logo.png | 26.7 KB | 1608 | about 13 years | Luisehahne | A small optical correction of the installer. |
save.php | 28.2 KB | 1686 | almost 13 years | darkviper | some modifications concerning the new autoloade... |
stylesheet.css | 3.45 KB | 1608 | about 13 years | Luisehahne | A small optical correction of the installer. |
- svn:ignore: extractGlobalLanguage.php
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