Revision 909
Added by doc about 16 years ago
trunk/CHANGELOG | ||
13 | 13 |
------------------------------------- 2.8.0 -------------------------------------- |
14 | 14 |
13-Jan-2009 Christian Sommer |
15 | 15 |
! updated external PHPMailer class to latest version (v2.0.3) |
16 |
+ added Javascript syntax highlighting framework EditArea as replacement for Codepress |
16 | 17 |
08-Jan-2009 Christian Sommer |
17 | 18 |
# fixed error message in admin class if type array not defined |
18 | 19 |
05-Jan-2009 Dietrich Roland Pehlke |
trunk/wb/include/editarea/reg_syntax/html.js | ||
1 |
/* |
2 |
* last update: 2006-08-24 |
3 |
*/ |
4 |
5 |
editAreaLoader.load_syntax["html"] = { |
6 |
7 |
,'COMMENT_MULTI' : {'<!--' : '-->'} |
8 |
,'QUOTEMARKS' : {1: "'", 2: '"'} |
9 |
10 |
,'KEYWORDS' : { |
11 |
} |
12 |
13 |
] |
14 |
15 |
] |
16 |
,'REGEXPS' : { |
17 |
'doctype' : { |
18 |
'search' : '()(<!DOCTYPE[^>]*>)()' |
19 |
,'class' : 'doctype' |
20 |
,'modifiers' : '' |
21 |
,'execute' : 'before' // before or after |
22 |
} |
23 |
,'tags' : { |
24 |
'search' : '(<)(/?[a-z][^ \r\n\t>]*)([^>]*>)' |
25 |
,'class' : 'tags' |
26 |
,'modifiers' : 'gi' |
27 |
,'execute' : 'before' // before or after |
28 |
} |
29 |
,'attributes' : { |
30 |
'search' : '( |\n|\r|\t)([^ \r\n\t=]+)(=)' |
31 |
,'class' : 'attributes' |
32 |
,'modifiers' : 'g' |
33 |
,'execute' : 'before' // before or after |
34 |
} |
35 |
} |
36 |
,'STYLES' : { |
37 |
'COMMENTS': 'color: #AAAAAA;' |
38 |
,'QUOTESMARKS': 'color: #6381F8;' |
39 |
,'KEYWORDS' : { |
40 |
} |
41 |
,'OPERATORS' : 'color: #E775F0;' |
42 |
,'DELIMITERS' : '' |
43 |
,'REGEXPS' : { |
44 |
'attributes': 'color: #B1AC41;' |
45 |
,'tags': 'color: #E62253;' |
46 |
,'doctype': 'color: #8DCFB5;' |
47 |
,'test': 'color: #00FF00;' |
48 |
} |
49 |
} |
50 |
}; |
trunk/wb/include/editarea/reg_syntax/php.js | ||
1 |
editAreaLoader.load_syntax["php"] = { |
2 |
'COMMENT_SINGLE' : {1 : '//', 2 : '#'} |
3 |
,'COMMENT_MULTI' : {'/*' : '*/'} |
4 |
,'QUOTEMARKS' : {1: "'", 2: '"'} |
5 |
6 |
,'KEYWORDS' : { |
7 |
'statements' : [ |
8 |
'include', 'require', 'include_once', 'require_once', |
9 |
'for', 'foreach', 'as', 'if', 'elseif', 'else', 'while', 'do', 'endwhile', |
10 |
'endif', 'switch', 'case', 'endswitch', |
11 |
'return', 'break', 'continue' |
12 |
] |
13 |
,'reserved' : [ |
14 |
'_GET', '_POST', '_SESSION', '_SERVER', '_FILES', '_ENV', '_COOKIE', '_REQUEST', |
15 |
'null', '__LINE__', '__FILE__', |
16 |
'false', '<?php', '?>', '<?', |
17 |
'<script language', '</script>', |
18 |
'true', 'var', 'default', |
19 |
'function', 'class', 'new', '&new', 'this', |
20 |
'__FUNCTION__', '__CLASS__', '__METHOD__', 'PHP_VERSION', |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
] |
29 |
,'functions' : [ |
30 |
'func_num_args', 'func_get_arg', 'func_get_args', 'strlen', 'strcmp', 'strncmp', 'strcasecmp', 'strncasecmp', 'each', 'error_reporting', 'define', 'defined', |
31 |
'trigger_error', 'user_error', 'set_error_handler', 'restore_error_handler', 'get_declared_classes', 'get_loaded_extensions', |
32 |
'extension_loaded', 'get_extension_funcs', 'debug_backtrace', |
33 |
'constant', 'bin2hex', 'sleep', 'usleep', 'time', 'mktime', 'gmmktime', 'strftime', 'gmstrftime', 'strtotime', 'date', 'gmdate', 'getdate', 'localtime', 'checkdate', 'flush', 'wordwrap', 'htmlspecialchars', 'htmlentities', 'html_entity_decode', 'md5', 'md5_file', 'crc32', 'getimagesize', 'image_type_to_mime_type', 'phpinfo', 'phpversion', 'phpcredits', 'strnatcmp', 'strnatcasecmp', 'substr_count', 'strspn', 'strcspn', 'strtok', 'strtoupper', 'strtolower', 'strpos', 'strrpos', 'strrev', 'hebrev', 'hebrevc', 'nl2br', 'basename', 'dirname', 'pathinfo', 'stripslashes', 'stripcslashes', 'strstr', 'stristr', 'strrchr', 'str_shuffle', 'str_word_count', 'strcoll', 'substr', 'substr_replace', 'quotemeta', 'ucfirst', 'ucwords', 'strtr', 'addslashes', 'addcslashes', 'rtrim', 'str_replace', 'str_repeat', 'count_chars', 'chunk_split', 'trim', 'ltrim', 'strip_tags', 'similar_text', 'explode', 'implode', 'setlocale', 'localeconv', |
34 |
'parse_str', 'str_pad', 'chop', 'strchr', 'sprintf', 'printf', 'vprintf', 'vsprintf', 'sscanf', 'fscanf', 'parse_url', 'urlencode', 'urldecode', 'rawurlencode', 'rawurldecode', 'readlink', 'linkinfo', 'link', 'unlink', 'exec', 'system', 'escapeshellcmd', 'escapeshellarg', 'passthru', 'shell_exec', 'proc_open', 'proc_close', 'rand', 'srand', 'getrandmax', 'mt_rand', 'mt_srand', 'mt_getrandmax', 'base64_decode', 'base64_encode', 'abs', 'ceil', 'floor', 'round', 'is_finite', 'is_nan', 'is_infinite', 'bindec', 'hexdec', 'octdec', 'decbin', 'decoct', 'dechex', 'base_convert', 'number_format', 'fmod', 'ip2long', 'long2ip', 'getenv', 'putenv', 'getopt', 'microtime', 'gettimeofday', 'getrusage', 'uniqid', 'quoted_printable_decode', 'set_time_limit', 'get_cfg_var', 'magic_quotes_runtime', 'set_magic_quotes_runtime', 'get_magic_quotes_gpc', 'get_magic_quotes_runtime', |
35 |
'import_request_variables', 'error_log', 'serialize', 'unserialize', 'memory_get_usage', 'var_dump', 'var_export', 'debug_zval_dump', 'print_r','highlight_file', 'show_source', 'highlight_string', 'ini_get', 'ini_get_all', 'ini_set', 'ini_alter', 'ini_restore', 'get_include_path', 'set_include_path', 'restore_include_path', 'setcookie', 'header', 'headers_sent', 'connection_aborted', 'connection_status', 'ignore_user_abort', 'parse_ini_file', 'is_uploaded_file', 'move_uploaded_file', 'intval', 'floatval', 'doubleval', 'strval', 'gettype', 'settype', 'is_null', 'is_resource', 'is_bool', 'is_long', 'is_float', 'is_int', 'is_integer', 'is_double', 'is_real', 'is_numeric', 'is_string', 'is_array', 'is_object', 'is_scalar', |
36 |
'ereg', 'ereg_replace', 'eregi', 'eregi_replace', 'split', 'spliti', 'join', 'sql_regcase', 'dl', 'pclose', 'popen', 'readfile', 'rewind', 'rmdir', 'umask', 'fclose', 'feof', 'fgetc', 'fgets', 'fgetss', 'fread', 'fopen', 'fpassthru', 'ftruncate', 'fstat', 'fseek', 'ftell', 'fflush', 'fwrite', 'fputs', 'mkdir', 'rename', 'copy', 'tempnam', 'tmpfile', 'file', 'file_get_contents', 'stream_select', 'stream_context_create', 'stream_context_set_params', 'stream_context_set_option', 'stream_context_get_options', 'stream_filter_prepend', 'stream_filter_append', 'fgetcsv', 'flock', 'get_meta_tags', 'stream_set_write_buffer', 'set_file_buffer', 'set_socket_blocking', 'stream_set_blocking', 'socket_set_blocking', 'stream_get_meta_data', 'stream_register_wrapper', 'stream_wrapper_register', 'stream_set_timeout', 'socket_set_timeout', 'socket_get_status', 'realpath', 'fnmatch', 'fsockopen', 'pfsockopen', 'pack', 'unpack', 'get_browser', 'crypt', 'opendir', 'closedir', 'chdir', 'getcwd', 'rewinddir', 'readdir', 'dir', 'glob', 'fileatime', 'filectime', 'filegroup', 'fileinode', 'filemtime', 'fileowner', 'fileperms', 'filesize', 'filetype', 'file_exists', 'is_writable', 'is_writeable', 'is_readable', 'is_executable', 'is_file', 'is_dir', 'is_link', 'stat', 'lstat', 'chown', |
37 |
