


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  htt 1872 about 12 years Luisehahne # bugfix preferences timezone, date_format, tim...
  languages 1898 almost 12 years Luisehahne # bugfix missing trailing backtick in output_fi...
AccountSignup.php 3.41 KB 1773 over 12 years Luisehahne ! account split html and code + add signup acti...
confirm.php 2.4 KB 1924 over 11 years darkviper syncronize project and some small typo correcti...
confirm_form.php 2.29 KB 1924 over 11 years darkviper syncronize project and some small typo correcti...
confirm_form_mask.php 2.81 KB 1792 over 12 years Luisehahne ! all changes in folder account, Signup with co...
confirm_mails.php 4.64 KB 1924 over 11 years darkviper syncronize project and some small typo correcti...
details.php 3.81 KB 1872 about 12 years Luisehahne # bugfix preferences timezone, date_format, tim...
email.php 2.32 KB 1868 about 12 years Luisehahne ! change mysql_esc_string to WbDatabase::getIns...
forgot.php 1.75 KB 1844 about 12 years Luisehahne # fixed Use of undefined constant PAGE_ID in /a...
forgot_form.php 6.37 KB 1833 about 12 years Luisehahne # security fix CRLF injection/HTTP response spl...
frontend.css 3.56 KB 1792 over 12 years Luisehahne ! all changes in folder account, Signup with co...
index.php 533 Bytes 1374 about 14 years Luisehahne fixed headerinfos
login.php 3.2 KB 1833 about 12 years Luisehahne # security fix CRLF injection/HTTP response spl...
login_form.php 3.24 KB 1833 about 12 years Luisehahne # security fix CRLF injection/HTTP response spl...
logout.php 1.12 KB 1719 over 12 years Luisehahne ! beginning update frontend account ! remove ht...
password.php 2.24 KB 1777 over 12 years Luisehahne + add methode StripCodeFromText in class.wb to ...
preferences.php 1.8 KB 1796 over 12 years Luisehahne ! supress frontend preferences, if user have no...
preferences_form.php 10.2 KB 1872 about 12 years Luisehahne # bugfix preferences timezone, date_format, tim...
save_confirm.php 2.14 KB 1868 about 12 years Luisehahne ! change mysql_esc_string to WbDatabase::getIns...
save_signup.php 9.79 KB 1810 over 12 years Luisehahne ! account signup check that display_name is uni...
signup.php 2.73 KB 1787 over 12 years Luisehahne # fixed parsing error in signup
signup_form.php 7.76 KB 1924 over 11 years darkviper syncronize project and some small typo correcti...
signup_mails.php 3.82 KB 1777 over 12 years Luisehahne + add methode StripCodeFromText in class.wb to ...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
1924 2013-06-08 15:58 darkviper

syncronize project and some small typo corrections in /account/

1898 2013-04-03 19:47 Luisehahne
  1. bugfix missing trailing backtick in output_filter/input.php
  2. bugfix wrong backticks in 'admin/media/upload.php
  3. bugfix add missing language variable in account
    ! update form module, add class frm-fieldset to fieldset, restyle error box
    ! update captcha iframe attribute settings
1872 2013-02-25 12:48 Luisehahne
  1. bugfix preferences timezone, date_format, time_format settings, backend and frontend
1868 2013-02-19 22:07 Luisehahne

! change mysql_esc_string to WbDatabase::getInstance()->escapeStrinng()

1849 2013-01-06 20:04 Luisehahne
  1. typofix page_extended in admin/settings and admin/pages/
    ! Fill empty option modules dropdown in admin/pages/sections.php
1845 2012-12-28 22:43 Luisehahne
  1. bugfix redclare function in preferences_form
    ! add infobox, if you have to change the language before working in preferences
1844 2012-12-28 07:03 Luisehahne
  1. fixed Use of undefined constant PAGE_ID in /account/forgot.php
    ! change return value to boolean in user management delete.php, add.php
1842 2012-12-26 03:15 Luisehahne
  1. fixed output activation conformation
  2. fixed deleting Users awaiting activation
    ! add YYYY-MM-DD in date_formats dropdown
1833 2012-12-10 05:05 Luisehahne
  1. security fix CRLF injection/HTTP response splitting
1810 2012-11-09 16:55 Luisehahne

! account signup check that display_name is unique in whole system
(prevents from User-faking)
! add POST Request to admintools

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