


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
charsets.php 1.58 KB 1374 about 14 years Luisehahne fixed headerinfos
date_formats.php 2.65 KB 1872 about 12 years Luisehahne # bugfix preferences timezone, date_format, tim...
er_levels.php 1.49 KB 1715 over 12 years Luisehahne ! forgot some files in folder admin
index.php 592 Bytes 1374 about 14 years Luisehahne fixed headerinfos
time_formats.php 2.03 KB 1872 about 12 years Luisehahne # bugfix preferences timezone, date_format, tim...
timezones.php 2.28 KB 1849 about 12 years Luisehahne # typofix page_extended in admin/settings and a...
version.php 1.79 KB 2129 over 9 years darkviper # framework/WbDatabase typo corrections ! frame...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2129 2015-06-19 17:09 darkviper
  1. framework/WbDatabase typo corrections
    ! framework/initialize.php added ErrorHandler and ERROR-LOG file
2128 2015-06-18 09:54 darkviper
  1. framework/WbDatabase correction in ::fetchAsscoc()
2127 2015-06-18 09:35 darkviper

! framework/ ~WbDatabaseHelper ~WbDatabase some little correction to different methods

2126 2015-06-17 23:20 darkviper

! /framework/msgQueue
Methods ::getError() and ::getSuccess() are deprecated and have
been replaced replaced by ::getMessages(). See inline documentation for further information

2124 2015-05-16 15:44 darkviper

! /framework/initialize +
! /framework/WbAutoloader abbreviation list moved to initialize; added method getAbbreviations()

2123 2015-04-01 11:33 darkviper

! /framework/SqlImport modified for new export format of phpMyAdmin

2122 2015-03-17 23:59 darkviper

! /index.php adapted for WB-2.8.4

2121 2015-03-16 10:25 darkviper

! SqlImport::setDefaultCollation() requesting charsets modified
! framework/initialize some fixes and modifications

2120 2015-03-10 18:16 darkviper
  1. framework/WbAdaptor some litte fixes
    + framework/WbDatabaseHelper contains now all maintenance methods from WbDatabase
    ! framework/WbDatabase all maintenance methods has been moved to framework/WbDatabaseHelper
2119 2014-12-28 22:44 darkviper 28 Dec-2014 Build 2119 Manuela v.d.Decken(DarkViper)
  1. admin/login/ little fixes

View revisions

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