'touch', 'clearstatcache', 'mail', 'ob_start', 'ob_flush', 'ob_clean', 'ob_end_flush', 'ob_end_clean', 'ob_get_flush', 'ob_get_clean', 'ob_get_length', 'ob_get_level', 'ob_get_status', 'ob_get_contents', 'ob_implicit_flush', 'ob_list_handlers', 'ksort', 'krsort', 'natsort', 'natcasesort', 'asort', 'arsort', 'sort', 'rsort', 'usort', 'uasort', 'uksort', 'shuffle', 'array_walk', 'count', 'end', 'prev', 'next', 'reset', 'current', 'key', 'min', 'max', 'in_array', 'array_search', 'extract', 'compact', 'array_fill', 'range', 'array_multisort', 'array_push', 'array_pop', 'array_shift', 'array_unshift', 'array_splice', 'array_slice', 'array_merge', 'array_merge_recursive', 'array_keys', 'array_values', 'array_count_values', 'array_reverse', 'array_reduce', 'array_pad', 'array_flip', 'array_change_key_case', 'array_rand', 'array_unique', 'array_intersect', 'array_intersect_assoc', 'array_diff', 'array_diff_assoc', 'array_sum', 'array_filter', 'array_map', 'array_chunk', 'array_key_exists', 'pos', 'sizeof', 'key_exists', 'assert', 'assert_options', 'version_compare', 'ftok', 'str_rot13', 'aggregate', |
38 |
'session_name', 'session_module_name', 'session_save_path', 'session_id', 'session_regenerate_id', 'session_decode', 'session_register', 'session_unregister', 'session_is_registered', 'session_encode', |
39 |
'session_start', 'session_destroy', 'session_unset', 'session_set_save_handler', 'session_cache_limiter', 'session_cache_expire', 'session_set_cookie_params', 'session_get_cookie_params', 'session_write_close', 'preg_match', 'preg_match_all', 'preg_replace', 'preg_replace_callback', 'preg_split', 'preg_quote', 'preg_grep', 'overload', 'ctype_alnum', 'ctype_alpha', 'ctype_cntrl', 'ctype_digit', 'ctype_lower', 'ctype_graph', 'ctype_print', 'ctype_punct', 'ctype_space', 'ctype_upper', 'ctype_xdigit', 'virtual', 'apache_request_headers', 'apache_note', 'apache_lookup_uri', 'apache_child_terminate', 'apache_setenv', 'apache_response_headers', 'apache_get_version', 'getallheaders', 'mysql_connect', 'mysql_pconnect', 'mysql_close', 'mysql_select_db', 'mysql_create_db', 'mysql_drop_db', 'mysql_query', 'mysql_unbuffered_query', 'mysql_db_query', 'mysql_list_dbs', 'mysql_list_tables', 'mysql_list_fields', 'mysql_list_processes', 'mysql_error', 'mysql_errno', 'mysql_affected_rows', 'mysql_insert_id', 'mysql_result', 'mysql_num_rows', 'mysql_num_fields', 'mysql_fetch_row', 'mysql_fetch_array', 'mysql_fetch_assoc', 'mysql_fetch_object', 'mysql_data_seek', 'mysql_fetch_lengths', 'mysql_fetch_field', 'mysql_field_seek', 'mysql_free_result', 'mysql_field_name', 'mysql_field_table', 'mysql_field_len', 'mysql_field_type', 'mysql_field_flags', 'mysql_escape_string', 'mysql_real_escape_string', 'mysql_stat', |
40 |
'mysql_thread_id', 'mysql_client_encoding', 'mysql_get_client_info', 'mysql_get_host_info', 'mysql_get_proto_info', 'mysql_get_server_info', 'mysql_info', 'mysql', 'mysql_fieldname', 'mysql_fieldtable', 'mysql_fieldlen', 'mysql_fieldtype', 'mysql_fieldflags', 'mysql_selectdb', 'mysql_createdb', 'mysql_dropdb', 'mysql_freeresult', 'mysql_numfields', 'mysql_numrows', 'mysql_listdbs', 'mysql_listtables', 'mysql_listfields', 'mysql_db_name', 'mysql_dbname', 'mysql_tablename', 'mysql_table_name', 'pg_connect', 'pg_pconnect', 'pg_close', 'pg_connection_status', 'pg_connection_busy', 'pg_connection_reset', 'pg_host', 'pg_dbname', 'pg_port', 'pg_tty', 'pg_options', 'pg_ping', 'pg_query', 'pg_send_query', 'pg_cancel_query', 'pg_fetch_result', 'pg_fetch_row', 'pg_fetch_assoc', 'pg_fetch_array', 'pg_fetch_object', 'pg_fetch_all', 'pg_affected_rows', 'pg_get_result', 'pg_result_seek', 'pg_result_status', 'pg_free_result', 'pg_last_oid', 'pg_num_rows', 'pg_num_fields', 'pg_field_name', 'pg_field_num', 'pg_field_size', 'pg_field_type', 'pg_field_prtlen', 'pg_field_is_null', 'pg_get_notify', 'pg_get_pid', 'pg_result_error', 'pg_last_error', 'pg_last_notice', 'pg_put_line', 'pg_end_copy', 'pg_copy_to', 'pg_copy_from', |
41 |
'pg_trace', 'pg_untrace', 'pg_lo_create', 'pg_lo_unlink', 'pg_lo_open', 'pg_lo_close', 'pg_lo_read', 'pg_lo_write', 'pg_lo_read_all', 'pg_lo_import', 'pg_lo_export', 'pg_lo_seek', 'pg_lo_tell', 'pg_escape_string', 'pg_escape_bytea', 'pg_unescape_bytea', 'pg_client_encoding', 'pg_set_client_encoding', 'pg_meta_data', 'pg_convert', 'pg_insert', 'pg_update', 'pg_delete', 'pg_select', 'pg_exec', 'pg_getlastoid', 'pg_cmdtuples', 'pg_errormessage', 'pg_numrows', 'pg_numfields', 'pg_fieldname', 'pg_fieldsize', 'pg_fieldtype', 'pg_fieldnum', 'pg_fieldprtlen', 'pg_fieldisnull', 'pg_freeresult', 'pg_result', 'pg_loreadall', 'pg_locreate', 'pg_lounlink', 'pg_loopen', 'pg_loclose', 'pg_loread', 'pg_lowrite', 'pg_loimport', 'pg_loexport', |
42 |
'echo', 'print', 'global', 'static', 'exit', 'array', 'empty', 'eval', 'isset', 'unset', 'die' |
43 |
44 |
] |
45 |
} |
46 |
47 |
'+', '-', '/', '*', '=', '<', '>', '%', '!', '&&', '||' |
48 |
] |
49 |
50 |
'(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}' |
51 |
] |
52 |
,'REGEXPS' : { |
53 |
// highlight all variables ($...) |
54 |
'variables' : { |
55 |
'search' : '()(\\$\\w+)()' |
56 |
,'class' : 'variables' |
57 |
,'modifiers' : 'g' |
58 |
,'execute' : 'before' // before or after |
59 |
} |
60 |
} |
61 |
,'STYLES' : { |
62 |
'COMMENTS': 'color: #AAAAAA;' |
63 |
,'QUOTESMARKS': 'color: #879EFA;' |
64 |
,'KEYWORDS' : { |
65 |
'reserved' : 'color: #48BDDF;' |
66 |
,'functions' : 'color: #0040FD;' |
67 |
,'statements' : 'color: #60CA00;' |
68 |
} |
69 |
,'OPERATORS' : 'color: #FF00FF;' |
70 |
,'DELIMITERS' : 'color: #2B60FF;' |
71 |
,'REGEXPS' : { |
72 |
'variables' : 'color: #E0BD54;' |
73 |
} |
74 |
} |
75 |
76 |
"default": { // the name of this definition group. It's posisble to have different rules inside the same definition file |
77 |
"REGEXP": { "before_word": "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]|^" // \\s|\\.| |
78 |
,"possible_words_letters": "[a-zA-Z0-9_\$]+" |
79 |
,"letter_after_word_must_match": "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]|$" |
80 |
,"prefix_separator": "\\-\\>|\\:\\:" |
81 |
} |
82 |
83 |
,"MAX_TEXT_LENGTH": 100 // the maximum length of the text being analyzed before the cursor position |
84 |
,"KEYWORDS": { |
85 |
'': [ // the prefix of thoses items |
86 |
/** |
87 |
* 0 : the keyword the user is typing |
88 |
* 1 : (optionnal) the string inserted in code ("{@}" being the new position of the cursor, "§" beeing the equivalent to the value the typed string indicated if the previous ) |
89 |
* If empty the keyword will be displayed |
90 |
* 2 : (optionnal) the text that appear in the suggestion box (if empty, the string to insert will be displayed) |
91 |
*/ |
92 |
['$_POST'] |
93 |
,['$_GET'] |
94 |
,['$_SESSION'] |
95 |
,['$_SERVER'] |
96 |
,['$_FILES'] |
97 |
,['$_ENV'] |
98 |
,['$_COOKIE'] |
99 |
,['$_REQUEST'] |
100 |
// magic methods |
101 |
,['__construct', '§( {@} )'] |
102 |
,['__destruct', '§( {@} )'] |
103 |
,['__sleep', '§( {@} )'] |
104 |
,['__wakeup', '§( {@} )'] |
105 |
,['__toString', '§( {@} )'] |
106 |
// include |
107 |
,['include', '§ "{@}";'] |
108 |
,['include_once', '§ "{@}";'] |
109 |
,['require', '§ "{@}";'] |
110 |
,['require_once', '§ "{@}";'] |
111 |
// statements |
112 |
,['for', '§( {@} )'] |
113 |
,['foreach', '§( {@} )'] |
