


| Revision:
  • svn:ignore: dummy_150.jpg dummy_150.png dummy_300.jpg dummy_300.png index.php screens

# Date Author Comment
2070 2014-01-03 02:21 darkviper

! update revision properties for all files
- include/Sensio/Twig remove Version 1.13.2

2041 2013-12-18 02:10 Luisehahne

- /media/~dummy.git
+ /media/favicon.ico
- /pages/~dummy.git
+ /pages/favicon.ico

1959 2013-08-16 08:59 darkviper

added ~dummy.git files to include empty directories in git-hub zipfiles

1641 2012-03-22 04:28 Luisehahne

+ move admin/themes/templates/ to admin/skel/themes/htt/
! and update class.wb.php, upgrade-script.php

1634 2012-03-09 03:20 Luisehahne

! update language files and rework some core files (read DEVINFOS)
! compress mdcr.js
+ add DEVINFOS Instructions/Informations for modulecoder

1627 2012-03-01 00:54 Luisehahne
1625 2012-02-29 01:50 Luisehahne

! update correct_theme_source and fixed the call in all files

1529 2011-11-25 06:03 Luisehahne

add new backend theme handling (Tks to Stefek)

1457 2011-06-25 19:18 Luisehahne

Preparing 2.8.2 stable, last tests

1136 2009-08-15 11:19 kweitzel

Created 2.8.x branch

915 2009-01-21 20:27 Matthias

Copyright notices now includes 2009

519 2007-12-23 15:37 Matthias

Changed all copyright notices to include now 2008

399 2006-12-24 08:50 Matthias

Added 2007 to all copyright notices
Added missing ID Keywords
Removed not Unix conform line endings

10 2005-09-04 10:59 ryan

Added the Id keyword for all files

4 2005-09-01 08:49 ryan

Initial import from CVS to Subversion of Website Baker 2.5.2