re-introduced bugfix of Changeset 472 (fixes ticket 402) accidentally removed by Changeset 529 (enhanced pages admin)
Moved the admin tools from 'Settings' to the new section 'Admin-Tools'.
Bug fix for ticket 525. Prevents that installed modules with identical version are updated again.
corrected link in /admin/login/template.html and increased redirection timer for success messages
updated PHPMailer framework to version 2.0.0 (/include/phpmailer)
this bugfix closes ticket 412 (direct call of admin/settings/save.php clears database)
Fixed error with redirection to admin panel after installation due to already defined constant VERSION (redirection fails if PHP errors/warnings are displayed).
introduced smart URL detection for the 'View' menu in the WB backend (if page_id is set, redirect to this page instead of the root)
introduced the enhanced pages admin dialogue developed by icouto
Added the FCKEditor module files missing in Changeset 527 (/modules/fckeditor)
Added FCKEditor as the new default WYSIWYG editor (htmlarea removed from the package)
Added constants MOD_FRONTEND_CSS_REGISTERED and MOD_FRONTEND_JAVASCRIPT_REGISTERED to function frontend.functions.php to allow modules to check if the register_frontend_modfiles function is invoked from the index.php of the current template.
Added new version again
Delete codepress because of SVN errors
- Update codepress to Version 0.9.6- Update phplib to Version 7.4a
Upgrade pclzip to the newer more php5 complaint version 2.6, see ticket #526
Fixed #542 (thanks to Thorn)
Changed all copyright notices to include now 2008
Edited CHANGELOG and set version to 2.6.7
Fixed a typo in /framework/frontend.functions.php cause that websites using the new register_frontend_modifles() functions implemented with v2.6.6 do not validate
Added missing converting file for changeset [504]
Fixed converting issue with some ISO-charsets and speeded up converting on large pages (thanks to Thorn)
Fixed bug where error message not displayed when script fails to create a page
Fixed bug with settings2.php and page extensions
Fixed bug introduced in [484]
fixed issue with special chars in news feed
Fixed search issue if single quotes and double quotes are not stored as entities (Thanks to thorn)
Fixed issue with escaped single and double quotes in search result (Thanks to thorn)
Fixed issue with escaped single quotes in pagenames generation (thanks to thorn)
Fixed bug in search wich displays not all hits
Fixes an issue with changing the menu_title also changes the page name in the /pages dir;Now page name only changes if page_title is changed and menu_title is independent from page_title and page name.
Again fixed some issues with search results page on some php4 servers (Thanks to thorn)
Fixed ticket #396;search result displays private and registered pages to not logged in users.Thanks to thorn
speeded up highlighting on big WYSIWYG pages;fixed: '>' wasn't shown in highlighting result;Thanks to thorn
Added function wich replaces mbstring cause this seems not to work properly on some php4 versions (Thanks to thorn)
Fixed again bug in search with some html tags (Thanks to thorn)
fixed ticket #402 Thanks to Thorn
Fixed ticket #390
Fixed bug in search with some html tags (Thanks to thorn)
fixed ticket #401
Fixed some possible page crashes wich are caused from php if strlen is used (see and and for this) Thanks to Thorn
Added support for ISO-8859-6. WB now fully supports UTF8 and all ISO charsets except ISO-2022-JP and ISO-2022-KR. This languages only can be used with UTF8.
Added svn:executable to new files
Added package which allows to integrate optional JS & CSS module files (frontend.css, frontend.js, backend.css, backend.js) into the <head> section of the HTML code. This allows developers to code modules which creates (X)HTML valid output.
Added new functions page_css and page_javascript to the built in templates
Added search highlight class to css files of the built in templates
Added wrapper to functions.php if mb_string is not available
Added Changeset [417] again to the trunk because removing it from the branches also removed it from the trunk
Edited CHANGELOG and set version to 2.6.6
Removed changeset [417] from the 2.6.x branches because it is for WB 2.7.x versions
Fixed ticket #392; root_parent not being set correctly (Thanks to eggsurplus)
Optimized search and highlighting funktions
Fixed a bug in menulink; if you deleted a menulink page the linked page was also deleted in the pages directory (Special thanks to "Funky_MF" for the fix)
Fixed issues with some languages when UTF8 is used.Removed all htmlentites from the code (revoked changeset [396]) and added new functions instead.Adapted the search and the highlighting to use the new functions.With this changes WB can now be used with charset UTF8 for all languages.
Added multilingual support to the search;Fixed ticket #385;
changed MODULE_DESCRIPTION variable to module_description as we use in the modules languages also the lowercase version
Fixed some issues in search highlighting function (Thanks to thorn)
Added new function for highlighting search results in the content area; Fixed some issues in search with special chars; (Special thanks to "thorn" and "Funky_MF")
Fixed bug in changeset 428 (page files were not removed from the /pages folder when deleting files from the backend due to a typo in wb/framework/function.php).
Added functions page_css() and page_javascript() to frontend.functions.php. Function include link references in the head section to the optional module.css and module.js files.
Suppressed PHP warnings and errors when reading empty intro.php
Applied fix to allow parsing of PHP code in the intro page (/pages/intro.php)
Security enhancement (reduced number of login trials from 50 to 3).
Fixed wrong error message in form modul
fixed typo in changeset [428]
Fixed ticket #380 (Thanks to pcwacht)
Added new variable $MODULE_DESCRIPTION wich allows to have optional a language specific description of the modules in the language files of the modules.
Fixed "REMEMBER_KEY" Cookie SQL Injection security issue (#376)
Updated some core files to allow the configuration of PHPMailer via the admin settings panel instead of config.php. PHPMailer related settings are now stored in the Website Baker database. The following settings can be configured:SMTP-host, SMTP-authentification , SMTP-password and SMTP-username.
Fixed issue in the search table entries of form modul
Fixed some bugs in rss.php
Fixed error when uninstalling the news modul
Added Id keywords to all missing files
Added the Id keyword to class.wbmailer.php
Fixed issue with Permissions for pages sections
Fixed form modul stores empty records
Removed mention of GMX name
Updated installation footer
Updated links to Website Baker website
Fixed bug in installer
Removed use of GMX name in installation
Fixed some minor javascript errors in admin (thanks to pcwacht)
Fixed root_parent doesn't get updated when moving item in menu (#305)
Added 2007 to all copyright noticesAdded missing ID KeywordsRemoved not Unix conform line endings
Fixed IE allows to set a page as parent of itself (#320)
Fixed a small IE layout issue in adminActualized CHANGELOG
Fixed problem with Page Title has to be escaped (#287)
Fixed the possibility to call the index.php of the templates directly in the browser (#291)
Added id keyword to new file class.wbmailer.php
Fixed missing message when adding a site without page title (#300)
Code cleaning and fixing two issues in save_group.php
Fixed bug #346 with captcha script
Return to Search Results Page (#365)
Removed changeset 365 because it is for WB 2.7.xChanged version to 2.6.5Completed CHANGELOG
Fixed a little typo error in class.admin.php (#364)
Added phpmailer class (thanks to doc)
Added Remember-expanded-pages-in-admin (thanks to ephraimt)
Added List sorting in admin area (thanks to rsmith)
Fixed Captcha error when adding comment to news (#358)
Fixed table width 100% are wrong displayed in container templates when IE is used (#350)
Fixed large space between menupoints in IE (#349)