114 |
,['if', '§( {@} )'] |
115 |
,['elseif', '§( {@} )'] |
116 |
,['while', '§( {@} )'] |
117 |
,['switch', '§( {@} )'] |
118 |
,['break'] |
119 |
,['case'] |
120 |
,['continue'] |
121 |
,['do'] |
122 |
,['else'] |
123 |
,['endif'] |
124 |
,['endswitch'] |
125 |
,['endwhile'] |
126 |
,['return'] |
127 |
// function |
128 |
,['unset', '§( {@} )'] |
129 |
] |
130 |
} |
131 |
} |
132 |
,"live": { |
133 |
134 |
// class NAME: /class\W+([a-z]+)\W+/gi |
135 |
// method: /^(public|private|protected)?\s*function\s+([a-z][a-z0-9\_]*)\s*(\([^\{]*\))/gmi |
136 |
// static: /^(public|private|protected)?\s+static\s+(public|private|protected)?\s*function\s+([a-z][a-z0-9\_]*)\s*(\([^\{]*\))/gmi |
137 |
// attributes: /(\$this\-\>|(?:var|public|protected|private)\W+\$)([a-z0-9\_]+)(?!\()\b/gi |
138 |
// v1 : /(\$this\-\>|var\W+|public\W+|protected\W+|private\W+)([a-z0-9\_]+)\W*(=|;)/gi |
139 |
// var type: /(\$(this\-\>)?[a-z0-9\_]+)\s*\=\s*new\s+([a-z0-9\_])+/gi |
140 |
141 |
142 |
"REGEXP": { "before_word": "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]|^" // \\s|\\.| |
143 |
,"possible_words_letters": "[a-zA-Z0-9_\$]+" |
144 |
,"letter_after_word_must_match": "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]|$" |
145 |
,"prefix_separator": "\\-\\>" |
146 |
} |
147 |
148 |
,"MAX_TEXT_LENGTH": 100 // the maximum length of the text being analyzed before the cursor position |
149 |
,"KEYWORDS": { |
150 |
'$this': [ // the prefix of thoses items |
151 |
['test'] |
152 |
] |
153 |
} |
154 |
} |
155 |
} |
156 |
}; |
trunk/wb/include/editarea/reg_syntax/css.js | ||
1 |
editAreaLoader.load_syntax["css"] = { |
2 |
'COMMENT_SINGLE' : {1 : '@'} |
3 |
,'COMMENT_MULTI' : {'/*' : '*/'} |
4 |
,'QUOTEMARKS' : ['"', "'"] |
5 |
6 |
,'KEYWORDS' : { |
7 |
'attributes' : [ |
8 |
'aqua', 'azimuth', 'background-attachment', 'background-color', |
9 |
'background-image', 'background-position', 'background-repeat', |
10 |
'background', 'border-bottom-color', 'border-bottom-style', |
11 |
'border-bottom-width', 'border-left-color', 'border-left-style', |
12 |
'border-left-width', 'border-right', 'border-right-color', |
13 |
'border-right-style', 'border-right-width', 'border-top-color', |
14 |
'border-top-style', 'border-top-width','border-bottom', 'border-collapse', |
15 |
'border-left', 'border-width', 'border-color', 'border-spacing', |
16 |
'border-style', 'border-top', 'border', 'caption-side', |
17 |
'clear', 'clip', 'color', 'content', 'counter-increment', 'counter-reset', |
18 |
'cue-after', 'cue-before', 'cue', 'cursor', 'direction', 'display', |
19 |
'elevation', 'empty-cells', 'float', 'font-family', 'font-size', |
20 |
'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', |
21 |
'font-weight', 'font', 'height', 'letter-spacing', 'line-height', |
22 |
'list-style', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', 'list-style-type', |
23 |
'margin-bottom', 'margin-left', 'margin-right', 'margin-top', 'margin', |
24 |
'marker-offset', 'marks', 'max-height', 'max-width', 'min-height', |
25 |
'min-width', 'opacity', 'orphans', 'outline', 'outline-color', 'outline-style', |
26 |
'outline-width', 'overflow', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left', |
27 |
'padding-right', 'padding-top', 'padding', 'page', 'page-break-after', |
28 |
'page-break-before', 'page-break-inside', 'pause-after', 'pause-before', |
29 |
'pause', 'pitch', 'pitch-range', 'play-during', 'position', 'quotes', |
30 |
'richness', 'right', 'size', 'speak-header', 'speak-numeral', 'speak-punctuation', |
31 |
'speak', 'speech-rate', 'stress', 'table-layout', 'text-align', 'text-decoration', |
32 |
'text-indent', 'text-shadow', 'text-transform', 'top', 'unicode-bidi', |
33 |
'vertical-align', 'visibility', 'voice-family', 'volume', 'white-space', 'widows', |
34 |
'width', 'word-spacing', 'z-index', 'bottom', 'left' |
35 |
] |
36 |
,'values' : [ |
37 |
'above', 'absolute', 'always', 'armenian', 'aural', 'auto', 'avoid', |
38 |
'baseline', 'behind', 'below', 'bidi-override', 'black', 'blue', 'blink', 'block', 'bold', 'bolder', 'both', |
39 |
'capitalize', 'center-left', 'center-right', 'center', 'circle', 'cjk-ideographic', |
40 |
'close-quote', 'collapse', 'condensed', 'continuous', 'crop', 'crosshair', 'cross', 'cursive', |
41 |
'dashed', 'decimal-leading-zero', 'decimal', 'default', 'digits', 'disc', 'dotted', 'double', |
42 |
'e-resize', 'embed', 'extra-condensed', 'extra-expanded', 'expanded', |
43 |
'fantasy', 'far-left', 'far-right', 'faster', 'fast', 'fixed', 'fuchsia', |
44 |
'georgian', 'gray', 'green', 'groove', 'hebrew', 'help', 'hidden', 'hide', 'higher', |
45 |
'high', 'hiragana-iroha', 'hiragana', 'icon', 'inherit', 'inline-table', 'inline', |
46 |
'inset', 'inside', 'invert', 'italic', 'justify', 'katakana-iroha', 'katakana', |
47 |
'landscape', 'larger', 'large', 'left-side', 'leftwards', 'level', 'lighter', 'lime', 'line-through', 'list-item', 'loud', 'lower-alpha', 'lower-greek', 'lower-roman', 'lowercase', 'ltr', 'lower', 'low', |
48 |
'maroon', 'medium', 'message-box', 'middle', 'mix', 'monospace', |
49 |
'n-resize', 'narrower', 'navy', 'ne-resize', 'no-close-quote', 'no-open-quote', 'no-repeat', 'none', 'normal', 'nowrap', 'nw-resize', |
50 |
'oblique', 'olive', 'once', 'open-quote', 'outset', 'outside', 'overline', |
51 |
'pointer', 'portrait', 'purple', 'px', |
52 |
'red', 'relative', 'repeat-x', 'repeat-y', 'repeat', 'rgb', 'ridge', 'right-side', 'rightwards', |
53 |
's-resize', 'sans-serif', 'scroll', 'se-resize', 'semi-condensed', 'semi-expanded', 'separate', 'serif', 'show', 'silent', 'silver', 'slow', 'slower', 'small-caps', 'small-caption', 'smaller', 'soft', 'solid', 'spell-out', 'square', |
54 |
'static', 'status-bar', 'super', 'sw-resize', |
55 |
'table-caption', 'table-cell', 'table-column', 'table-column-group', 'table-footer-group', 'table-header-group', 'table-row', 'table-row-group', 'teal', 'text', 'text-bottom', 'text-top', 'thick', 'thin', 'transparent', |
56 |
'ultra-condensed', 'ultra-expanded', 'underline', 'upper-alpha', 'upper-latin', 'upper-roman', 'uppercase', 'url', |
57 |
'visible', |
58 |
'w-resize', 'wait', 'white', 'wider', |
59 |
'x-fast', 'x-high', 'x-large', 'x-loud', 'x-low', 'x-small', 'x-soft', 'xx-large', 'xx-small', |
60 |
'yellow', 'yes' |
61 |
] |
62 |
,'specials' : [ |
63 |
'important' |
64 |
] |
65 |
} |
66 |
67 |
':', ';', '!', '.', '#' |
68 |
] |
69 |
70 |
'{', '}' |
71 |
] |
72 |
,'STYLES' : { |
73 |
'COMMENTS': 'color: #AAAAAA;' |
74 |
,'QUOTESMARKS': 'color: #6381F8;' |
75 |
,'KEYWORDS' : { |
76 |
'attributes' : 'color: #48BDDF;' |
77 |
,'values' : 'color: #2B60FF;' |
78 |
,'specials' : 'color: #FF0000;' |
79 |
} |
80 |
,'OPERATORS' : 'color: #FF00FF;' |
81 |
,'DELIMITERS' : 'color: #60CA00;' |
82 |
83 |
} |
84 |
}; |
trunk/wb/include/editarea/reg_syntax/js.js | ||
1 |
editAreaLoader.load_syntax["js"] = { |
2 |
'COMMENT_SINGLE' : {1 : '//'} |
3 |
,'COMMENT_MULTI' : {'/*' : '*/'} |
4 |
,'QUOTEMARKS' : {1: "'", 2: '"'} |
5 |
6 |
,'KEYWORDS' : { |
7 |
'statements' : [ |
8 |
'as', 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'continue', 'decodeURI', 'delete', 'do', |
