Revision 1276
Added by Luisehahne about 15 years ago
branches/2.8.x/CHANGELOG | ||
12 | 12 |
13 | 13 |
------------------------------------- 2.8.1 ------------------------------------- |
14 | 14 |
24-Jan-2010 Dietmar Woellbrink (Luisehahne) |
15 |
! update jquery 1.4.0 to 1.4.1, |
16 |
- removed include/jquery/plugins |
17 |
! update backend themes |
18 |
#24-Jan-2010 Dietmar Woellbrink (Luisehahne) |
15 | 19 |
# Ticket #923 argos_theme: Always Allowed Viewers in page_settings |
16 | 20 |
# fixed css for pagetree to show in IE7 |
17 | 21 |
24-Jan-2010 Dietmar Woellbrink (Luisehahne) |
branches/2.8.x/wb/include/jquery/plugins/jquery-fancybox-121.js | ||
1 |
/* |
2 |
* FancyBox - simple and fancy jQuery plugin |
3 |
* Examples and documentation at: |
4 |
* Version: 1.2.1 (13/03/2009) |
5 |
* Copyright (c) 2009 Janis Skarnelis |
6 |
* Licensed under the MIT License: |
7 |
* Requires: jQuery v1.3+ |
8 |
*/ |
9 |
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}(';(7($){$.b.2Q=7(){u B.2t(7(){9 1J=$(B).n(\'2Z\');5(1J.1c(/^3w\\(["\']?(.*\\.2p)["\']?\\)$/i)){1J=3t.$1;$(B).n({\'2Z\':\'45\',\'2o\':"3W:3R.4m.4d(3h=F, 3T="+($(B).n(\'41\')==\'2J-3Z\'?\'4c\':\'3N\')+", Q=\'"+1J+"\')"}).2t(7(){9 1b=$(B).n(\'1b\');5(1b!=\'2e\'&&1b!=\'2n\')$(B).n(\'1b\',\'2n\')})}})};9 A,4,16=D,s=1t 1o,1w,1v=1,1y=/\\.(3A|3Y|2p|3c|3d)(.*)?$/i;9 P=($.2q.3K&&2f($.2q.3z.2k(0,1))<8);$.b.c=7(Y){Y=$.3x({},$.b.c.2R,Y);9 2s=B;7 2h(){A=B;4=Y;2r();u D};7 2r(){5(16)u;5($.1O(4.2c)){4.2c()}4.j=[];4.h=0;5(Y.j.N>0){4.j=Y.j}t{9 O={};5(!A.1H||A.1H==\'\'){9 O={d:A.d,X:A.X};5($(A).1G("1m:1D").N){O.1a=$(A).1G("1m:1D")}4.j.2j(O)}t{9 Z=$(2s).2o("a[1H="+A.1H+"]");9 O={};3C(9 i=0;i<Z.N;i++){O={d:Z[i].d,X:Z[i].X};5($(Z[i]).1G("1m:1D").N){O.1a=$(Z[i]).1G("1m:1D")}4.j.2j(O)}3F(4.j[4.h].d!=A.d){4.h++}}}5(4.23){5(P){$(\'1U, 1Q, 1P\').n(\'1S\',\'3s\')}$("#1i").n(\'25\',4.2U).J()}1d()};7 1d(){$("#1f, #1e, #V, #G").S();9 d=4.j[4.h].d;5(d.1c(/#/)){9 U=11.3r.d.3f(\'#\')[0];U=d.3g(U,\'\');U=U.2k(U.2l(\'#\'));1k(\'<6 l="3e">\'+$(U).o()+\'</6>\',4.1I,4.1x)}t 5(d.1c(1y)){s=1t 1o;s.Q=d;5(s.3a){1K()}t{$.b.c.34();$(s).x().14(\'3b\',7(){$(".I").S();1K()})}}t 5(d.1c("17")||A.3j.2l("17")>=0){1k(\'<17 l="35" 3q="$.b.c.38()" 3o="3n\'+C.T(C.3l()*3m)+\'" 2K="0" 3E="0" Q="\'+d+\'"></17>\',4.1I,4.1x)}t{$.4p(d,7(2m){1k(\'<6 l="3L">\'+2m+\'</6>\',4.1I,4.1x)})}};7 1K(){5(4.30){9 w=$.b.c.1n();9 r=C.1M(C.1M(w[0]-36,s.g)/s.g,C.1M(w[1]-4b,s.f)/s.f);9 g=C.T(r*s.g);9 f=C.T(r*s.f)}t{9 g=s.g;9 f=s.f}1k(\'<1m 48="" l="49" Q="\'+s.Q+\'" />\',g,f)};7 2F(){5((4.j.N-1)>4.h){9 d=4.j[4.h+1].d;5(d.1c(1y)){1A=1t 1o();1A.Q=d}}5(4.h>0){9 d=4.j[4.h-1].d;5(d.1c(1y)){1A=1t 1o();1A.Q=d}}};7 