


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  DOC 2114 about 10 years darkviper + framework/UpgradeHelper additiona vars to met...
  languages 2114 about 10 years darkviper + framework/UpgradeHelper additiona vars to met...
include.php 30.7 KB 2114 about 10 years darkviper + framework/UpgradeHelper additiona vars to met...
index.php 520 Bytes 2114 about 10 years darkviper + framework/UpgradeHelper additiona vars to met...
info.ini 813 Bytes 2114 about 10 years darkviper + framework/UpgradeHelper additiona vars to met...
info.php 592 Bytes 2114 about 10 years darkviper + framework/UpgradeHelper additiona vars to met...
install.php 675 Bytes 2114 about 10 years darkviper + framework/UpgradeHelper additiona vars to met...
legacy.php 6.35 KB 2114 about 10 years darkviper + framework/UpgradeHelper additiona vars to met...
uninstall.php 676 Bytes 2114 about 10 years darkviper + framework/UpgradeHelper additiona vars to met...
upgrade.php 675 Bytes 2114 about 10 years darkviper + framework/UpgradeHelper additiona vars to met...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2114 2014-12-01 11:22 darkviper

+ framework/UpgradeHelper additiona vars to method convInfoIni2InfoPhp()
! module/show_menu2/ the directoryname of this 'Snippet' has been changed to ShowMenu2.
- show_menu2: The Flag SM2::BUFFER has been removed
+ show_menu2: The Flag SM2::NOBUFFER was added

1917 2013-06-07 06:12 Luisehahne

! /modules/show_menu2/ set to version 4.9.7
DEBUG == true show query counts

1888 2013-03-13 12:55 Luisehahne
  1. fixed Deprecated: preg_replace(): modules\show_menu2\include.php
    The /e modifier is deprecated, replaced with preg_replace_callback
1779 2012-10-07 14:44 Luisehahne
  1. fixed wrong variable in admin/settings/index.php line 409
    ! coreecting url to WB help in readme files module showmenu2
1683 2012-05-03 16:43 darkviper

changed class Database into a Singleton-Class
added forgotten 'static' keyword in ModLanguage
removed version control from sm2 - include.php

1681 2012-05-03 01:01 darkviper

reorganisation of default theme of page-settings
added menu_icon_0 and menu_icon_1
update show_menu2 to handle the new icon fields (see|en.txt)
add new droplet 'iParentIcon' for use with the new icons
added new module-depending language files (not complete yet) in admin/pages

1475 2011-07-13 01:07 Luisehahne + add SecureForm.mtab.php under mantennance by WebsiteBaker Community
! security fixes media, groups, users, sections
  1. change lang variable to remove upgrade-script
    ! reworked add sections in pages
    ! fix set empty href in show_menu2
    ! set show_menu2 version to 4.9.6 ...
1420 2011-01-26 18:43 Luisehahne

YGN Ethical Hacker Group (2.8.2 / 2.9.0)

1408 2011-01-23 01:43 DarkViper

small changes in handling of SM2_NO_TITLE ans SM2_XHTML_STRICT

1373 2011-01-10 13:14 Luisehahne

update headerinfos

View revisions

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