9 |
'else', 'encodeURI', 'eval', 'finally', 'for', 'if', 'in', 'is', 'item', |
10 |
'instanceof', 'return', 'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'try', 'typeof', 'void', |
11 |
'while', 'write', 'with' |
12 |
] |
13 |
,'keywords' : [ |
14 |
'class', 'const', 'default', 'debugger', 'export', 'extends', 'false', |
15 |
'function', 'import', 'namespace', 'new', 'null', 'package', 'private', |
16 |
'protected', 'public', 'super', 'true', 'use', 'var', 'window', 'document', |
17 |
// the list below must be sorted and checked (if it is a keywords or a function and if it is not present twice |
18 |
'Link ', 'outerHeight ', 'Anchor', 'FileUpload', |
19 |
'location', 'outerWidth', 'Select', 'Area', 'find', 'Location', 'Packages', 'self', |
20 |
'arguments', 'locationbar', 'pageXoffset', 'Form', |
21 |
'Math', 'pageYoffset', 'setTimeout', 'assign', 'Frame', 'menubar', 'parent', 'status', |
22 |
'blur', 'frames', 'MimeType', 'parseFloat', 'statusbar', 'Boolean', 'Function', 'moveBy', |
23 |
'parseInt', 'stop', 'Button', 'getClass', 'moveTo', 'Password', 'String', 'callee', 'Hidden', |
24 |
'name', 'personalbar', 'Submit', 'caller', 'history', 'NaN', 'Plugin', 'sun', 'captureEvents', |
25 |
'History', 'navigate', 'print', 'taint', 'Checkbox', 'home', 'navigator', 'prompt', 'Text', |
26 |
'Image', 'Navigator', 'prototype', 'Textarea', 'clearTimeout', 'Infinity', |
27 |
'netscape', 'Radio', 'toolbar', 'close', 'innerHeight', 'Number', 'ref', 'top', 'closed', |
28 |
'innerWidth', 'Object', 'RegExp', 'toString', 'confirm', 'isFinite', 'onBlur', 'releaseEvents', |
29 |
'unescape', 'constructor', 'isNan', 'onError', 'Reset', 'untaint', 'Date', 'java', 'onFocus', |
30 |
'resizeBy', 'unwatch', 'defaultStatus', 'JavaArray', 'onLoad', 'resizeTo', 'valueOf', 'document', |
31 |
'JavaClass', 'onUnload', 'routeEvent', 'watch', 'Document', 'JavaObject', 'open', 'scroll', 'window', |
32 |
'Element', 'JavaPackage', 'opener', 'scrollbars', 'Window', 'escape', 'length', 'Option', 'scrollBy' |
33 |
] |
34 |
,'functions' : [ |
35 |
// common functions for Window object |
36 |
'alert', 'Array', 'back', 'blur', 'clearInterval', 'close', 'confirm', 'eval ', 'focus', 'forward', 'home', |
37 |
'name', 'navigate', 'onblur', 'onerror', 'onfocus', 'onload', 'onmove', |
38 |
'onresize', 'onunload', 'open', 'print', 'prompt', 'scroll', 'scrollTo', 'setInterval', 'status', |
39 |
'stop' |
40 |
] |
41 |
} |
42 |
43 |
'+', '-', '/', '*', '=', '<', '>', '%', '!' |
44 |
] |
45 |
46 |
'(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}' |
47 |
] |
48 |
,'STYLES' : { |
49 |
'COMMENTS': 'color: #AAAAAA;' |
50 |
,'QUOTESMARKS': 'color: #6381F8;' |
51 |
,'KEYWORDS' : { |
52 |
'statements' : 'color: #60CA00;' |
53 |
,'keywords' : 'color: #48BDDF;' |
54 |
,'functions' : 'color: #2B60FF;' |
55 |
} |
56 |
,'OPERATORS' : 'color: #FF00FF;' |
57 |
,'DELIMITERS' : 'color: #0038E1;' |
58 |
59 |
} |
60 |
61 |
"default": { // the name of this definition group. It's posisble to have different rules inside the same definition file |
62 |
"REGEXP": { "before_word": "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]|^" // \\s|\\.| |
63 |
,"possible_words_letters": "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" |
64 |
,"letter_after_word_must_match": "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]|$" |
65 |
,"prefix_separator": "\\." |
66 |
} |
67 |
68 |
,"MAX_TEXT_LENGTH": 100 // the maximum length of the text being analyzed before the cursor position |
69 |
,"KEYWORDS": { |
70 |
'': [ // the prefix of thoses items |
71 |
/** |
72 |
* 0 : the keyword the user is typing |
73 |
* 1 : (optionnal) the string inserted in code ("{@}" being the new position of the cursor, "§" beeing the equivalent to the value the typed string indicated if the previous ) |
74 |
* If empty the keyword will be displayed |
75 |
* 2 : (optionnal) the text that appear in the suggestion box (if empty, the string to insert will be displayed) |
76 |
*/ |
77 |
['Array', '§()', ''] |
78 |
,['alert', '§({@})', 'alert(String message)'] |
79 |
,['document'] |
80 |
,['window'] |
81 |
] |
82 |
,'window' : [ |
83 |
['location'] |
84 |
,['document'] |
85 |
,['scrollTo', 'scrollTo({@})', 'scrollTo(Int x,Int y)'] |
86 |
] |
87 |
,'location' : [ |
88 |
['href'] |
89 |
] |
90 |
} |
91 |
} |
92 |
} |
93 |
}; |
trunk/wb/include/editarea/reg_syntax/xml.js | ||
1 |
/* |
2 |
* last update: 2006-08-24 |
3 |
*/ |
4 |
5 |
editAreaLoader.load_syntax["xml"] = { |
6 |
7 |
,'COMMENT_MULTI' : {'<!--' : '-->'} |
8 |
,'QUOTEMARKS' : {1: "'", 2: '"'} |
9 |
10 |
,'KEYWORDS' : { |
11 |
} |
12 |
13 |
] |
14 |
15 |
] |
16 |
,'REGEXPS' : { |
17 |
'xml' : { |
18 |
'search' : '()(<\\?[^>]*?\\?>)()' |
19 |
,'class' : 'xml' |
20 |
,'modifiers' : 'g' |
21 |
,'execute' : 'before' // before or after |
22 |
} |
23 |
,'cdatas' : { |
24 |
'search' : '()(<!\\[CDATA\\[.*?\\]\\]>)()' |
25 |
,'class' : 'cdata' |
26 |
,'modifiers' : 'g' |
27 |
,'execute' : 'before' // before or after |
28 |
} |
29 |
,'tags' : { |
30 |
'search' : '(<)(/?[a-z][^ \r\n\t>]*)([^>]*>)' |
31 |
,'class' : 'tags' |
32 |
,'modifiers' : 'gi' |
33 |
,'execute' : 'before' // before or after |
34 |
} |
35 |
,'attributes' : { |
36 |
'search' : '( |\n|\r|\t)([^ \r\n\t=]+)(=)' |
37 |
,'class' : 'attributes' |
38 |
,'modifiers' : 'g' |
39 |
,'execute' : 'before' // before or after |
40 |
} |
41 |
} |
42 |
,'STYLES' : { |
43 |
'COMMENTS': 'color: #AAAAAA;' |
44 |
,'QUOTESMARKS': 'color: #6381F8;' |
45 |
,'KEYWORDS' : { |
46 |
} |
47 |
,'OPERATORS' : 'color: #E775F0;' |
48 |
,'DELIMITERS' : '' |
49 |
,'REGEXPS' : { |
50 |
'attributes': 'color: #B1AC41;' |
51 |
,'tags': 'color: #E62253;' |
52 |
,'xml': 'color: #8DCFB5;' |
53 |
,'cdata': 'color: #50B020;' |
54 |
} |
55 |
} |
56 |
}; |
trunk/wb/include/editarea/reg_syntax/index.php | ||
1 |
<?php |
2 |
/** |
3 |
* Website Baker wrapper functions for the Javascript code editor: "EditArea" |
4 |
* |
5 |
* EditArea is created by Christophe Dolivet and released under "LGPL", |
6 |
* "Apache" and "BSD" licenses. For the integration into Website Baker |
7 |
* the LGPL license was choosen. |
8 |
* |
9 |
* LICENSE: GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0 |
10 |
* |
11 |
* @author Christophe Dolivet (EditArea), Christian Sommer (WB wrapper) |
12 |
* @copyright (c) 2005-2009 |
13 |
* @license |
14 |
* @version |
15 |
* @platform Website Baker 2.7 |
16 |
*/ |
17 |
18 |
// prevent directory listing |
19 |
header('Location: ../../../index.php'); |
20 |
21 |
?> |
trunk/wb/include/editarea/edit_area.css | ||
1 |
body, html{ |
2 |
margin: 0; |
3 |
padding: 0; |
4 |
height: 100%; |
5 |
border: none; |
6 |
overflow: hidden; |
7 |
background-color: #FFF; |
8 |
} |
9 |
10 |
body, html, table, form, textarea{ |
11 |
font: 12px monospace, sans-serif; |
12 |
} |
13 |
14 |
#editor{ |
15 |
border: solid #888 1px; |
16 |
overflow: visible; |
17 |
} |
18 |
19 |
#result{ |
20 |
z-index: 4; |
21 |
overflow-x: auto; |
22 |
overflow-y: scroll; |
23 |
border-top: solid #888 1px; |
24 |
border-bottom: solid #888 1px; |
25 |
position: relative; |
26 |
clear: both; |
