! during Reformat/rebuild all existing access files in upgrade-script root_parent will be set to page_id! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays in framework/functions.php
! forgot to upload the install.php from wysiwyg modul in Revision 1756! correcting some more SEC_ANCHOR
! update wysiwyg install.php, now using methode SqlImport from WBDatabase
! update upgrade-script, see Revsion 1735
! forgot to upload CHANGELOG and version.php
3th party class idna_convert updated to version 0.8.0
! add div container in page_content for each sections,! update droplets SectionPicker, ShowWysiwyg and ShowRandomWysiwyg! put sec_anchor in this div, sec_anchor fixed in all found files sec_anchor default now set to "section_", sec_anchor can't be empty for future developement
! styling permissions blocks in page settings by backend theme css
! Now you can style account login with your frontend Template CSS this change is in work for the whole account
! update jquery ui to version 1.8.23
! remove folder structure in zip file for backup droplets
! replace more invalid char in secureform.mtab to work with settings_page
+ forgot the jquery version.txt
! update jquery to version 1.8.1
+ add Page extended to settings, ! to show experten mode in page settings! shows some more settings like icon dir
! change redirect logic for registered pages
! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays! change message if uploaded file exists
+ add missing preferences rights for sysadmin in install
! FCKEditor remove som php endtags in connector
! update headerinfo! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays
! update droplets uninstall, upgrade! add $database=WbDatabase::getInstance();! update /examples/
! forgot some files in folder admin
! update module form! not auth users get no confirmation mail, but can print message! add replyto to received messages, so answer is possible by e-mail client! add pagination to submissionlist
! remove html markup from code to a template
! update folder admin/addons admin/skel/htt
! update folder admin/start, admin/admintools, admin/skel/htt
! update folder admin/groups, admin/users, admin/skel/htt
! update folder framework class.login, admin/login, admin/skel/htt
! update folder admin/pages, admin/skel/htt! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays! change default templates, change code to new templates
! update headerinfo! change os_version request if os is not windows
+ add overlib_mini.js to include/jquery/ will be needed for help
! /framework/class.frontend.php! set $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'] to WB_URL if menu url is a registered page! set some header("Location:.. to new method send_header(
! /framework/frontend.functions! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays! method page_content, add parameter $echo true to print $content, false return $content
! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays+ add variables for backend-menu, header.htt and footer.htt
! Fixed IDKEY in Secureform.mtab to solve issues whith Security warnings ! on pages that used a lot of IDKEYS. (fixed by NorHei)
! optimize some methods+ add method send_header, replace header('Location:... with new method+ if header send failed you get a manuell redirected link, so script don't break
+ add var $iPhpDeclaredClasses = sizeof(get_declared_classes() set by PHP in initialize.php
corrected pageID in forwarding links and changed request of permission to ami_group_member() and is_group_match()
ModLanguages:: fixed the order of loading languages
ModLanguage modified for auto fallback to DEFAULT_LANGUAGEglobalExceptionHandler added AppException, SecurityException, SecDirectoryTraversalExceptionErrormessage for old class.database modified
fixed Errorhandling for old class.database
! update upgrade-script first remove access files in an existing pages folder before rebuilding them ! for security upgrade don't remove access files in root
Drop tables in installer fixedTwig_Autoloader activated
some modifications concerning the new autoloaderTwig Template engine v.1.7.0some droplets actualisizedunfinished changes in installer
last fixes for use of page_icon s.o.
! update upgrade-script, now don't overwrite existings values in settings+ add field tooltip to table pages in installer! change some module tool_icon.png (Tks to Stefek) ! add date_time string to backup_droplets.zip- search and comment out founded require_once(WB_PATH."/framework/class.database.php"); ...
changed class Database into a Singleton-Classadded forgotten 'static' keyword in ModLanguageremoved version control from sm2 - include.php
some little corrections ModLanguage/Database/initialize.php
reorganisation of default theme of page-settingsadded menu_icon_0 and menu_icon_1update show_menu2 to handle the new icon fields (see README.de|en.txt)add new droplet 'iParentIcon' for use with the new iconsadded new module-depending language files (not complete yet) in admin/pages
renamed file class.database.php to Database.phprenamed class database into Databaseclasses SecurityException and SecDirectoryTraversalException added in globalExceptionHandler.phpCoreAutoloader() added in initialize.phpnew Constants 'WB_REL' and 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' in initialize.php...
add tool_icon.png to admintools
! preparing new groups management and page settings! upgrade-script insert or update page access files
! fixed signup, remove $admin->print_error methods+ add send registation mail to systemadministartor
+ add languages vars for signup
fixes installer and upgrade-script
added new global exceptionhandler (class AppException)
little fixes in /admin/addons/reload.php
! settigs.php add fields dev_infos and page_icon_dir+ add developer info to footer! update class.admin.php, footer.htt
add folder /templates/round/title_images to work with page_icon
! update of installer and upgradescript for Revision 1664/1665+ add fields page_icon, menu_icon_0, menu_icon_1 to pages+ add settings values dev_infos and page_icon_dir! update languages files
update page_settings - CSS for wb_theme and argos_theme (for Rev.1664)
added additional rights for AdminUsers/ViewerUsers in /pages/page_settings/pages/settings2.php renamed into /pages/settings_save.php
update round print.css for better output
added new getter 'getQueryCount' in class database
add new language vars
more validation fixes in backend (Tks to Ruebenwurzel)
fixed alternating row styles in droplet listing
some validation fixes in backend
fixed filter to serve malformed/nested HTML also.
add replyto to form module (see DEVINFOS)
Fixed SERVER_EMAIL in languages, needs double bracketsInstaller redesign Step 2
fixed change_mode() against a very old problem with invalid calling arguments