3 |
3 |
html{ font-family :Verdana, "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size :100.1%; font-weight :normal; color :#333333; overflow :auto; overflow-y :scroll; }
4 |
4 |
body{ margin :0 auto; padding :0px; background :#a8bccb; text-align :left; font-size :0.8em; }
5 |
5 |
/* */
6 |
div.main { border :0px none #666666; margin :0px auto 1em auto; min-width :60em; max-width :90em; font-size :1.0em; padding : 15px; width : 78%; overflow :hidden; }
7 |
.td { clear :both; font-size :1.0em; margin :0 auto; text-align :center; width : 100%; }
6 |
div.main { border :0px none #666666; margin :0px auto 1em auto; min-width :60em; max-width :90em; font-size :1.0em; padding :10px 15px; width :83%; overflow :hidden; }
7 |
.td { clear :both; font-size :1.0em; margin :0 auto; text-align :center; width :100%; }
8 |
8 |
div.main .table { background :url(../images/bgtitle.png) #ffffff repeat-x; margin :0 auto; overflow :auto; width :100%; }
9 |
9 |
.wrapper { position :relative; display :block; overflow :auto; width :inherit; }
10 |
10 |
.content { padding :10px; text-align :left; overflow :hidden; }
... | ... | |
27 |
27 |
table td a { text-decoration :none; display :inline; }
28 |
28 |
table td a:hover { color :#3366ff; text-decoration :underline; }
29 |
29 |
/* header horizontal navigation */
30 |
div.hmenu { background :#486991 url(../images/menu.png) repeat-x center; line-height :32px; margin :0px auto; font-size :1em; float :left; width :100%; }
30 |
div.hmenu { background :url(../images/menu.png) #486991 repeat-x center; line-height :32px; margin :0px auto; font-size :1em; float :left; width :100%; }
31 |
31 |
div.hmenu ul { color :#ffffff; margin :0px auto; display :block; padding :0 0 0 10px; list-style-position :outside; }
32 |
32 |
div.hmenu * a { color :#ffffff; text-decoration :none; }
33 |
33 |
div.hmenu ul li { color :#ffffff; display :inline; padding :10px 0px; }
... | ... | |
35 |
35 |
div.hmenu ul li a.active,
36 |
36 |
div.hmenu ul li a.current { color :#ffffff; background :transparent url(../images/menuo.png) repeat-x center; }
37 |
37 |
div.hmenu ul li:hover,
38 |
div.hmenu ul li a:hover { color :#fff; background :transparent url(../images/menuo.png) repeat-x center; }
38 |
div.hmenu ul li a:hover { color :#ffffff; background :transparent url(../images/menuo.png) repeat-x center; }
39 |
39 |
/* */
40 |
40 |
table.footer { margin :1em auto; width :100%; }
41 |
41 |
table.footer fieldset { background :#a8bccb; margin :0.5em auto; text-align :center; }
... | ... | |
74 |
74 |
div.mbox span,
75 |
75 |
div.mbox textarea,
76 |
76 |
div.mbox input { display :block; float :left; margin :3px auto; }
77 |
div.mbox label { padding-right : 5px; }
77 |
div.mbox label { padding-right :5px; }
78 |
78 |
div.mbox br { clear :both; }
79 |
79 |
div.mbox span { white-space :nowrap; }
80 |
80 |
div.mbox [type="radio"],
81 |
div.mbox [type="checkbox"] { width : 1.5em; }
81 |
div.mbox [type="checkbox"] { width :1.5em; }
82 |
82 |
83 |
83 |
div.mbox label.radio { text-align :left; padding-right :20px; width :100px; }
84 |
84 |
/* END of mbox - definition ************************************************* */
85 |
85 |
/* ************************************************************************** */
86 |
86 |
div.mbox input [type="checkbox"] { width :2.5em; }
87 |
div.mbox.dev-info { background :#dddddd; font-size :0.9em; overflow :auto; height :auto; white-space :normal; margin :0 auto 3em; position :relative; }
87 |
div.mbox.dev-info { background :#dddddd; font-size :0.9em; color :#9b0000; overflow :auto; height :auto; white-space :normal; margin :0 auto 3em; position :relative; }
88 |
88 |
div.mbox.dev-info div span { margin-bottom :1px; }
89 |
89 |
/* */
90 |
.msg-box { background :#e5ffe6; border :0.2em #009900 solid; color :#336600; margin-bottom :1em; padding :0.63em; text-align : left; }
90 |