27 |
} |
28 |
29 |
#result.empty{ |
30 |
overflow: hidden; |
31 |
} |
32 |
33 |
#container{ |
34 |
overflow: hidden; |
35 |
border: solid blue 0; |
36 |
position: relative; |
37 |
z-index: 10; |
38 |
padding: 0 5px 0 45px; |
39 |
/*padding-right: 5px;*/ |
40 |
} |
41 |
42 |
#textarea{ |
43 |
position: relative; |
44 |
top: 0; |
45 |
left: 0; |
46 |
margin: 0; |
47 |
padding: 0; |
48 |
width: 100%; |
49 |
height: 100%; |
50 |
overflow: hidden; |
51 |
z-index: 7; |
52 |
border-width: 0; |
53 |
background-color: transparent; |
54 |
} |
55 |
56 |
#textarea, #textarea:hover{ |
57 |
outline: none; /* safari outline fix */ |
58 |
} |
59 |
60 |
#content_highlight{ |
61 |
white-space: pre; |
62 |
margin: 0; |
63 |
padding: 0; |
64 |
position : absolute; |
65 |
z-index: 4; |
66 |
overflow: visible; |
67 |
} |
68 |
69 |
70 |
#selection_field{ |
71 |
margin: 0; |
72 |
background-color: #E1F2F9; |
73 |
height: 1px; |
74 |
position: absolute; |
75 |
z-index: 5; |
76 |
top: -100px; |
77 |
padding: 0; |
78 |
white-space: pre; |
79 |
overflow: hidden; |
80 |
} |
81 |
82 |
#selection_field.show_colors{ |
83 |
z-index: 3; |
84 |
background-color:#EDF9FC; |
85 |
color:transparent; |
86 |
} |
87 |
88 |
#container.wrap_text #content_highlight, #container.wrap_text #selection_field{ |
89 |
white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */ |
90 |
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap !important; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */ |
91 |
white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */ |
92 |
white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */ |
93 |
word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */ |
94 |
width: 99%; |
95 |
} |
96 |
97 |
#line_number{ |
98 |
position: absolute; |
99 |
overflow: hidden; |
100 |
border-right: solid black 1px; |
101 |
z-index:8; |
102 |
width: 38px; |
103 |
padding: 0 5px 0 0; |
104 |
margin: 0 0 0 -45px; |
105 |
text-align: right; |
106 |
color: #AAAAAA; |
107 |
} |
108 |
109 |
#test_font_size{ |
110 |
padding: 0; |
111 |
margin: 0; |
112 |
visibility: hidden; |
113 |
position: absolute; |
114 |
white-space: pre; |
115 |
} |
116 |
117 |
pre{ |
118 |
margin: 0; |
119 |
padding: 0; |
120 |
} |
121 |
122 |
.hidden{ |
123 |
opacity: 0.2; |
124 |
filter:alpha(opacity=20); |
125 |
} |
126 |
127 |
#result .edit_area_cursor{ |
128 |
position: absolute; |
129 |
z-index:6; |
130 |
background-color: #FF6633; |
131 |
top: -100px; |
132 |
margin: 1px 0 0 0; |
133 |
} |
134 |
135 |
#result .edit_area_selection_field .overline{ |
136 |
background-color: #996600; |
137 |
} |
138 |
139 |
140 |
/* area popup */ |
141 |
.editarea_popup{ |
142 |
border: solid 1px #888888; |
143 |
background-color: #ECE9D8; |
144 |
width: 250px; |
145 |
padding: 4px; |
146 |
position: absolute; |
147 |
visibility: hidden; |
148 |
z-index: 15; |
149 |
top: -500px; |
150 |
} |
151 |
152 |
.editarea_popup, .editarea_popup table{ |
153 |
font-family: sans-serif; |
154 |
font-size: 10pt; |
155 |
} |
156 |
157 |
.editarea_popup img{ |
158 |
border: 0; |
159 |
} |
160 |
161 |
.editarea_popup .close_popup{ |
162 |
float: right; |
163 |
line-height: 16px; |
164 |
border: 0; |
165 |
padding: 0; |
166 |
} |
167 |
168 |
.editarea_popup h1,.editarea_popup h2,.editarea_popup h3,.editarea_popup h4,.editarea_popup h5,.editarea_popup h6{ |
169 |
margin: 0; |
170 |
padding: 0; |
171 |
} |
172 |
173 |
.editarea_popup .copyright{ |
174 |
text-align: right; |
175 |
} |
176 |
177 |
/* Area_search */ |
178 |
div#area_search_replace{ |
179 |
/*width: 250px;*/ |
180 |
} |
181 |
182 |
div#area_search_replace img{ |
183 |
border: 0; |
184 |
} |
185 |
186 |
div#area_search_replace div.button{ |
187 |
text-align: center; |
188 |
line-height: 1.7em; |
189 |
} |
190 |
191 |
div#area_search_replace .button a{ |
192 |
cursor: pointer; |
193 |
border: solid 1px #888888; |
194 |
background-color: #DEDEDE; |
195 |
text-decoration: none; |
196 |
padding: 0 2px; |
197 |
color: #000000; |
198 |
white-space: nowrap; |
199 |
} |
200 |
201 |
div#area_search_replace a:hover{ |
202 |
/*border: solid 1px #888888;*/ |
203 |
background-color: #EDEDED; |
204 |
} |
205 |
206 |
div#area_search_replace #move_area_search_replace{ |
207 |
cursor: move; |
208 |
border: solid 1px #888; |
209 |
} |
210 |
211 |
div#area_search_replace #close_area_search_replace{ |
212 |
text-align: right; |
213 |
vertical-align: top; |
214 |
white-space: nowrap; |
215 |
} |
216 |
217 |
div#area_search_replace #area_search_msg{ |
218 |
height: 18px; |
219 |
overflow: hidden; |
220 |
border-top: solid 1px #888; |
221 |
margin-top: 3px; |
222 |
} |
223 |
224 |
/* area help */ |
225 |
#edit_area_help{ |
226 |
width: 350px; |
227 |
} |
228 |
229 |
#edit_area_help div.close_popup{ |
230 |
float: right; |
231 |
} |
232 |
233 |
/* area_toolbar */ |
234 |
.area_toolbar{ |
235 |
/*font: 11px sans-serif;*/ |
236 |
width: 100%; |
237 |
/*height: 21px; */ |
238 |
margin: 0; |
239 |
padding: 0; |
240 |
background-color: #ECE9D8; |
241 |
text-align: center; |
242 |
} |
243 |
244 |
.area_toolbar, .area_toolbar table{ |
245 |
font: 11px sans-serif; |
246 |
} |
247 |
248 |
.area_toolbar img{ |
249 |
border: 0; |
250 |
vertical-align: middle; |
251 |
} |
252 |
253 |
.area_toolbar input{ |
254 |
margin: 0; |
255 |
padding: 0; |
256 |
} |
257 |
258 |
.area_toolbar select{ |
259 |
font-family: 'MS Sans Serif',sans-serif,Verdana,Arial; |
260 |
font-size: 7pt; |
261 |
font-weight: normal; |
262 |
margin: 2px 0 0 0 ; |
263 |
padding: 0; |
264 |
vertical-align: top; |
265 |
background-color: #F0F0EE; |
266 |
} |
267 |
268 |
table.statusbar{ |
269 |
width: 100%; |
270 |
} |
271 |
272 |
.area_toolbar td.infos{ |
273 |
text-align: center; |
274 |
width: 130px; |
275 |
border-right: solid 1px #888; |
276 |
border-width: 0 1px 0 0; |
277 |
padding: 0; |
278 |
} |
279 |
280 |
.area_toolbar{ |
281 |
text-align: right; |
282 |
width: 50px; |
283 |
padding: 0; |
284 |
} |
285 |
286 |
.area_toolbar td.resize{ |
287 |
text-align: right; |
288 |
} |
289 |
/* |
290 |
.area_toolbar span{ |
291 |
line-height: 1px; |
292 |
padding: 0; |
293 |
margin: 0; |
294 |
}*/ |
295 |
296 |
.area_toolbar span#resize_area{ |
297 |
cursor: nw-resize; |
298 |
visibility: hidden; |
299 |
} |
300 |
301 |
/* toolbar buttons */ |
302 |
.editAreaButtonNormal, .editAreaButtonOver, .editAreaButtonDown, .editAreaSeparator, .editAreaSeparatorLine, .editAreaButtonDisabled, .editAreaButtonSelected { |
303 |
border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; background: transparent; |
304 |
margin-top: 0; |
305 |
margin-left: 1px; |
306 |
padding: 0; |
307 |
} |
308 |
309 |
.editAreaButtonNormal { |
310 |
border: 1px solid #ECE9D8 !important; |
311 |
cursor: pointer; |
312 |
} |
313 |
314 |
.editAreaButtonOver { |
315 |
border: 1px solid #0A246A !important; |
316 |
cursor: pointer; |
317 |
background-color: #B6BDD2; |
318 |
} |
319 |
320 |
.editAreaButtonDown { |
321 |
cursor: pointer; |
322 |
border: 1px solid #0A246A !important; |
323 |
background-color: #8592B5; |
324 |
} |
325 |
326 |
.editAreaButtonSelected { |
327 |
border: 1px solid #C0C0BB !important; |
