Re-introduced Changeset 593 (filename in pages/ from page_title instead of menu_title)
Removed changes introduced with Changeset 593 (need to agree if we want add this to the core with WB2.7)
Generate filename in pages/ from page_title instead of menu_title.
Module menu_link: added dropdown-listbox to select anchor
fixed two issues with menu_link: adding a menu_link as first page did not worked; and an E_NOTICE-warning
module menu_link: fixed page-deleteing-bug and some odd behavior, added table mod_menu_link
Changed all copyright notices to include now 2008
Added 2007 to all copyright noticesAdded missing ID KeywordsRemoved not Unix conform line endings
Changed link target selection. Now: self, top, new. Ticket #145
Updated all copyright notices to include 2006
Removed strip_slashes_dummy.
Moved all modules,templates, and languages into previous locations
Temporarily moved addons folder
Moved Menu Link module
Changed most occurrences of strip_slashes to new dummy method strip_slashes_dummy.
Change addslashes,stripslashes to (wb class) method calls add_slashes,strip_slashes
Created new stripslashes method in class wb. Changed stripslashes() calls to method calls.
Added the Id keyword for all files
Initial import from CVS to Subversion of Website Baker 2.5.2