.msg-box { background :#e5ffe6; border :0.2em #009900 solid; color :#336600; margin-bottom :1em; padding :0.63em; text-align :left; }
91 |
91 |
.error-box { background :#ffeeee; border :0.2em #884444 solid; color :#440000; margin-bottom :1em; padding :0.63em; text-align :center; }
92 |
92 |
.msg-box p,
93 |
93 |
.error-box p { font-size :120%; }
... | ... | |
100 |
100 |
.hide, .none { display :none; height :0; }
101 |
101 |
#hide1, #hide2, #hide3 { display :none; }
102 |
102 |
.right{ text-align :right; vertical-align :middle; }
103 |
.rBold{ text-align :right; font-weight :bold; vertical-align :middle; }
104 |
.rightTop{ text-align :right; vertical-align : top; }
103 |
.rBold{ text-align :right; font-weight :bold; vertical-align :middle; }
104 |
.rightTop{ text-align :right; vertical-align :top; }
105 |
105 |
.bold{ font-weight :bold; }
106 |
106 |
.grey { color :#999999; }
107 |
.row_0 { background-color :#fff; }
108 |
.row_1 { background-color :#eee; }
107 |
.row_0 { background-color :#ffffff; }
108 |
.row_1 { background-color :#eeeeee; }
109 |
109 |
.rounded { border-radius :10px; -khtml-border-radius :10px; -webkit-border-radius :10px; -moz-border-radius :10px; }
110 |
110 |
.shadow { box-shadow :3px 3px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); }
111 |
.shadow1 { margin :40px; background-color :rgb(68,68,68); /* Needed for IEs */ -moz-box-shadow :5px 5px 5px rgba(68,68,68,0.6); -webkit-box-shadow :5px 5px 5px rgba(68,68,68,0.6); box-shadow :5px 5px 5px rgba(68,68,68,0.6); zoom :1; }
111 |
.shadow1 { margin :40px; background-color :#444444; /* Needed for IEs */ -moz-box-shadow :5px 5px 5px rgba(68,68,68,0.6); -webkit-box-shadow :5px 5px 5px rgba(68,68,68,0.6); box-shadow :5px 5px 5px rgba(68,68,68,0.6); zoom :1; }
112 |
112 |
.gradient1 { background-color :#ababab; background-image :-moz-linear-gradient(90deg, #ababab, #00001c 33px); background-image :-webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #ababab, #00001c 33px); background-image :-o-linear-gradient(90deg, #ababab, #00001c 33px); background-image :-ms-linear-gradient(90deg, #ababab, #00001c 33px); background-image :linear-gradient(90deg, #ababab, #00001c 33px); }
113 |
113 |
/* set div layers in dead tables */
114 |
114 |
.info { padding :10px; margin-bottom :0.5em; background :#f8f8f8; color :#666666; font-size :91.7%; }
115 |
115 |
.note { border :2px #448844 solid; padding :10px; margin :10px auto; background :#eeffee; color :#004400; }
116 |
116 |
.important { border :2px #888844 solid; padding :10px; margin-bottom :1em; background :#ffffee; color :#444400; }
117 |
117 |
.warning { border :2px #884444 solid; padding :10px; margin-bottom :1em; background :#ffeeee; color :#440000; }
118 |
.section { background-color :#FDFDFD; border :1px solid #999999; font-size :0.9em; height :85px; margin :5px; padding :0; width :98%; }
119 |
.graphic { border :4px solid #FDFDFD; height :50px; padding-left :3px; width :50px; }
120 |
.graphic img { background-color :#FFFFFF; border :1px solid #D0D0D0; padding :4px; vertical-align :middle; width :50px; height :50px; }
118 |
.section { background-color :#fdfdfd; border :1px solid #999999; font-size :0.9em; height :85px; margin :5px; padding :0; width :98%; }
119 |
.graphic { border :4px solid #fdfdfd; height :50px; padding-left :3px; width :50px; }
120 |
.graphic img { background-color :#ffffff; border :1px solid #d0d0d0; padding :4px; vertical-align :middle; width :50px; height :50px; }
121 |
121 |
.description { padding :4px 0 0; text-align :left; }
122 |
122 |
.title { text-align :left; padding :4px 5px 0px 3px; font-weight :bold; font-size :1.2em; margin-bottom :5px; }
123 |
123 |
span.title { display :block; }
... | ... | |
128 |
128 |
div.settings_table { margin :0 auto; width :90%; }
129 |
129 |
form.settings_table { border :1px none #eeee; font-family :verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; margin :5px auto; padding :5px; }
130 |
130 |