328 |
cursor: pointer; |
329 |
background-color: #F4F2E8; |
330 |
} |
331 |
332 |
.editAreaButtonDisabled { |
333 |
filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=30); |
334 |
-moz-opacity:0.3; |
335 |
opacity: 0.3; |
336 |
border: 1px solid #F0F0EE !important; |
337 |
cursor: pointer; |
338 |
} |
339 |
340 |
.editAreaSeparatorLine { |
341 |
margin: 1px 2px; |
342 |
background-color: #C0C0BB; |
343 |
width: 2px; |
344 |
height: 18px; |
345 |
} |
346 |
347 |
/* waiting screen */ |
348 |
#processing{ |
349 |
display: none; |
350 |
background-color:#ECE9D8; |
351 |
border: solid #888 1px; |
352 |
position: absolute; |
353 |
top: 0; |
354 |
left: 0; |
355 |
width: 100%; |
356 |
height: 100%; |
357 |
z-index: 100; |
358 |
text-align: center; |
359 |
} |
360 |
361 |
#processing_text{ |
362 |
position:absolute; |
363 |
left: 50%; |
364 |
top: 50%; |
365 |
width: 200px; |
366 |
height: 20px; |
367 |
margin-left: -100px; |
368 |
margin-top: -10px; |
369 |
text-align: center; |
370 |
} |
371 |
/* end */ |
372 |
373 |
374 |
/**** tab browsing area ****/ |
375 |
#tab_browsing_area{ |
376 |
display: none; |
377 |
background-color: #CCC9A8; |
378 |
border-top: 1px solid #888; |
379 |
text-align: left; |
380 |
margin: 0; |
381 |
} |
382 |
383 |
#tab_browsing_list { |
384 |
padding: 0; |
385 |
margin: 0; |
386 |
list-style-type: none; |
387 |
white-space: nowrap; |
388 |
} |
389 |
#tab_browsing_list li { |
390 |
float: left; |
391 |
margin: -1px; |
392 |
} |
393 |
#tab_browsing_list a { |
394 |
position: relative; |
395 |
display: block; |
396 |
text-decoration: none; |
397 |
float: left; |
398 |
cursor: pointer; |
399 |
line-height:14px; |
400 |
} |
401 |
402 |
#tab_browsing_list a span { |
403 |
display: block; |
404 |
color: #000; |
405 |
background: #ECE9D8; |
406 |
border: 1px solid #888; |
407 |
border-width: 1px 1px 0; |
408 |
text-align: center; |
409 |
padding: 2px 2px 1px 4px; |
410 |
position: relative; /*IE 6 hack */ |
411 |
} |
412 |
413 |
#tab_browsing_list a b { |
414 |
display: block; |
415 |
border-bottom: 2px solid #617994; |
416 |
} |
417 |
418 |
#tab_browsing_list a .edited { |
419 |
display: none; |
420 |
} |
421 |
422 |
#tab_browsing_list a.edited .edited { |
423 |
display: inline; |
424 |
} |
425 |
426 |
#tab_browsing_list a img{ |
427 |
margin-left: 7px; |
428 |
} |
429 |
430 |
#tab_browsing_list a.edited img{ |
431 |
margin-left: 3px; |
432 |
} |
433 |
434 |
#tab_browsing_list a:hover span { |
435 |
background: #F4F2E8; |
436 |
border-color: #0A246A; |
437 |
} |
438 |
439 |
#tab_browsing_list .selected a span{ |
440 |
background: #046380; |
441 |
color: #FFF; |
442 |
} |
443 |
444 |
445 |
#no_file_selected{ |
446 |
height: 100%; |
447 |
width: 150%; /* Opera need more than 100% */ |
448 |
background: #CCC; |
449 |
display: none; |
450 |
z-index: 20; |
451 |
position: absolute; |
452 |
} |
453 |
454 |
455 |
/*** Non-editable mode ***/ |
456 |
.non_editable #editor |
457 |
{ |
458 |
border-width: 0 1px; |
459 |
} |
460 |
461 |
.non_editable .area_toolbar |
462 |
{ |
463 |
display: none; |
464 |
} |
465 |
466 |
/*** Auto completion ***/ |
467 |
#auto_completion_area |
468 |
{ |
469 |
background: #FFF; |
470 |
border: solid 1px #888; |
471 |
position: absolute; |
472 |
z-index: 15; |
473 |
width: 280px; |
474 |
height: 180px; |
475 |
overflow: auto; |
476 |
display:none; |
477 |
} |
478 |
479 |
#auto_completion_area a, #auto_completion_area a:visited |
480 |
{ |
481 |
display: block; |
482 |
padding: 0 2px 1px; |
483 |
color: #000; |
484 |
text-decoration:none; |
485 |
} |
486 |
487 |
#auto_completion_area a:hover, #auto_completion_area a:focus, #auto_completion_area a.focus |
488 |
{ |
489 |
background: #D6E1FE; |
490 |
text-decoration:none; |
491 |
} |
492 |
493 |
#auto_completion_area ul |
494 |
{ |
495 |
margin: 0; |
496 |
padding: 0; |
497 |
list-style: none inside; |
498 |
} |
499 |
#auto_completion_area li |
500 |
{ |
501 |
padding: 0; |
502 |
} |
503 |
#auto_completion_area .prefix |
504 |
{ |
505 |
font-style: italic; |
506 |
padding: 0 3px; |
507 |
} |
trunk/wb/include/editarea/langs/cs.js | ||
1 |
editAreaLoader.lang["cs"]={ |
2 |
new_document: "Nový dokument", |
3 |
search_button: "Najdi a nahraď", |
4 |
search_command: "Hledej další / otevři vyhledávací pole", |
5 |
search: "Hledej", |
6 |
replace: "Nahraď", |
7 |
replace_command: "Nahraď / otevři vyhledávací pole", |
8 |
find_next: "Najdi další", |
9 |
replace_all: "Nahraď vše", |
10 |
reg_exp: "platné výrazy", |
11 |
match_case: "vyhodnocené výrazy", |
12 |
not_found: "nenalezené.", |
13 |
occurrence_replaced: "výskyty nahrazené.", |
14 |
search_field_empty: "Pole vyhledávání je prázdné", |
15 |
restart_search_at_begin: "Dosažen konec souboru, začínám od začátku.", |
16 |
move_popup: "Přesuň vyhledávací okno", |
17 |
font_size: "--Velikost textu--", |
18 |
go_to_line: "Přejdi na řádek", |
19 |
go_to_line_prompt: "Přejdi na řádek:", |
20 |
undo: "krok zpět", |
21 |
redo: "znovu", |
22 |
change_smooth_selection: "Povolit nebo zakázat některé ze zobrazených funkcí (účelnější zobrazení požaduje větší zatížení procesoru)", |
23 |
highlight: "Zvýrazňování syntaxe zap./vyp.", |
24 |
reset_highlight: "Obnovit zvýraznění (v případě nesrovnalostí)", |
25 |
help: "O programu", |
26 |
save: "Uložit", |
27 |
load: "Otevřít", |
28 |
line_abbr: "Ř.", |
29 |
char_abbr: "S.", |
30 |
position: "Pozice", |
31 |
total: "Celkem", |
32 |
close_popup: "Zavřít okno", |
33 |
shortcuts: "Zkratky", |
34 |
add_tab: "Přidat tabulování textu", |
35 |
remove_tab: "Odtsranit tabulování textu", |
36 |
about_notice: "Upozornění! Funkce zvýrazňování textu je k dispozici pouze pro malý text", |
37 |
toggle: "Přepnout editor", |
38 |
accesskey: "Přístupová klávesa", |
39 |
tab: "Záložka", |
40 |
shift: "Shift", |
41 |
ctrl: "Ctrl", |
42 |
esc: "Esc", |
43 |
processing: "Zpracovávám ...", |
44 |
fullscreen: "Celá obrazovka", |
45 |
syntax_selection: "--vyber zvýrazňovač--", |
46 |
syntax_css: "CSS", |
47 |
syntax_html: "HTML", |
48 |
syntax_js: "Javascript", |
49 |
syntax_php: "Php", |
50 |
syntax_python: "Python", |
51 |
syntax_vb: "Visual Basic", |
52 |
syntax_xml: "Xml", |
53 |
syntax_c: "C", |
54 |
syntax_cpp: "CPP", |
55 |
syntax_basic: "Basic", |
56 |
syntax_pas: "Pascal", |
57 |
syntax_brainfuck: "Brainfuck", |
58 |
syntax_sql: "SQL", |
59 |
syntax_ruby: "Ruby", |
60 |
syntax_robotstxt: "Robots txt", |
61 |
syntax_tsql: "T-SQL", |
62 |
syntax_perl: "Perl", |
63 |
syntax_coldfusion: "Coldfusion", |
64 |
close_tab: "Close file" |
65 |
}; |
trunk/wb/include/editarea/langs/es.js | ||
1 |
editAreaLoader.lang["es"]={ |
2 |
new_document: "nuevo documento vacío", |
3 |
search_button: "buscar y reemplazar", |
4 |
search_command: "buscar siguiente / abrir área de búsqueda", |
5 |
search: "buscar", |
6 |
replace: "reemplazar", |
7 |
replace_command: "reemplazar / abrir área de búsqueda", |
8 |
find_next: "encontrar siguiente", |
9 |
replace_all: "reemplazar todos", |
10 |
reg_exp: "expresiones regulares", |
11 |
match_case: "coincidir capitalización", |
12 |
not_found: "no encontrado.", |
13 |
occurrence_replaced: "ocurrencias reemplazadas.", |
