


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  wb 1747 over 12 years Luisehahne # fixed issues with older table strucure for ea...
CHANGELOG 160 KB 1747 over 12 years Luisehahne # fixed issues with older table strucure for ea...
COPYING 17.6 KB 1500 over 13 years DarkViper sync working copy, update /INSTALL
DEVINFOS 2.1 KB 1686 almost 13 years darkviper some modifications concerning the new autoloade...
INSTALL 713 Bytes 1616 almost 13 years Luisehahne ! update INSTALL and UPGRADE instruction to 2.8...
LICENSE 927 Bytes 1500 over 13 years DarkViper sync working copy, update /INSTALL
README 1.21 KB 1500 over 13 years DarkViper sync working copy, update /INSTALL
UPGRADE 3.54 KB 1616 almost 13 years Luisehahne ! update INSTALL and UPGRADE instruction to 2.8...
  • svn:ignore: .project favicon.ico nbproject

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
1747 2012-09-09 19:01 Luisehahne
  1. fixed issues with older table strucure for earlier WB installations
1746 2012-09-08 18:21 Luisehahne
  1. add prefix wb_ to class name for content container
    if module has the same name as a html markup e.g code
1745 2012-09-08 15:06 Luisehahne

! add div container in page_content for each sections,
! update droplets SectionPicker, ShowWysiwyg and ShowRandomWysiwyg
! put sec_anchor in this div, sec_anchor fixed in all found files
sec_anchor default now set to "section_",
sec_anchor can't be empty for future developement

1744 2012-09-08 10:15 Luisehahne
  1. typofix upgrade-script Adding redirect timer to settings table
1743 2012-09-07 03:31 Luisehahne

! styling permissions blocks in page settings by backend theme css

1742 2012-09-07 02:50 Luisehahne

! Now you can style account login with your frontend Template CSS
this change is in work for the whole account

1741 2012-09-07 02:42 Luisehahne

! Preparing Separation of code and HTML in Droplets

1740 2012-09-05 06:31 Luisehahne ! frontend.functions.php remove return $content in page_content(),
incompatible with search logic
! /include/jquery forgot jquery version.txt
  1. /form/view.php fixed wrong compare syntax
1739 2012-09-05 05:53 Luisehahne

! update jquery ui to version 1.8.23

1738 2012-09-05 05:50 Luisehahne

! remove folder structure in zip file for backup droplets

View revisions

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