Revision 437
Added by Matthias about 18 years ago
search.php | ||
39 | 39 |
40 | 40 |
// Get the search type |
41 | 41 |
$match = 'all'; |
42 |
if(isset($_REQUEST['match'])) {
43 |
$match = $_REQUEST['match'];
44 |
42 |
if(isset($_REQUEST['match'])) {
43 |
$match = $_REQUEST['match'];
44 |
45 | 45 |
46 | 46 |
// Get search string |
47 | 47 |
if(isset($_REQUEST['string'])) { |
... | ... | |
54 | 54 |
$original_string=$wb->strip_slashes($string); |
55 | 55 |
// Double backslashes (mySQL needs doubly escaped backslashes in LIKE comparisons) |
56 | 56 |
$string = addslashes($wb->escape_backslashes($original_string)); |
57 |
// then escape for mySQL query |
58 |
$search_string = htmlspecialchars($original_string,ENT_QUOTES); |
57 |
// convert a copy of $string to HTML-ENTITIES |
58 |
$string_entities=mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES'); |
59 |
$string_entities=htmlspecialchars($string_entities,ENT_QUOTES); |
60 |
$string_entities=mb_convert_encoding($string_entities, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'); |
61 |
// and do some convertion to both |
62 |
require(WB_PATH.'/search/search_convert.php'); |
63 |
$string=strtr($string,$string_conv); |
64 |
$string_entities=strtr($string_entities,$string_entities_conv); |
65 |
$search_string = $string_entities; |
59 | 66 |
} else { |
60 | 67 |
$string = ''; |
61 | 68 |
$search_string = ''; |
... | ... | |
75 | 82 |
$string[] = $each_exploded_string; |
76 | 83 |
} |
77 | 84 |
} |
85 |
// Split $string_entities, too |
86 |
$exploded_string = explode(' ', $string_entities); |
87 |
// Make sure there is no blank values in the array |
88 |
$string_entities = array(); |
89 |
foreach($exploded_string AS $each_exploded_string) { |
90 |
if($each_exploded_string != '') { |
91 |
$string_entities[] = $each_exploded_string; |
92 |
} |
93 |
} |
78 | 94 |
if ($match == 'any') { |
79 | 95 |
$any_checked = ' checked="checked"'; |
80 | 96 |
$logical_operator = ' OR'; |
... | ... | |
87 | 103 |
$exact_string=$string; |
88 | 104 |
$string=array(); |
89 | 105 |
$string[]=$exact_string; |
106 |
$exact_string=$string_entities; |
107 |
$string_entities=array(); |
108 |
$string_entities[]=$exact_string; |
90 | 109 |
} |
91 | 110 |
// Get list of usernames and display names |
92 | 111 |
$query_users = $database->query("SELECT user_id,username,display_name FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users"); |
... | ... | |
131 | 150 |
// Show search results_header |
132 | 151 |
echo $search_results_header; |
133 | 152 |
// Search page details only, such as description, keywords, etc. |
134 |
$query_pages = "SELECT page_id, page_title, menu_title, link, description, modified_when, modified_by FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pages WHERE "; |
135 |
$count = 0; |
136 |
foreach($string AS $each_string) { |
137 |
if($count != 0) { $query_pages .= $logical_operator; } |
138 |
$query_pages .= " visibility != 'none' AND page_title LIKE '%$each_string%' AND searching = '1'". |
139 |
" OR visibility != 'none' AND visibility != 'deleted' AND menu_title LIKE '%$each_string%' AND searching = '1'". |
140 |
" OR visibility != 'none' AND visibility != 'deleted' AND description LIKE '%$each_string%' AND searching = '1'". |
141 |
" OR visibility != 'none' AND visibility != 'deleted' AND keywords LIKE '%$each_string%' AND searching = '1'"; |
142 |
$count = $count+1; |
153 |
$query_pages = "SELECT page_id, page_title, menu_title, link, description, modified_when, modified_by FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pages WHERE "; |
154 |
$count = 0; |
155 |
foreach($string AS $each_string) { |
156 |
if($count != 0) { |
157 |
$query_pages .= $logical_operator; |
143 | 158 |
} |
144 |
$query_pages = $database->query($query_pages); |
159 |
$query_pages .= " visibility != 'none' AND visibility != 'deleted' AND searching = '1'". |