14 |
search_field_empty: "Campo de búsqueda vacío", |
15 |
restart_search_at_begin: "Se ha llegado al final del área. Se va a seguir desde el principio.", |
16 |
move_popup: "mover la ventana de búsqueda", |
17 |
font_size: "--Tamaño de la fuente--", |
18 |
go_to_line: "ir a la línea", |
19 |
go_to_line_prompt: "ir a la línea número:", |
20 |
undo: "deshacer", |
21 |
redo: "rehacer", |
22 |
change_smooth_selection: "activar/desactivar algunas características de visualización (visualización más inteligente pero más carga de CPU)", |
23 |
highlight: "intercambiar resaltado de sintaxis", |
24 |
reset_highlight: "reinicializar resaltado (si no esta sincronizado con el texto)", |
25 |
help: "acerca", |
26 |
save: "guardar", |
27 |
load: "cargar", |
28 |
line_abbr: "Ln", |
29 |
char_abbr: "Ch", |
30 |
position: "Posición", |
31 |
total: "Total", |
32 |
close_popup: "recuadro de cierre", |
33 |
shortcuts: "Atajos", |
34 |
add_tab: "añadir tabulado al texto", |
35 |
remove_tab: "borrar tabulado del texto", |
36 |
about_notice: "Aviso: el resaltado de sintaxis sólo funciona para texto pequeño", |
37 |
toggle: "Cambiar editor", |
38 |
accesskey: "Tecla de acceso", |
39 |
tab: "Tab", |
40 |
shift: "Mayúsc", |
41 |
ctrl: "Ctrl", |
42 |
esc: "Esc", |
43 |
processing: "Procesando...", |
44 |
fullscreen: "pantalla completa", |
45 |
syntax_selection: "--Syntax--", |
46 |
syntax_css: "CSS", |
47 |
syntax_html: "HTML", |
48 |
syntax_js: "Javascript", |
49 |
syntax_php: "Php", |
50 |
syntax_python: "Python", |
51 |
syntax_vb: "Visual Basic", |
52 |
syntax_xml: "Xml", |
53 |
syntax_c: "C", |
54 |
syntax_cpp: "CPP", |
55 |
syntax_basic: "Basic", |
56 |
syntax_pas: "Pascal", |
57 |
syntax_brainfuck: "Brainfuck", |
58 |
syntax_sql: "SQL", |
59 |
syntax_ruby: "Ruby", |
60 |
syntax_coldfusion: "Coldfusion", |
61 |
close_tab: "Close file" |
62 |
}; |
trunk/wb/include/editarea/langs/fr.js | ||
1 |
editAreaLoader.lang["fr"]={ |
2 |
new_document: "nouveau document (efface le contenu)", |
3 |
search_button: "rechercher / remplacer", |
4 |
search_command: "rechercher suivant / ouvrir la fenêtre de recherche", |
5 |
search: "rechercher", |
6 |
replace: "remplacer", |
7 |
replace_command: "remplacer / ouvrir la fenêtre de recherche", |
8 |
find_next: "rechercher", |
9 |
replace_all: "tout remplacer", |
10 |
reg_exp: "expr. régulière", |
11 |
match_case: "respecter la casse", |
12 |
not_found: "pas trouvé.", |
13 |
occurrence_replaced: "remplacements éffectués.", |
14 |
search_field_empty: "Le champ de recherche est vide.", |
15 |
restart_search_at_begin: "Fin du texte atteint, poursuite au début.", |
16 |
move_popup: "déplacer la fenêtre de recherche", |
17 |
font_size: "--Taille police--", |
18 |
go_to_line: "aller à la ligne", |
19 |
go_to_line_prompt: "aller a la ligne numero:", |
20 |
undo: "annuler", |
21 |
redo: "refaire", |
22 |
change_smooth_selection: "activer/désactiver des fonctions d'affichage (meilleur affichage mais plus de charge processeur)", |
23 |
highlight: "activer/désactiver la coloration syntaxique", |
24 |
reset_highlight: "réinitialiser la coloration syntaxique (si désyncronisée du texte)", |
25 |
help: "à propos", |
26 |
save: "sauvegarder", |
27 |
load: "charger", |
28 |
line_abbr: "Ln", |
29 |
char_abbr: "Ch", |
30 |
position: "Position", |
31 |
total: "Total", |
32 |
close_popup: "fermer le popup", |
33 |
shortcuts: "Racourcis clavier", |
34 |
add_tab: "ajouter une tabulation dans le texte", |
35 |
remove_tab: "retirer une tabulation dans le texte", |
36 |
about_notice: "Note: la coloration syntaxique n'est prévue que pour de courts textes.", |
37 |
toggle: "basculer l'éditeur", |
38 |
accesskey: "Accesskey", |
39 |
tab: "Tab", |
40 |
shift: "Maj", |
41 |
ctrl: "Ctrl", |
42 |
esc: "Esc", |
43 |
processing: "chargement...", |
44 |
fullscreen: "plein écran", |
45 |
syntax_selection: "--Syntaxe--", |
46 |
syntax_css: "CSS", |
47 |
syntax_html: "HTML", |
48 |
syntax_js: "Javascript", |
49 |
syntax_php: "Php", |
50 |
syntax_python: "Python", |
51 |
syntax_vb: "Visual Basic", |
52 |
syntax_xml: "Xml", |
53 |
syntax_c: "C", |
54 |
syntax_cpp: "CPP", |
55 |
syntax_basic: "Basic", |
56 |
syntax_pas: "Pascal", |
57 |
syntax_brainfuck: "Brainfuck", |
58 |
syntax_sql: "SQL", |
59 |
syntax_ruby: "Ruby", |
60 |
syntax_robotstxt: "Robots txt", |
61 |
syntax_tsql: "T-SQL", |
62 |
syntax_perl: "Perl", |
63 |
syntax_coldfusion: "Coldfusion", |
64 |
close_tab: "Fermer le fichier" |
65 |
}; |
trunk/wb/include/editarea/langs/mk.js | ||
1 |
editAreaLoader.lang["mk"]={ |
2 |
new_document: "Нов документ", |
3 |
search_button: "Најди и замени", |
4 |
search_command: "Барај следно / Отвори нов прозорец за пребарување", |
5 |
search: "Барај", |
6 |
replace: "Замени", |
7 |
replace_command: "Замени / Отвори прозорец за пребарување", |
8 |
find_next: "најди следно", |
9 |
replace_all: "Замени ги сите", |
10 |
reg_exp: "Регуларни изрази", |
11 |
match_case: "Битна е големината на буквите", |
12 |
not_found: "не е пронајдено.", |
13 |
occurrence_replaced: "замени.", |
14 |
search_field_empty: "Полето за пребарување е празно", |
15 |
restart_search_at_begin: "Крај на областа. Стартувај од почеток.", |
16 |
move_popup: "Помести го прозорецот", |
17 |
font_size: "--Големина на текстот--", |
18 |
go_to_line: "Оди на линија", |
19 |
go_to_line_prompt: "Оди на линија со број:", |
20 |
undo: "Врати", |
21 |
redo: "Повтори", |
22 |
change_smooth_selection: "Вклучи/исклучи некои карактеристики за приказ (попаметен приказ, но поголемо оптеретување за процесорот)", |
23 |
highlight: "Вклучи/исклучи осветлување на синтакса", |
24 |
reset_highlight: "Ресетирај го осветлувањето на синтакса (доколку е десинхронизиранo со текстот)", |
25 |
help: "За", |
26 |
save: "Зачувај", |
27 |
load: "Вчитај", |
28 |
line_abbr: "Лн", |
29 |
char_abbr: "Зн", |
30 |
position: "Позиција", |
31 |
total: "Вкупно", |
32 |
close_popup: "Затвори го прозорецот", |
33 |
shortcuts: "Кратенки", |
34 |
add_tab: "Додај табулација на текстот", |
35 |
remove_tab: "Отстрани ја табулацијата", |
36 |
about_notice: "Напомена: Осветлувањето на синтанса е само за краток текст", |
37 |
toggle: "Смени начин на уредување", |
38 |
accesskey: "Accesskey", |
39 |
tab: "Tab", |
40 |
shift: "Shift", |
41 |
ctrl: "Ctrl", |
42 |
esc: "Esc", |
43 |
processing: "Обработувам...", |
44 |
fullscreen: "Цел прозорец", |
45 |
syntax_selection: "--Синтакса--", |
46 |
syntax_css: "CSS", |
47 |
syntax_html: "HTML", |
48 |
syntax_js: "Javascript", |
49 |
syntax_php: "Php", |
50 |
syntax_python: "Python", |
51 |
syntax_vb: "Visual Basic", |
52 |
syntax_xml: "Xml", |
53 |
syntax_c: "C", |
54 |
syntax_cpp: "CPP", |
55 |
syntax_basic: "Basic", |
56 |
syntax_pas: "Pascal", |
57 |
syntax_brainfuck: "Brainfuck", |
58 |
syntax_sql: "SQL", |
59 |
syntax_ruby: "Ruby", |
60 |
syntax_robotstxt: "Robots txt", |
61 |
syntax_tsql: "T-SQL", |
62 |
syntax_perl: "Perl", |
63 |
syntax_coldfusion: "Coldfusion", |
64 |
close_tab: "Избери датотека" |
65 |
}; |
trunk/wb/include/editarea/langs/hr.js | ||
1 |
editAreaLoader.lang["hr"]={ |
2 |
new_document: "Novi dokument", |
3 |
search_button: "Traži i izmijeni", |