form.settings_table fieldset { border :1px none #eeeeee; display :block; line-height :1.0em; margin :1px auto; padding :3px 0px 3px 0px; }
131 |
form input[type="file"] { width :80%; border :1px solid black; background-color :#ccccff; }
131 |
form input[type="file"] { width :80%; border :1px solid #000000; background-color :#ccccff; }
132 |
132 |
legend.settings_table ,
133 |
form.settings_table legend {
134 |
border :none;
135 |
color :#006699;
136 |
font-size :140%;
137 |
margin :5px;
138 |
padding :0;
139 |
133 |
form.settings_table legend { border :none; color :#006699; font-size :140%; margin :5px; padding :0; }
140 |
134 |
form.settings_table div.sub-row { background-color :transparent !important; background-color :#eeeeee; }
141 |
form.settings_table label { text-align :right; margin : 1px auto; }
142 |
form.settings_table label.setting_name {
143 |
clear :left;
144 |
color :#333333;
145 |
vertical-align :top;
146 |
display :block;
147 |
margin :3px auto;
148 |
min-height :1.6em;
149 |
float :left;
150 |
padding-right :5px;
151 |
width :30%;
152 |
153 |
form.settings_table fieldset div.input {
154 |
padding :0;
155 |
margin :0 auto;
156 |
vertical-align :top;
157 |
overflow :hidden;
158 |
display :inline;
159 |
line-height :2em;
160 |
min-height :1em;
161 |
list-style-type :none;
162 |
width :60%;
163 |
135 |
form.settings_table label { text-align :right; margin :1px auto; }
136 |
form.settings_table label.setting_name { clear :left; color :#333333; vertical-align :top; display :block; margin :3px auto; min-height :1.6em; float :left; padding-right :5px; width :30%; }
137 |
form.settings_table fieldset div.input { padding :0; margin :0 auto; vertical-align :top; overflow :hidden; display :inline; line-height :2em; min-height :1em; list-style-type :none; width :60%; }
164 |
138 |
form.settings_table fieldset div.input input.radio { margin :0.8em auto; border :none; padding-left :6px; }
165 |
form.settings_table fieldset div.input label {
166 |
margin :6px auto;
167 |
padding-left :6px;
168 |
min-height :1em;
169 |
width :35%;
170 |
float :none;
171 |
display :inline;
172 |
vertical-align :top;
173 |
139 |
form.settings_table fieldset div.input label { margin :6px auto; padding-left :6px; min-height :1em; width :35%; float :none; display :inline; vertical-align :top; }
174 |
140 |
form.settings_table input[type="text"],
175 |
form.settings_table input[type="password"] {
176 |
border :1px solid #666666;
177 |
margin :0px auto;
178 |
padding-left :5px;
179 |
width : 59%;
180 |
141 |
form.settings_table input[type="password"] { border :1px solid #666666; margin :0px auto; padding-left :5px; width :59%; }
181 |
142 |
form.settings_table input.radio { border :1px none #666666; margin :0px auto; padding-left :0.5em; height :1em; }
182 |
form.settings_table input[type="button"].button {
183 |
border :1px solid #666666;
184 |
color :#000000;
185 |
text-align :left;
186 |
font-weight :bold;
187 |
background-color :#dddddd;
188 |
margin :2px auto;
189 |
padding :2px 0px 2px 6px;
190 |
width :60%;
191 |
192 |
form.settings_table textarea {
193 |
border :1px solid #666666;
194 |
margin :3px auto;
195 |
padding-left :0.5em;
196 |
min-height :1em;
197 |
width :60%;
198 |
199 |
form.settings_table select {
200 |
border :1px solid #666666;
201 |
margin :3px auto;
202 |
padding-left :0.5em;
203 |
min-height :1em;
204 |
width :60%;
205 |
143 |
form.settings_table input[type="button"].button { border :1px solid #666666; color :#000000; text-align :left; font-weight :bold; background-color :#dddddd; margin :2px auto; padding :2px 0px 2px 6px; width :60%; }
144 |
form.settings_table textarea { border :1px solid #666666; margin :3px auto; padding-left :0.5em; min-height :1em; width :60%; }
145 |
form.settings_table select { border :1px solid #666666; margin :3px auto; padding-left :0.5em; min-height :1em; width :60%; }
206 |
146 |
/* */
207 |
147 |
div.content_box form { }
208 |
