


« Previous | Next » 

Revision 660

Added by thorn about 17 years ago

Added missing text in languages files for jscalendar

View differences:

13 13
------------------------------------- 2.7.0 -------------------------------------
14 14
02-Feb-2008 Christian Sommer
15 15
#	fixed wrong redirect in /admin/images
02-Feb-2008 Thomas Hornik
02-Feb-2008 Thomas Hornik
+	Added missing text in languages files for jscalendar
17 18
!	settings: pages-directory '/' will be converted to '' (empty string) on save.
18 19
!	changed last remaining call to my_htmlspecialchars() to htmlspecialchars()
19 20
#	fixed path in jscalendar-css
196 196
197 197
				<?php } // jscalendar-stuff following ?>
198 198
				<td><input type="text" id="start_date<?php echo $section['section_id']; ?>" name="start_date<?php echo $section['section_id']; ?>" value="<?php if($section['publ_start']==0) print ""; else print date($jscal_format, $section['publ_start'])?>" style="width: 120px;" />
					<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_16.png" id="trigger_start<?php echo $section['section_id']; ?>" style="cursor: pointer;" title="Calendar" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" />
					<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_del_16.png" style="cursor: pointer;" title="delete date" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" onclick="document.section_properties.start_date<?php echo $section['section_id']; ?>.value=''" />
					<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_16.png" id="trigger_start<?php echo $section['section_id']; ?>" style="cursor: pointer;" title="<?php echo $TEXT['CALENDAR']; ?>" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" />
					<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_del_16.png" style="cursor: pointer;" title="<?php echo $TEXT['DELETE_DATE']; ?>" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" onclick="document.section_properties.start_date<?php echo $section['section_id']; ?>.value=''" />
201 201
202 202
				<td><input type="text" id="end_date<?php echo $section['section_id']; ?>" name="end_date<?php echo $section['section_id']; ?>" value="<?php if($section['publ_end']==0) print ""; else print date($jscal_format, $section['publ_end'])?>" style="width: 120px;" />
					<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_16.png" id="trigger_stop<?php echo $section['section_id']; ?>" style="cursor: pointer;" title="Calendar" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" />
					<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_del_16.png" style="cursor: pointer;" title="delete date" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" onclick="document.section_properties.end_date<?php echo $section['section_id']; ?>.value=''"/>
					<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_16.png" id="trigger_stop<?php echo $section['section_id']; ?>" style="cursor: pointer;" title="<?php echo $TEXT['CALENDAR']; ?>" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" />
					<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_del_16.png" style="cursor: pointer;" title="<?php echo $TEXT['DELETE_DATE']; ?>" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" onclick="document.section_properties.end_date<?php echo $section['section_id']; ?>.value=''"/>
205 205
206 206
				<td width="20">
207 207
					<?php if($section['position'] != 1) { ?>
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt'; //needs to be translated
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date'; //needs to be translated
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date'; //needs to be translated
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.'; //needs to be translated
407 409
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_MAIL'] = 'Default From Mail'; //needs to be translated
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Default Sender Name'; //needs to be translated
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt';
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date';
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date';
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender';
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date';
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.';
407 409
408 410
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt'; //needs to be translated
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date'; //needs to be translated
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date'; //needs to be translated
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.'; //needs to be translated
407 409
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_MAIL'] = 'Default From Mail'; //needs to be translated
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Default Sender Name'; //needs to be translated
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt'; //needs to be translated
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date'; //needs to be translated
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date'; //needs to be translated
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.'; //needs to be translated
407 409
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_MAIL'] = 'Default From Mail'; //needs to be translated
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Default Sender Name'; //needs to be translated
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt'; //needs to be translated
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date'; //needs to be translated
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date'; //needs to be translated
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.'; //needs to be translated
407 409
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_MAIL'] = 'Default From Mail'; //needs to be translated
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Default Sender Name'; //needs to be translated
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt'; //needs to be translated
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date'; //needs to be translated
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date'; //needs to be translated
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.'; //needs to be translated
407 409
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_MAIL'] = 'Default From Mail'; //needs to be translated
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Default Sender Name'; //needs to be translated
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt'; //needs to be translated
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date'; //needs to be translated
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date'; //needs to be translated
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.'; //needs to be translated
407 409
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_MAIL'] = 'Default From Mail'; //needs to be translated
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Default Sender Name'; //needs to be translated
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt'; //needs to be translated
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date'; //needs to be translated
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date'; //needs to be translated
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.'; //needs to be translated
407 409
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_MAIL'] = 'Default From Mail'; //needs to be translated
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Default Sender Name'; //needs to be translated
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt'; //needs to be translated
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date'; //needs to be translated