4 |
search_command: "Traži dalje / Otvori prozor za traženje", |
5 |
search: "Traži", |
6 |
replace: "Izmijeni", |
7 |
replace_command: "Izmijeni / Otvori prozor za traženje", |
8 |
find_next: "Traži dalje", |
9 |
replace_all: "Izmjeni sve", |
10 |
reg_exp: "Regularni izrazi", |
11 |
match_case: "Bitna vel. slova", |
12 |
not_found: "nije naðeno.", |
13 |
occurrence_replaced: "izmjenjenih.", |
14 |
search_field_empty: "Prazno polje za traženje!", |
15 |
restart_search_at_begin: "Došao do kraja. Poèeo od poèetka.", |
16 |
move_popup: "Pomakni prozor", |
17 |
font_size: "--Velièina teksta--", |
18 |
go_to_line: "Odi na redak", |
19 |
go_to_line_prompt: "Odi na redak:", |
20 |
undo: "Vrati natrag", |
21 |
redo: "Napravi ponovo", |
22 |
change_smooth_selection: "Ukljuèi/iskljuèi neke moguænosti prikaza (pametniji prikaz, ali zagušeniji CPU)", |
23 |
highlight: "Ukljuèi/iskljuèi bojanje sintakse", |
24 |
reset_highlight: "Ponovi kolorizaciju (ako je nesinkronizirana s tekstom)", |
25 |
help: "O edit_area", |
26 |
save: "Spremi", |
27 |
load: "Uèitaj", |
28 |
line_abbr: "Ln", |
29 |
char_abbr: "Zn", |
30 |
position: "Pozicija", |
31 |
total: "Ukupno", |
32 |
close_popup: "Zatvori prozor", |
33 |
shortcuts: "Kratice", |
34 |
add_tab: "Dodaj tabulaciju", |
35 |
remove_tab: "Makni tabulaciju", |
36 |
about_notice: "Napomena: koloriziranje sintakse je samo za kratke kodove", |
37 |
toggle: "Prebaci naèin ureðivanja", |
38 |
accesskey: "Accesskey", |
39 |
tab: "Tab", |
40 |
shift: "Shift", |
41 |
ctrl: "Ctrl", |
42 |
esc: "Esc", |
43 |
processing: "Procesiram...", |
44 |
fullscreen: "Cijeli prozor", |
45 |
syntax_selection: "--Syntax--", |
46 |
syntax_css: "CSS", |
47 |
syntax_html: "HTML", |
48 |
syntax_js: "Javascript", |
49 |
syntax_php: "Php", |
50 |
syntax_python: "Python", |
51 |
syntax_vb: "Visual Basic", |
52 |
syntax_xml: "Xml", |
53 |
syntax_c: "C", |
54 |
syntax_cpp: "CPP", |
55 |
syntax_basic: "Basic", |
56 |
syntax_pas: "Pascal", |
57 |
syntax_brainfuck: "Brainfuck", |
58 |
syntax_sql: "SQL", |
59 |
syntax_ruby: "Ruby", |
60 |
syntax_robotstxt: "Robots txt", |
61 |
syntax_tsql: "T-SQL", |
62 |
syntax_perl: "Perl", |
63 |
syntax_coldfusion: "Coldfusion", |
64 |
close_tab: "Close file" |
65 |
}; |
trunk/wb/include/editarea/langs/nl.js | ||
1 |
editAreaLoader.lang["nl"]={ |
2 |
new_document: "nieuw leeg document", |
3 |
search_button: "zoek en vervang", |
4 |
search_command: "zoek volgende / zoekscherm openen", |
5 |
search: "zoek", |
6 |
replace: "vervang", |
7 |
replace_command: "vervang / zoekscherm openen", |
8 |
find_next: "volgende vinden", |
9 |
replace_all: "alles vervangen", |
10 |
reg_exp: "reguliere expressies", |
11 |
match_case: "hoofdletter gevoelig", |
12 |
not_found: "niet gevonden.", |
13 |
occurrence_replaced: "object vervangen.", |
14 |
search_field_empty: "Zoek veld leeg", |
15 |
restart_search_at_begin: "Niet meer instanties gevonden, begin opnieuw", |
16 |
move_popup: "versleep zoek scherm", |
17 |
font_size: "--Letter grootte--", |
18 |
go_to_line: "Ga naar regel", |
19 |
go_to_line_prompt: "Ga naar regel nummer:", |
20 |
undo: "Ongedaan maken", |
21 |
redo: "Opnieuw doen", |
22 |
change_smooth_selection: "zet wat schermopties aan/uit (kan langzamer zijn)", |
23 |
highlight: "zet syntax highlight aan/uit", |
24 |
reset_highlight: "reset highlight (indien gedesynchronizeerd)", |
25 |
help: "informatie", |
26 |
save: "opslaan", |
27 |
load: "laden", |
28 |
line_abbr: "Ln", |
29 |
char_abbr: "Ch", |
30 |
position: "Positie", |
31 |
total: "Totaal", |
32 |
close_popup: "Popup sluiten", |
33 |
shortcuts: "Snelkoppelingen", |
34 |
add_tab: "voeg tabs toe in tekst", |
35 |
remove_tab: "verwijder tabs uit tekst", |
36 |
about_notice: "Notitie: syntax highlight functie is alleen voor kleine tekst", |
37 |
toggle: "geavanceerde bewerkingsopties", |
38 |
accesskey: "Accessknop", |
39 |
tab: "Tab", |
40 |
shift: "Shift", |
41 |
ctrl: "Ctrl", |
42 |
esc: "Esc", |
43 |
processing: "Verwerken...", |
44 |
fullscreen: "fullscreen", |
45 |
syntax_selection: "--Syntax--", |
46 |
syntax_css: "CSS", |
47 |
syntax_html: "HTML", |
48 |
syntax_js: "Javascript", |
49 |
syntax_php: "Php", |
50 |
syntax_python: "Python", |
51 |
syntax_vb: "Visual Basic", |
52 |
syntax_xml: "Xml", |
53 |
syntax_c: "C", |
54 |
syntax_cpp: "CPP", |
55 |
syntax_basic: "Basic", |
56 |
syntax_pas: "Pascal", |
57 |
syntax_brainfuck: "Brainfuck", |
58 |
syntax_sql: "SQL", |
59 |
syntax_ruby: "Ruby", |
60 |
syntax_robotstxt: "Robots txt", |
61 |
syntax_tsql: "T-SQL", |
62 |
syntax_perl: "Perl", |
63 |
syntax_coldfusion: "Coldfusion", |
64 |
close_tab: "Close file" |
65 |
}; |
trunk/wb/include/editarea/langs/pl.js | ||
1 |
editAreaLoader.lang["pl"]={ |
2 |
new_document: "nowy dokument", |
3 |
search_button: "znajdź i zamień", |
4 |
search_command: "znajdź następny", |
5 |
search: "znajdź", |
6 |
replace: "zamień", |
7 |
replace_command: "zamień", |
8 |
find_next: "następny", |
9 |
replace_all: "zamień wszystko", |
10 |
reg_exp: "wyrażenie regularne", |
11 |
match_case: "uwzględnij wielkość liter<br />", |
12 |
not_found: "nie znaleziono.", |
13 |
occurrence_replaced: "wystąpień zamieniono.", |
14 |
search_field_empty: "Nie wprowadzono tekstu", |
15 |
restart_search_at_begin: "Koniec dokumentu. Wyszukiwanie od początku.", |
16 |
move_popup: "przesuń okienko wyszukiwania", |
17 |
font_size: "Rozmiar", |
18 |
go_to_line: "idź do linii", |
19 |
go_to_line_prompt: "numer linii:", |
20 |
undo: "cofnij", |
21 |
redo: "przywróć", |
22 |
change_smooth_selection: "włącz/wyłącz niektóre opcje wyglądu (zaawansowane opcje wyglądu obciążają procesor)", |
23 |
highlight: "włącz/wyłącz podświetlanie składni", |
24 |
reset_highlight: "odśwież podświetlanie składni (jeśli rozsynchronizowało się z tekstem)", |
25 |
help: "o programie", |
26 |
save: "zapisz", |
27 |
load: "otwórz", |
28 |
line_abbr: "Ln", |
29 |
char_abbr: "Zn", |
30 |
position: "Pozycja", |
31 |
total: "W sumie", |
32 |
close_popup: "zamknij okienko", |
33 |
shortcuts: "Skróty klawiaturowe", |
34 |
add_tab: "dodaj wcięcie do zaznaczonego tekstu", |
35 |
remove_tab: "usuń wcięcie", |
36 |
about_notice: "Uwaga: podświetlanie składni nie jest zalecane dla długich tekstów", |
37 |
toggle: "Włącz/wyłącz edytor", |
38 |
accesskey: "Alt+", |
39 |
tab: "Tab", |
40 |
shift: "Shift", |
41 |
ctrl: "Ctrl", |
42 |
esc: "Esc", |
43 |
processing: "Przetwarzanie...", |
44 |
fullscreen: "fullscreen", |
45 |
syntax_selection: "--Syntax--", |
46 |
syntax_css: "CSS", |
47 |
syntax_html: "HTML", |
48 |
syntax_js: "Javascript", |
49 |
syntax_php: "Php", |
50 |
syntax_python: "Python", |
51 |
syntax_vb: "Visual Basic", |
52 |
syntax_xml: "Xml", |
53 |
syntax_c: "C", |
54 |
syntax_cpp: "CPP", |
55 |
syntax_basic: "Basic", |
56 |
syntax_pas: "Pascal", |
57 |
syntax_brainfuck: "Brainfuck", |
58 |
syntax_sql: "SQL", |
59 |
syntax_ruby: "Ruby", |
60 |
syntax_robotstxt: "Robots txt", |
61 |
syntax_tsql: "T-SQL", |
62 |
syntax_perl: "Perl", |
63 |
syntax_coldfusion: "Coldfusion", |
Also available in: Unified diff
Added Javascript syntax highlighting framework EditArea as replacement for Codepress.