div.sub-row { background-color :#eeeeee; margin : 1px auto; overflow :hidden; padding :0; }
148 |
div.sub-row { background-color :#eeeeee; margin :1px auto; overflow :hidden; padding :0; }
209 |
149 |
div.col_content { margin-right :0.5em; padding :2px 0; }
210 |
150 |
.content_box { position :relative; margin :0px auto; padding :0; }
211 |
151 |
.content_box form { background :transparent; height :auto; }
212 |
.content_box li {
213 |
float :left;
214 |
padding :0 10px;
215 |
list-style-type :none;
216 |
display :block;
217 |
152 |
.content_box li { float :left; padding :0 10px; list-style-type :none; display :block; }
218 |
153 |
.content_box ul { padding :0 0 0 15px; margin :0 auto; width :100%; }
219 |
154 |
.content_box h5.title { color :#339bff; font-weight :bold; font-size :1.2em; margin :0 auto; text-align :left; }
220 |
.content_box h5.title a:link { color :#0067ca; }
221 |
.content_box h5.title a:hover { color : #0099ff; }
155 |
.content_box h5.title a:link { color :#0067ca; }
156 |
.content_box h5.title a:hover { color :#0099ff; }
222 |
157 |
.content_box h5.noscript { font-size :1.2em; padding :5px 0px 5px 0px; }
223 |
158 |
.content_box div.noscript { height :auto; width :100%; padding :5px; background :none no-repeat left; }
224 |
159 |
/* */
225 |
160 |
button { padding :2px; }
226 |
161 |
button.link { padding :0px; background-color :transparent; display :inline; vertical-align :middle; border :0px none; cursor :pointer; }
227 |
162 |
button span.title { font-size :1.3em; display :inline; font-weight :100; color :#007ac8; letter-spacing :1px; }
228 |
.curved { border : 1px solid #666666; }
163 |
.curved { border :1px solid #666666; }
229 |
164 |
/* */
230 |
textarea { resize:both; } /* none|horizontal|vertical|both */
231 |
textarea.vert { resize:vertical; }
232 |
textarea.noResize { resize:none; }
233 |
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color :#006699; display :block; font-weight : normal; margin :0.5em auto; padding-bottom :5px; }
165 |
textarea { /* none|horizontal|vertical|both */ resize :both; }
166 |
textarea.vert { resize :vertical; }
167 |
textarea.noResize { resize :none; }
168 |
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color :#006699; display :block; font-weight :normal; margin :0.5em auto; padding-bottom :5px; }
234 |
169 |
h6 { font-size :100%; }
235 |
170 |
236 |
171 |
#dir_mode { width :290px; height :auto; margin-right :0.5em; font-size :1em; }
... | ... | |
263 |
198 |
.header_list_page_id { padding-right :15px; text-align :right; width :30px; }
264 |
199 |
265 |
200 |
.list_page_title { width :350px; }
266 |
.list_page_title, .list_menu_title, .header_list_menu_title, .header_list_type { text-align :left; vertical-align : middle; }
201 |
.list_page_title, .list_menu_title, .header_list_menu_title, .header_list_type { text-align :left; vertical-align :middle; }
267 |
202 |
268 |
203 |
269 |
204 |
270 |
205 |
.list_pubdate_end { text-align :left; white-space :nowrap; width :185px; }
271 |
206 |
.header_list_sections_actions { text-align :left; width :30px; }
272 |
207 |
.header_list_type { font-size :1em; padding :4px 0; text-align :left; }
273 |
.jsadmin_drag img { cursor :pointer; margin-top : 0px; padding : 0px 0; vertical-align : baseline; }
208 |
.jsadmin_drag img { cursor :pointer; margin-top :0px; padding :0px 0; vertical-align :baseline; }
274 |
209 |
.list_actions { height :20px; padding :0 1px; text-align :left; width :20px; }
275 |
210 |
276 |
211 |
.list_page_language { width :240px; }
... | ... | |
289 |
224 |
.icon_col td img { border-style :none; display :inline; float :left; padding-right :7px; }
290 |
225 |
.pages_list table { background-color :#dcdcdc; font-size :1.3em; margin :0 auto; table-layout :fixed; width :100%; }
291 |
226 |
.pages_list ul { font-weight :normal; margin :0; padding :0px; }
292 |
.pages_list ul li { list-style-type :none; margin :1px 0; padding : 0; vertical-align :baseline; }
