wb-archiv283/trunk/wb @ 336
Name | Size | Revision | Age | Author | Comment |
account | 323 | almost 19 years | stefan | Applied fix regarding ticket #138 | |
admin | 336 | almost 19 years | stefan | Updated version.php to show 2.6.3 | |
framework | 333 | almost 19 years | stefan | Fixed ticket #143. Charset setting is now used ... | |
include | 317 | almost 19 years | stefan | Changed all line endings to Unix stlye | |
install | 332 | almost 19 years | stefan | Changed INSERT SQL code for settings table in i... | |
languages | 334 | almost 19 years | stefan | Changed link target selection. Now: self, top, ... | |
media | 10 | over 19 years | ryan | Added the Id keyword for all files | |
modules | 334 | almost 19 years | stefan | Changed link target selection. Now: self, top, ... | |
pages | 10 | over 19 years | ryan | Added the Id keyword for all files | |
search | 310 | about 19 years | ryan | Updated all copyright notices to include 2006 | |
temp | 310 | about 19 years | ryan | Updated all copyright notices to include 2006 | |
templates | 310 | about 19 years | ryan | Updated all copyright notices to include 2006 | |
config.php | 8 Bytes | 283 | about 19 years | stefan | Once again reverted to correct config.php... |
index.php | 1.66 KB | 320 | almost 19 years | stefan | Due to compatibility reasons, removed support f... |
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