160 |
" AND (page_title LIKE '%$each_string%' OR menu_title LIKE '%$each_string%' OR description LIKE '%$each_string%' OR keywords LIKE '%$each_string%')"; |
161 |
$count = $count+1; |
162 |
} |
163 |
$count = 0; |
164 |
$query_pages .= ' OR'; |
165 |
foreach($string_entities AS $each_string) { |
166 |
if($count != 0) { |
167 |
$query_pages .= $logical_operator; |
168 |
} |
169 |
$query_pages .= " visibility != 'none' AND visibility != 'deleted' AND searching = '1'". |
170 |
" AND (page_title LIKE '%$each_string%' OR menu_title LIKE '%$each_string%' OR description LIKE '%$each_string%' OR keywords LIKE '%$each_string%')"; |
171 |
$count = $count+1; |
172 |
} |
173 |
$query_pages = $database->query($query_pages); |
145 | 174 |
// Loop through pages |
146 | 175 |
if($query_pages->numRows() > 0) { |
147 | 176 |
while($page = $query_pages->fetchRow()) { |
148 | 177 |
// Get page link |
149 | 178 |
$link = page_link($page['link']); |
179 |
180 |
//Add search string for highlighting |
181 |
$sstring = implode(" ", array_merge($string,$string_entities)); |
182 |
//$link = $link."?searchresult=1&sstring=".$sstring; |
183 |
$link = $link."?searchresult=1&sstring=".urlencode($sstring); |
184 |
150 | 185 |
// Set vars to be replaced by values |
151 | 186 |
$vars = array('[LINK]', '[TITLE]', '[DESCRIPTION]', '[USERNAME]','[DISPLAY_NAME]','[DATE]','[TIME]','[TEXT_LAST_UPDATED_BY]','[TEXT_ON]'); |
152 | 187 |
if($page['modified_when'] > 0) { |
... | ... | |
201 | 236 |
$prepared_query = $query_start; |
202 | 237 |
$count = 0; |
203 | 238 |
foreach($string AS $each_string) { |
204 |
if($count != 0) { $prepared_query .= $logical_operator; } |
239 |
if($count != 0) { |
240 |
$prepared_query .= $logical_operator; |
241 |
} |
205 | 242 |
$prepared_query .= str_replace('[STRING]', $each_string, $query_body); |
206 | 243 |
$count = $count+1; |
207 | 244 |
} |
245 |
$count=0; |
246 |
$prepared_query .= ' OR '; |
247 |
foreach($string_entities AS $each_string) { |
248 |
if($count != 0) { |
249 |
$prepared_query .= $logical_operator; |
250 |
} |
251 |
$prepared_query .= str_replace('[STRING]', $each_string, $query_body); |
252 |
$count = $count+1; |
253 |
} |
254 |
208 | 255 |
$prepared_query .= $query_end; |
256 |
209 | 257 |
// Execute query |
210 | 258 |
$query = $database->query($prepared_query); |
211 | 259 |
// Loop though queried items |
... | ... | |
215 | 263 |
if(!isset($fields['page_id']) OR !isset($pages_listed[$page[$fields['page_id']]])) { |
216 | 264 |
// Get page link |
217 | 265 |
$link = page_link($page[$fields['link']]); |
266 |
267 |
//Add search string for highlighting |
268 |
$sstring = implode(" ", array_merge($string,$string_entities)); |
269 |
//$link = $link."?searchresult=1&sstring=".$sstring; |
270 |
$link = $link."?searchresult=1&sstring=".urlencode($sstring); |
271 |
218 | 272 |
// Set vars to be replaced by values |
219 | 273 |
$vars = array('[LINK]', '[TITLE]', '[DESCRIPTION]', '[USERNAME]','[DISPLAY_NAME]','[DATE]','[TIME]','[TEXT_LAST_UPDATED_BY]','[TEXT_ON]'); |
220 | 274 |
if($page[$fields['modified_when']] > 0) { |
... | ... | |
236 | 290 |
} |
237 | 291 |
} |
238 | 292 |
} |
239 |
240 | 293 |
} |
241 | 294 |
} |
242 | 295 |
} |
... | ... | |
247 | 300 |
248 | 301 |
} |
249 | 302 |
250 |
// Say no items found if we should |
251 |
if($pages_listed == array() AND $items_listed == array()) { |
252 |
echo $fetch_no_results['value']; |
253 |
} |
303 |
// Say no items found if we should
304 |
if($pages_listed == array() AND $items_listed == array()) {
305 |
echo $fetch_no_results['value'];
306 |
254 | 307 |
255 | 308 |
} |
256 | 309 |
Also available in: Unified diff
Added new function for highlighting search results in the content area; Fixed some issues in search with special chars; (Special thanks to "thorn" and "Funky_MF")