227 |
.pages_list ul li { list-style-type :none; margin :1px 0; padding :0; vertical-align :baseline; }
293 |
228 |
.sectionrow { font-size :1.1em; height :30px; table-layout :fixed; }
294 |
229 |
.sectionrow a:link { color :#003366; font-weight :bold; text-decoration :none; }
295 |
230 |
.sectionrow a:hover { color :#6699ff; }
... | ... | |
318 |
253 |
div.page-settings-righttoprow label { width :110px; vertical-align :top; }
319 |
254 |
div.page-settings-centercol { float :left; padding :10px 20px 10px 20px; border-right :groove 2px #a8bccb; }
320 |
255 |
div.page-settings-rightcol { float :left; padding :10px 20px 10px 10px; border :none; }
321 |
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color :#003366; display :block; font-weight : normal; margin :0.5em auto; padding-bottom :5px; }
256 |
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color :#003366; display :block; font-weight :normal; margin :0.5em auto; padding-bottom :5px; }
322 |
257 |
h6 { font-size :100%; }
323 |
258 |
/* end depending styles for /admin/pages_settings */
324 |
div.page-settings-leftcol label { background-repeat :no-repeat; background-position :right; text-align :right; padding-right :17px; font-weight :bold; width :156px; }
259 |
div.page-settings-leftcol label { background-repeat :no-repeat; background-position :right; text-align :right; padding-right :17px; font-weight :bold; width :156px; }
325 |
260 |
div.page-settings-leftcol label a:link { text-decoration :none; color :#003366; }
326 |
div.page-settings-leftcol label a:hover { color : #006699; text-decoration : underline; }
327 |
div.page-settings-leftcol textarea { resize :vertical; }
261 |
div.page-settings-leftcol label a:hover { color :#006699; text-decoration :underline; }
262 |
div.page-settings-leftcol textarea { resize :vertical; }
328 |
263 |
#overDiv { max-width :450px; background-position :center; background-attachment :fixed; text-align :left; padding :1px; font-size :120%; }
264 |
div.page-settings span.overlib { width :20px; margin-left :-20px; }
265 |
329 |
266 |
/* */
330 |
div.page_group { height: 180px;max-height: 260px; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: auto; }
331 |
div.page_group div { overflow: hidden; }
267 |
div.page_group { height :180px; max-height :260px; margin :0; padding :0; overflow :auto; }
268 |
div.page_group div { overflow :hidden; }
332 |
269 |
div.page-settings p.page_user,
333 |
div.page-settings p.page_group { }
270 |
div.page-settings p.page_group { }
334 |
271 |
/* */
335 |
272 |
.header_title, .setting_value input, .setting_value select, .setting_value textarea, .value_input input, .value_input text, .value_input select, .form_submit, .input_full { width :80%; }
336 |
273 |
div.mbox span { white-space :nowrap; }
... | ... | |
341 |
278 |
.curved { border :1px solid #666666; }
342 |
279 |
343 |
280 |
div.col_width33 { width :33.333%; }
344 |
.c50, div.col_width50 { width : 46%; }
281 |
.c50, div.col_width50 { width :46%; }
345 |
282 |
.c60, div.col_width60 { width :60%; }
346 |
283 |
.h65 { min-height :65px; overflow :auto; }
347 |
284 |
.h80 { height :80px; line-height :1.3em; }
... | ... | |
357 |
294 |
div.admintools span.title { font-size :1.1em; }
358 |
295 |
/* */
359 |
296 |
.access h2,.access h3,.access h4,.access h6 { font-weight :bold; }
360 |
.account {
361 |
width : 100%;
362 |
margin : 0 auto;
363 |
364 |
div.account form.settings_table {
365 |
width : 100%;
366 |
367 |
div.account form.settings_table table td { width : 40%; }
368 |
div.account form.settings_table table td.value_input { width : 80%; }
297 |
.account { width :100%; margin :0 auto; }
298 |
div.account form.settings_table { width :100%; }
299 |
div.account form.settings_table table td { width :40%; }
300 |
div.account form.settings_table table td.value_input { width :80%; }
! fixed form modul (Tks to Ruebenwurzel)
! Send forgotten Theme CSS in Revision 1780