


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  branches 1893 almost 12 years Luisehahne # little issue on handing the cache in Translat...
  tags 1611 about 13 years darkviper Number of version and revision updated
  trunk 1289 about 15 years kweitzel Branch 2.8.1 merged back into Trunk

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
1893 2013-03-19 18:31 Luisehahne
  1. little issue on handing the cache in TranslationTable
  2. fix missing block or block0 issue in /admin/pages/section.php
1892 2013-03-19 15:06 Luisehahne

! update output_filter module set version to 0.4.1

1891 2013-03-19 12:09 Luisehahne

! update captcha_control module set version to 1.2.1

1890 2013-03-19 11:45 Luisehahne
  1. bugfix and update form module set version to 2.9.1
    ! update code module set version to 2.8.4
    ! update wysiwyg module set version to 2.9.1
1889 2013-03-19 10:34 Luisehahne
  1. bugfix solved sections block update
    ! update sections table change some varchar to int(11)
    + upgradeHelper class for better module upgrade
1888 2013-03-13 12:55 Luisehahne
  1. fixed Deprecated: preg_replace(): modules\show_menu2\include.php
    The /e modifier is deprecated, replaced with preg_replace_callback
1887 2013-03-12 21:42 Luisehahne
  1. bugfix Notice: Constant messages during new WB installation
    ! update WbDatabase SqlImport parameter,
1886 2013-03-12 04:04 Luisehahne ! Install update, Split Step1+2 from the inputs Steps
  1. Languages Typofix
    ! check tables remove not needed tables
1885 2013-03-11 15:42 Luisehahne
  1. protect magic setter to fix security issue in WbDatabase
    + additional arguments for Charset and TablePrefix in WbDatabase::doConnect
    + WbDatabase now can activate SET NAMES by doConnect argument
    + WbDatabase now provide TablePrefix property also (WbDatabase::TablePrefix)...
1884 2013-03-10 16:53 Luisehahne

! from security reasons the new installation has changed
from the old config.php into new setup.ini.php without
using global constants for critical values like username & password and so on.

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