! [wblink] outputfilter now can handle ancors too! WbLink Interface is much more easier to use now.
+ added new Interface usable to connect from WYSIWYG-Editor to all Modules with subitems like news or topics
! /modules/news/upgrade.php optimize add and modify field tables, rebuild message! /modules/news/modify_post.php and modify_post.php check posts folder if not exists then create! /upgrade-script.php add ModuleReorgAbstract calling the Reorg Accessfiles from modules
+ /module/news/WbLink.php added Interface class to module news! ../fck_wbmodules.php & ../wbmodules.htt modified link generation for news module
fixed /news/Reorg::deleteAll() typofixupdate ModuleReorgAbstract::__construct() set to final
added /framework/ModuleReorgAbstract provides the basics for modul depending reorganisation classesupdate /modules/news/Reorg now extends ModuleReorgAbstractfixed problem with empty directories fixedupdate /modules/news/upgrade.php // rebuild all access files fixed
! /modules/news/Reorg.php completely recoded using class AccessFile()! /modules/news/upgrade.php add accessfile report to output details in upgrade-script.php! /modules/news/save_post.php search for missing accessfile folder and create missing one
/news/add.php insert missing [SHORT] tag/news/view.php new placeholder [POST_ID] for use in post-loop added
/news/add.php fixed some little HTML syntax bugs
class AccessFile implemented in modules/news
! /modules/news/ beginning beginning recoding replacing absolute MediaUrl with place holder
! update jsadmin module and set Version to 1.4.1! update news module and set Version to 3.8.7
! fix news reorg.php to be backward compatible slash settings
! change mysql_esc_string to WbDatabase::getInstance()->escapeStrinng()
! recoded module news,form,wysiwyg upgrade to work with upgrade-script
! update headerinfo! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays
Fixed SERVER_EMAIL in languages, needs double bracketsInstaller redesign Step 2
! update language files and rework some core files (read DEVINFOS)! compress mdcr.js+ add DEVINFOS Instructions/Informations for modulecoder
rebuild protectfile in pages/posts
news: added sql-dump to create database tables, some little fixes in install/upgrade
did some changes and fixes found by testers
! add table db engine in module install scripts! some small updates in modules
rename config.php.bak to config.php.newfixed rss.php SERVER_EMAIL
move fixes 2.8.2 to 2.8.3fixes will be shown in an extra readmean package with the fixed files will be createdfor all users who downloaded the 2.8.2 before 29 Jul-2011
! update DA language (Tks to Achrist)! update some languages variables (Tks to Rübenwurzel, Testör)! move function url_encode from admin/pages to framework/functions.php ! add missing svn properties in some headerinfos! font-size correction in wb_theme (Tks to Rübenwurzel)
found more backlinks to fixremove not working ftan in frontendfixed redirect in login procedure (Tks to mr-fan)update droplet LoginBox, additional parameter $redirectremove double config call in media (Tks to Testör)
Ticket 833 fixed markup for table cells in view.phpchange themes.css to make style more flexible in success.htt and error.httbackend themes: add js function redirect_to_page(url, timer) to redirect without message
Preparing 2.8.2 stable, last tests
add PL languages to news and captcha_control (tks to vixrealitum)update PL language for WebsiteBaker (tks to vixrealitum)
bug fixed in class.database.php methode field_add in call field_existsupdate search, pls test, (Tks to Thorn)
redefined wrong admin backlinks
YGN Ethical Hacker Group (2.8.2 / 2.9.0)
fixed headerinfos
update headerinfos
add ini_set('display_errors', 1) (Tks to Thorn)update headerinfos
to hold content, install don't drop existing tables (code, form, menu_link, news, wrapper, wysiwyg) otherwise do it with uninstall
continue update headertextTicket #930 disabled SyntaxHighlighter from default WB Installationchange help url to www.websitebaker2.org
continue update headertext
Ticket #927 news module language file in swedishupdate headertext
update headertext
Ticket #921 Update EditArea frameworkfix stylings wb_theme, fix upgradescript
update header info
update header info, change unknown user to guest in all languages
update few header info
fix open_basedir restriction in effect in save_post.php
fix show date if only short content
Ticket #894: Bugfixes in newsmodule > rss.php
Ticket #890 fixed visability proprty uses non valid value 'none'
updated module info.php (Thanks to Waldschwein)
added old version of fancybox.jsrename new version fancybox added missing language variables in newsmodul, still needed to translate
update jquery fancybox from 1.0 to 1.2.1 add fancybox imagefolder incl. fancybox.css
small update upgrade.php to reset newsfiles to created dates
add upgrade.php to reset newsfiles to created dates
Ticket #770, #785, #792, #807, #809, fixes and recoded the news module
Created 2.8.x branch
Fixed bug in news modul introduced in changeset [1057]
Fixed again some bugs in news modul (ticket #756) (Thanks to Aldus and Luisehahne)
Updated Danish language Files (Thanks to Achrist)
fixed some smaller issues in rss.php (Thanks to Kibmcz)
- Added Danish language files to modules (Thanks to Achrist)
- Updated Danish language file (Thanks to Achrist)
- Again added some & to news and form to get more valid output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
-Fixed wrong set </form> tag to get valid output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Fixed E_ALL notice in news/view.php
replaced in form and news delimiter "&" with "&" was introduced with changeset [1069] but didn't work on all servers
replaced all remaining mktime() with time(), except from third party scripts
Fixed some validiation bugs in core and different modules (Thanks to luisehahne)
fixed display issue of jscalendar in news modul (Thanks to Aldus)
Fixed some validiation bugs in news modul (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Changes on the news-modul: uninstall.php, add.php and view.php. See changlog for details.
The news module post_title link made unclickable when there is no full post.
Added a better option to hide the READ_MORE link in the news module. (ticket #739)
Bugfix for ticket #725 (newsmodul)
fixed small typo introduced in changeset [982]
Fixed some strange backend layout issues (ticket #722)
Updated Dutch language files for modules (Thanks to LuckyLuke)
Updated again Norsk language File (Thanks to oeh)
Updated French language files (Thanks to Quinto and VotreEspace)
fixed wrong path to images in news and form modul
corrected info.php of news-modul
restore view.php to the running version of 944;changes of 946 are obsolete to this file - upload by mistake
Bugfix inside news-modul: publish-date isn't display in the detail view.Modify error.htt template for valid xhtml-output.
Copyright notices now includes 2009
added French languages to modules
added hour and minute support to default published_when field in news modul
changed handling of post_date in news modul (thanks to susigross)
Add time-check to the MySQL Query inside rss.php to avoid the problems described in #609
made news Modul multilingual, see ticket #676 (some additional translations are needed)
fixed bug in view.php of news module ( #676 Thanks to susigross)
fixed another bug in view.php of news modul introduced in changeset [892]
replaced in news modul special chars with entities to get valid output;changed SESSION ID Separator from '&' to '&' to get valid outputRemoved the <p> tag around the news as it is added from the editorset version to 2.8 BETA
Tcket #607: including the frontend.css in comment_page.php in the news-modules