


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
BG.php 73.2 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
CA.php 36.2 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
CS.php 39.9 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
DA.php 35.7 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
DE.php 37.4 KB 1554 about 13 years Luisehahne # typofixes in DE languages files (Tks to Ruebe...
EN.php 33.2 KB 1573 about 13 years Luisehahne + add automatically generated e-mail language f...
ES.php 35.2 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
ET.php 34.1 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
FI.php 33.1 KB 1564 about 13 years Luisehahne entities fixes in FI and TR languages files (Tk...
FR.php 39.1 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
HR.php 35.1 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
HU.php 40.3 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
IT.php 33.7 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
LV.php 34.5 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
NL.php 34.5 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
NO.php 34.7 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
PL.php 34.3 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
PT.php 36.8 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
RU.php 81.4 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
SE.php 34.4 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
SK.php 39.6 KB 1551 about 13 years Luisehahne + add languages vars in languages files + add u...
TR.php 37.8 KB 1564 about 13 years Luisehahne entities fixes in FI and TR languages files (Tk...
index.php 542 Bytes 1457 over 13 years Luisehahne Preparing 2.8.2 stable, last tests 10.8 KB 1500 over 13 years DarkViper sync working copy, update /INSTALL
  • svn:ignore: check_languages.php

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
1573 2012-01-16 03:01 Luisehahne

+ add automatically generated e-mail language form variable
! send confirmation mail with details to superadmin from SERVER_EMAIL
! send confirmation mail without details to sender from SERVER_EMAIL

1564 2012-01-06 14:10 Luisehahne

entities fixes in FI and TR languages files (Tks to Ruebenwurzel)

1554 2012-01-01 16:20 Luisehahne
  1. typofixes in DE languages files (Tks to Ruebenwurzel)
1551 2011-12-27 15:40 Luisehahne

+ add languages vars in languages files
+ add upload error mesages moduleinstall
+ add index.php if not exists in function createFolderProtectFile
! corrected changed coding between login_form and forgot_form

1546 2011-12-18 21:00 Luisehahne

! recoded /account/forgot_form.php
! update quickSkin
! update languages files
+ add /temp/quickSkin/ folder
! begin fixing sec_anchor in urls

1526 2011-11-20 01:23 Luisehahne

typofix in BG and RU

1517 2011-10-24 18:17 Luisehahne

fix SERVER_EMAIL in language files
fix encoded text in sections.php
add missing image in argos_theme

1516 2011-10-05 23:23 Luisehahne

add forgotten language variable

1515 2011-10-05 22:46 Luisehahne

typofix and changes in languages

1500 2011-08-12 13:36 DarkViper

sync working copy, update /INSTALL

View revisions

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