Ticket #869 Droplet-Engine does'nt work in some casecontinue update header info
Ticket #911 continue to fix CSS-errors in WB backend
Created 2.8.x branch
Added some missing variables to backend_themes (Thanks to Stefek)
Codechanges using blocks to avoid to generate the "switch"-link right-top, if the user has no permission to edit the other one.
Major fixes on backend to get XHTML valid output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
added skinable Admin Interface
Bugfix for ticket #680: change the condition-test to get rid of the utf-8 problematic if the languange contains entities on the button-label.
Copyright notices now includes 2009
Moved the admin tools from 'Settings' to the new section 'Admin-Tools'.
Changed all copyright notices to include now 2008
Added 2007 to all copyright noticesAdded missing ID KeywordsRemoved not Unix conform line endings
Updated all copyright notices to include 2006
Fixed more inconsistencies regarding line endings and end-of-file newlines
Fixed minor bugs with template and module permissions on groups
Implemented new module type 'tool'. Added setting section 'Tools' (advanced). Removed possibility to set permissions for all module types other than 'page'.
Reduced redundant initialization code, removed further 'CVS' occurrences. Made $admin accessible in page_content function.
Added the Id keyword for all files
Initial import from CVS to Subversion of Website Baker 2.5.2