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Revision 836

Added by doc almost 17 years ago

Set version to 2.7

View differences:

12 12

13 13
------------------------------------- 2.7.0 -------------------------------------
14 14
21-Apr-2008 Christian Sommer
!	set version to 2.7
15 16
#	fixed bug in the PL language file of the JS calendar
16 17
+	added some basic functions for module developers
17 18
20-Apr-2008 Thomas Hornik
54 54
	status_msg(', WB 2.7 core files uploaded: ');
55 55
	@include_once(WB_PATH .'/framework/functions.php');
56 56
	@include_once(ADMIN_PATH .'/interface/version.php');
	if(defined('VERSION') && VERSION == '2.7 (RC3a)'
	if(defined('VERSION') && VERSION == '2.7'
58 58
		&& function_exists('get_variable_content') 
59 59
		&& file_exists(WB_PATH .'/modules/menu_link/languages/DE.php') 
60 60
		&& file_exists(WB_PATH .'/modules/output_filter/filter-routines.php') 
189 189
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<h2>Step 2: Create a backup of your existing data</h2>
<p>It is highly recommended to <strong>create a manual backup</strong> of the entire <strong>/pages folder</strong> and the <strong>MySQL database</strong> before proceeding. The upgrade script is not sufficiently tested at the moment and should therefore only be used for testing purposes!!! Please confirm the disclaimer before starting this script.</p>
<p>It is highly recommended to <strong>create a manual backup</strong> of the entire <strong>/pages folder</strong> and the <strong>MySQL database</strong> before proceeding.<br /><strong class="error">Note: </strong>The upgrade script alters some settings of your existing database!!! You need to confirm the disclaimer before proceeding.</p>
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<form name="send" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="POST">
195 195
<textarea cols="80" rows="5">DISCLAIMER: The Website Baker upgrade script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. One needs to confirm that a manual backup of the /pages folder (including all files and subfolders contained in it) and backup of the entire Website Baker MySQL database was created before you can proceed.</textarea>
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// check if defined to avoid errors during installation (redirect to admin panel fails if PHP error/warnings are enabled)
if(!defined('VERSION')) define('VERSION', '2.7 (RC3a)');
if(!defined('VERSION')) define('VERSION', '2.7');
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