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date'; //needs to be translated
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.'; //needs to be translated
407 409
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_MAIL'] = 'Default From Mail'; //needs to be translated
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Default Sender Name'; //needs to be translated
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt'; //needs to be translated
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date'; //needs to be translated
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date'; //needs to be translated
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.'; //needs to be translated
407 409
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_MAIL'] = 'Default From Mail'; //needs to be translated
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Default Sender Name'; //needs to be translated
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt'; //needs to be translated
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date'; //needs to be translated
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date'; //needs to be translated
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.'; //needs to be translated
407 409
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_MAIL'] = 'Default From Mail'; //needs to be translated
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Default Sender Name'; //needs to be translated
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt'; //needs to be translated
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date'; //needs to be translated
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date'; //needs to be translated
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.'; //needs to be translated
407 409
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_MAIL'] = 'Default From Mail'; //needs to be translated
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Default Sender Name'; //needs to be translated
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt'; //needs to be translated
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date'; //needs to be translated
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date'; //needs to be translated
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.'; //needs to be translated
407 409
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_MAIL'] = 'Default From Mail'; //needs to be translated
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Default Sender Name'; //needs to be translated
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt'; //needs to be translated
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date'; //needs to be translated
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date'; //needs to be translated
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.'; //needs to be translated
407 409
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_MAIL'] = 'Default From Mail'; //needs to be translated
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Default Sender Name'; //needs to be translated
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max lines of excerpt'; //needs to be translated
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start date'; //needs to be translated
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End date'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender'; //needs to be translated
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Delete date'; //needs to be translated
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Please specify a default "FROM" address and "SENDER" name below. It is recommended to use a FROM address like: <strong></strong>. Some mail provider (e.g. <em></em>) may reject mails with a FROM: address like <em></em> sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam.<br /><br />The default values are only used if no other values are specified by Website Baker. If your server supports <acronym title="Simple mail transfer protocol">SMTP</acronym>, you may want use this option for outgoing mails.'; //needs to be translated
407 409
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_MAIL'] = 'Default From Mail'; //needs to be translated
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Default Sender Name'; //needs to be translated
403 403
$TEXT['MAX_EXCERPT'] = 'Max Anzahl Treffer';
404 404
$TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE'] = 'Start Datum';
405 405
$TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE'] = 'End Datum';
$TEXT['CALENDAR'] = 'Kalender';
$TEXT['DELETE_DATE'] = 'Datum l&ouml;schen';
406 408
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NOTICE'] = 'Bitte gebe Standard "VON" Adresse und einen Senddernamen an. Als Absender Adresse empfiehlt sich ein Format wie: <strong></strong>. Manche E-Mail-Provider (z.B. <em></em>) stellen keine E-Mails zu, die nicht &uuml;ber den Provider selbst verschickt wurden, in der Absenderadresse aber den Namen des E-Mail-Providers <em></em> enthalten. Die Standard Werte werden nur verwendet, wenn keine anderen Werte von Website Baker gesetzt wurden. Wenn Dein Service Provider <acronym title="Simple Mail Transfer Protocol">SMTP</acronym> anbietet, solltest Du diese Option f&uuml;r ausgehende E-Mails verwenden.';
407 409
408 410
$TEXT['WBMAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME'] = 'Standard Absender Name';
116 116
	<td><?php echo $TEXT['PUBL_START_DATE']; ?>:</td>
117 117
118 118
	<input type="text" id="publishdate" name="publishdate" value="<?php if($fetch_content['published_when']==0) print date($jscal_format, strtotime((date('Y-m-d')))); else print date($jscal_format, $fetch_content['published_when']);?>" style="width: 120px;" />
	<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_16.png" id="publishdate_trigger" style="cursor: pointer;" title="Calendar" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" />
	<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_del_16.png" style="cursor: pointer;" title="delete date" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" onclick="document.modify.publishdate.value=''" />
	<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_16.png" id="publishdate_trigger" style="cursor: pointer;" title="<?php echo $TEXT['CALENDAR']; ?>" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" />
	<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_del_16.png" style="cursor: pointer;" title="<?php echo $TEXT['DELETE_DATE']; ?>" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" onclick="document.modify.publishdate.value=''" />
121 121
122 122
123 123
124 124
	<td><?php echo $TEXT['PUBL_END_DATE']; ?>:</td>
125 125
126 126
	<input type="text" id="enddate" name="enddate" value="<?php if($fetch_content['published_until']==0) print ""; else print date($jscal_format, $fetch_content['published_until'])?>" style="width: 120px;" />
	<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_16.png" id="enddate_trigger" style="cursor: pointer;" title="Calendar" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" />
	<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_del_16.png" style="cursor: pointer;" title="delete date" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" onclick="document.modify.enddate.value=''" />
	<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_16.png" id="enddate_trigger" style="cursor: pointer;" title="<?php echo $TEXT['CALENDAR']; ?>" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" />
	<img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL ?>/images/clock_del_16.png" style="cursor: pointer;" title="<?php echo $TEXT['DELETE_DATE']; ?>" onmouseover="'lightgrey';" onmouseout="''" onclick="document.modify.enddate.value=''" />
129 129
130 130
131 131

Also available in: Unified diff