search will show email-addresses, even if email-filter is activated (on page with highlighting). Fixed.
Added missing text in languages files for jscalendar
fixed wrong redirect in /admin/images
fixed path in jscalendar-css
Settings: pages-directory '/' will be converted to '' (empty string) on save.Changed last remaining call to my_htmlspecialchars() to htmlspecialchars()
Added some missing add_slashes(), get_post_escaped(), and strip_tags() for $_POST, $_GET and $_REQUEST-data. Also for $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].
Added default index.php to all folders to prevent directory spoofing
Fixed possible XSS-vulnerability in wb/search/search.php
Adjusted clock-red icon to match wb colors
captcha admin-tool: fixed display-issue with Firefox.
Fixed parent dropdown in admin/pages/settings.php, too.
admin/pages: the parent dropdown-list showed foreign private pages, too. Fixed.
Improved ASP in news-module.
Added multi-group to upgrade-script. Did some minor changes in upgrade-script.
fixed bug with text Captcha (input restricted to 10 characters) and a small layout issue
registered pages didn't appear in menu. fixed.
added keyword id
Updated upgrade-script.
Had to fix some strtotime()-related issues in admin/pages/sections and module news to use with PHP4.
Added missing field to table mod_captcha_control in upgrade-script
Removed debug-output and doubled comments from framework/functions.php
Text-captcha: moved text-file to database.
Security bugfix: Text file for text-captcha was readable from everywhere. Text-captcha: empty line in test file, following a question, was accepted as answer. Fixed.
Allow a user-supplied From-Name in form-settings for email und success-email.
fixed issue with top bar icon alt tag
fixed WARNING-message about possibly not defined constant
Added missing keyword Id
Replaced all special chars in language files with htmlentities or unicode.
Added some missing lines in language files.
added some more backend layout modifications, corrected bug in NL.php language file
added missing session cookie forgotten in Changeset 593
changeset 627: menu_link and search/search.php needs some minor changes, too.
Text-CAPTCHA: uses return() instead of exit() in case of error.
added possibility to select the default backend language during installation process
Text-CAPTCHA: added description how to input questions and answers.
Re-introduced Changeset 593 (filename in pages/ from page_title instead of menu_title)
Fixed some bugs in the Javascript Admin module
fixed possible E_NOTICE-warning
Added Text-CAPTCHA on request. The captcha-text will be stored in temp/.captcha_text.txt
fixed CSS background color of the installer CSS
replaced static text line with variable text from language file
introduced the WB 2.7 backend style developed by Michael Brinsteiner (escpro), thanks man
some cleanup in news-module (ASP related).
adjusted layout of calc_text-captcha.
Module form: user supplied input isn't lost on captcha-failure anymore
added keyword id to new file;
fixed spelling error in german language file of captcha modul
Added new CAPTCHA (calc_ttf_image). Changed call_captcha() to output a table-layout. Some minor changes to captcha-code.
added default language for users to avoid empty language fields
Fixed some spelling errors in german language file
Module form: dropdown "success page" listed foreign private pages, too. Fixed.
CAPTCHA ttf_image: added variant. Adjusted character-pool and one background for better readability.
Added preview-images for CAPTCHA. Improved security: CAPTCHAS can't be loaded from outside WB
fixed bug in Javascript Admin module
Added new language files
removed forgotten debug output
fixed some issues with CAPTCHA and ASP: Adjusted baseline of '*' in supplyed fonts to meet baseline of numbers. Added counter to ttf_image generation-loop. Removed now unneeded GD-lib checks. Improved ASP in news-module.
removed some wrong set keywords
Added keywords to files where they are missing
changed WYSIWYG content field from text to longtext (allows more than 65'534 characters)
Added Javascript Admin module (developed by Stepan Riha, adapted for WB2.7 by Swen Uth)
module news: added publish_until field to control the visibility of a news-posting by date and time
ttf-CAPTCHA: check if string is completely inside the image.
Added strongly "condensed" fonts with many intersections for ttf-CAPTCHA as default fonts. It should be very difficult for spam-bots to recognize intersected characters.
added new CAPTCHA and ASP (Advanced Spam Protection)
Removed changes introduced with Changeset 593 (need to agree if we want add this to the core with WB2.7)
fixed bug in news module: Dont allow comments if commenting is disabled or post or post's group is inactive
Generate filename in pages/ from page_title instead of menu_title.
fixed bug in Codepress integration (if codepress framework not installed)
added language support to all integrated modules (except for news and form module)
fixed another E_NOTICE warning
Added German language file for WB 2.7
Added multi-lingual Admin tool description. Moved Admin tool language text from global language file to module language files. Added function get_variable_content to allow extraction of variable without including files.
Added keywords to new mail filter files
added second icon to calendar-fields in manage-sections to empty date-fields. Changed calendar-icon to clock-icon. Added new icon (clock_del_16.png) to images.
Removed the manage section icon from the page admin (sections managed by publish by date function).
Fixed bug with the edit module CSS file implementation (IE7, Opera)
fixed bug in changeset 581 (reverts most of it)
Unique session-identifier for each website baker installation. fixes #354
upgrade-script.php: added code to upgrade menu_links
upgrade-script.php: fixed mysql_error() handling. added code to update menu_links (partly finished)
fixed a typo in upgrade-script.php
Fixed E_NOTICE error in save.php (onl if input data from WB Installer was wrong).
Added the new admin tool email output filter which allows to transform emails before displaying them on the frontend
module menu_link: after adding a menu_link, the anchor dropdown shows "#"; fixed
updated admin/pages/sections.php to changed jscalendar-api from changeset 571
fixed E_NOTICE-warning in news-module (SECTION_ID)
Added keywords to new files
adapted news-module to use the new jscalendar, removed old one
Some minor changes. Reduced success time out, set WYSIWSY background colgor to white, fixed some errors in the form module (only in conjunction with E_ALL)
Module code: curly backets get deleted by pparse() from phplib. fixes #553
Added support to configure the mailer settings via the backend
Fixed bug in news modul with missing variable PAGE_DIRECTORY
upgrade-script: added code to convert old menu_links to new ones (partly)
Module menu_link: added dropdown-listbox to select anchor
changed version number of form modul
added again keywords to news modul files
Updated news modul with features from the advanced news modul
added keywords again to form modul files
Updated form modul with features from the advanced form modul