


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
charsets_table.php 140 KB 730 about 17 years thorn fixed hebrew transliteration-table. Thanks to f...
class.admin.php 13.1 KB 749 about 17 years doc Removed hardcoded /admin folder strings from WB...
class.database.php 3.32 KB 519 over 17 years Matthias Changed all copyright notices to include now 2008
class.frontend.php 13.9 KB 754 about 17 years doc adjusted error/warning templates to the updated...
class.login.php 15 KB 729 about 17 years doc added bugfix from the forum member tavitar to f...
class.order.php 5.43 KB 519 over 17 years Matthias Changed all copyright notices to include now 2008
class.wb.php 9.85 KB 656 about 17 years thorn Added some missing add_slashes(), get_post_esca...
class.wbmailer.php 4.22 KB 638 about 17 years thorn Allow a user-supplied From-Name in form-setting...
frontend.functions.php 14.5 KB 740 about 17 years thorn fixed an issue with highlighting
functions-utf8.php 36.2 KB 731 about 17 years thorn fixed issue in pagename generation if AddDefaul...
functions.php 24.5 KB 672 about 17 years thorn removed wrong parameter from change_mode()-call...
index.php 848 Bytes 519 over 17 years Matthias Changed all copyright notices to include now 2008
initialize.php 4.03 KB 725 about 17 years doc suppressed warnings in initialize.php if consta...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
754 2008-03-13 17:53 doc

adjusted error/warning templates to the updated backend layout

749 2008-03-12 22:00 doc

Removed hardcoded /admin folder strings from WB core files where possible

745 2008-03-11 19:40 doc

fixed issue with WYSIWYG pages (appears if backend language and page frontend language differs)

742 2008-03-04 19:45 doc

fixed issue with smart view URL link

740 2008-03-03 19:57 thorn

fixed an issue with highlighting

731 2008-02-29 22:04 thorn

fixed issue in pagename generation if AddDefaultCharset is set (as work-around).

730 2008-02-28 23:13 thorn

fixed hebrew transliteration-table. Thanks to forum-member iti.

729 2008-02-28 18:09 doc

added bugfix from the forum member tavitar to fix an issue with multiple groups (module permission do not add up properly)

725 2008-02-23 12:30 doc

suppressed warnings in initialize.php if constant already defined; modified upgrade script to make FCK the new default editor

723 2008-02-23 00:34 thorn

some minor changes in utf-8 translation-table

View revisions

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