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m=$.b.c.1n();$("#k").n(\'y\',(($("#k").g()+36)>m[0]?m[2]:m[2]+C.T((m[0]-$("#k").g()-36)/2)));$("#k").n(\'v\',(($("#k").f()+1z)>m[1]?m[3]:m[3]+C.T((m[1]-$("#k").f()-1z)/2)))};$.b.c.1h=7(H,2A){u 2f($.3I(H.3u?H[0]:H,2A,F))||0};$.b.c.1R=7(H){9 m=H.4g();m.v+=$.b.c.1h(H,\'3k\');m.v+=$.b.c.1h(H,\'3J\');m.y+=$.b.c.1h(H,\'3H\');m.y+=$.b.c.1h(H,\'3D\');u m};$.b.c.38=7(){$(".I").S();$("#35").J()};$.b.c.1n=7(){u[$(11).g(),$(11).f(),$(W).3i(),$(W).3p()]};$.b.c.2G=7(){5(!$("#I").1u(\':19\')){33(1w);u}$("#I > 6").n(\'v\',(1v*-40)+\'z\');1v=(1v+1)%12};$.b.c.34=7(){33(1w);9 m=$.b.c.1n();$("#I").n({\'y\':((m[0]-40)/2+m[2]),\'v\':((m[1]-40)/2+m[3])}).J();$("#I").14(\'R\',$.b.c.1l);1w=3Q($.b.c.2G,3X)};$.b.c.1l=7(){16=F;$(s).x();$("#1i, #V").x();5(4.2b){$("#22").x()}$("#V, .I, #1e, #1f, #G").S();5(4.1r){$(11).x("1N 1T")}1q=7(){$("#1i, #k").S();5(4.1r){$(11).x("1N 1T")}5(P){$(\'1U, 1Q, 1P\').n(\'1S\',\'19\')}5($.1O(4.1V)){4.1V()}16=D};5($("#k").1u(":19")!==D){5(4.26>0&&4.j[4.h].1a!==1L){9 M=4.j[4.h].1a;9 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.1Y").2Q()}};$.b.c.2R={2Y:10,30:F,1X:D,1W:0,26:0,2X:3G,2W:\'28\',2S:\'28\',2T:\'28\',1I:3B,1x:3v,23:F,2U:0.3,2b:F,1r:F,j:[],2c:2d,2a:2d,1V:2d};$(W).3y(7(){$.b.c.2V()})})(4f);',62,274,'||||opts|if|div|function||var||fn|fancybox|href||height|width|itemCurrent||itemArray|fancy_outer|id|pos|css|html|class|fancy_content||imagePreloader|else|return|top||unbind|left|px|elem|this|Math|false|fancy_bg|true|fancy_title|el|fancy_loading|show|itemOpts|pad|orig_item|length|item|isIE|src|click|hide|round|target|fancy_close|document|title|settings|subGroup||window||td|bind|orig_pos|busy|iframe||visible|orig|position|match|_change_item|fancy_left|fancy_right|_finish|getNumeric|fancy_overlay|value|_set_content|close|img|getViewport|Image|span|__cleanup|centerOnScroll|normal|new|is|loadingFrame|loadingTimer|frameHeight|imageRegExp|50|objNext|keydown|empty|first|style|append|children|rel|frameWidth|image|_proceed_image|undefined|min|resize|isFunction|select|object|getPosition|visibility|scroll|embed|callbackOnClose|zoomSpeedIn|zoomOpacity|fancy_ico|fadeOut||fadeIn|fancy_wrap|overlayShow|animate|opacity|zoomSpeedOut||swing|keyCode|callbackOnShow|hideOnContentClick|callbackOnStart|null|absolute|parseInt|scrollBox|_initialize|bottom|push|substr|indexOf|data|relative|filter|png|browser|_start|matchedGroup|each|removeExpression|itemLeft|itemTop|stopPropagation|_set_navigation|100|prop|auto|setExpression|parentNode|right|_preload_neighbor_images|animateLoading|appendTo|fancy_inner|no|frameborder|tr|fancy_right_ico|fast|fancy_left_ico|javascript|fixPNG|defaults|easingOut|easingChange|overlayOpacity|build|easingIn|zoomSpeedChange|padding|backgroundImage|imageScale|stop|table|clearInterval|showLoading|fancy_frame|||showIframe||complete|load|bmp|jpeg|fancy_div|split|replace|enabled|scrollLeft|className|paddingTop|random|1000|fancy_iframe|name|scrollTop|onload|location|hidden|RegExp|jquery|355|url|extend|ready|version|jpg|425|for|borderLeftWidth|hspace|while|300|paddingLeft|curCSS|borderTopWidth|msie|fancy_ajax|fancy_bg_w|scale|fancy_bg_sw|fancy_bg_nw|setInterval|DXImageTransform|clientWidth|sizingMethod|fancy_bg_s|fancy_bg_se|progid|66|gif|repeat||backgroundRepeat|fancy_bg_e|fancy_bg_ne|fancy_bg_n|none|body|prepend|alt|fancy_img|fancy_bigIframe|60|crop|AlphaImageLoader|scrolling|jQuery|offset|cellpadding|cellspacing|clientHeight|border|fancy_title_left|Microsoft|fancy_title_right|fancy_title_main|get'.split('|'),0,{})) |
branches/2.8.x/wb/include/jquery/plugins/jquery-elastic.js | ||
1 |
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branches/2.8.x/wb/include/jquery/plugins/jquery-pngFix.js | ||
1 |
/** |
2 |
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3 |
* jQuery-Plugin "pngFix" |
4 |
* Version: 1.1, 11.09.2007 |
5 |
* by Andreas Eberhard, |
6 |
* |
7 |
* |
8 |
* Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Eberhard |
9 |
* Licensed under GPL ( |
10 |
*/ |
11 |
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(s($){3.1s.1k=s(j){j=3.1a({12:\'1m.1j\'},j);8 k=(n.P=="r 10 Z"&&U(n.v)==4&&n.v.E("14 5.5")!=-1);8 l=(n.P=="r 10 Z"&&U(n.v)==4&&n.v.E("14 6.0")!=-1);o(3.17.16&&(k||l)){3(2).L("1r[@m$=.M]").z(s(){3(2).7(\'q\',3(2).q());3(2).7(\'p\',3(2).p());8 a=\'\';8 b=\'\';8 c=(3(2).7(\'K\'))?\'K="\'+3(2).7(\'K\')+\'" \':\'\';8 d=(3(2).7(\'A\'))?\'A="\'+3(2).7(\'A\')+\'" \':\'\';8 e=(3(2).7(\'C\'))?\'C="\'+3(2).7(\'C\')+\'" \':\'\';8 f=(3(2).7(\'B\'))?\'B="\'+3(2).7(\'B\')+\'" \':\'\';8 g=(3(2).7(\'R\'))?\'1d:\'+3(2).7(\'R\')+\';\':\'\';8 h=(3(2).1c().7(\'1b\'))?\'19:18;\':\'\';o(2.9.y){a+=\'y:\'+2.9.y+\';\';2.9.y=\'\'}o(2.9.t){a+=\'t:\'+2.9.t+\';\';2.9.t=\'\'}o(2.9.w){a+=\'w:\'+2.9.w+\';\';2.9.w=\'\'}8 i=(2.9.15);b+=\'<x \'+c+d+e+f;b+=\'9="13:11;1q-1p:1o-1n;O:W-V;N:1l;\'+g+h;b+=\'q:\'+3(2).q()+\'u;\'+\'p:\'+3(2).p()+\'u;\';b+=\'J:I:H.r.G\'+\'(m=\\\'\'+3(2).7(\'m\')+\'\\\', D=\\\'F\\\');\';b+=i+\'"></x>\';o(a!=\'\'){b=\'<x 9="13:11;O:W-V;\'+a+h+\'q:\'+3(2).q()+\'u;\'+\'p:\'+3(2).p()+\'u;\'+\'">\'+b+\'</x>\'}3(2).1i();3(2).1h(b)});3(2).L("*").z(s(){8 a=3(2).T(\'N-S\');o(a.E(".M")!=-1){8 b=a.X(\'1g("\')[1].X(\'")\')[0];3(2).T(\'N-S\',\'1f\');3(2).Q(0).Y.J="I:H.r.G(m=\'"+b+"\',D=\'F\')"}});3(2).L("1e[@m$=.M]").z(s(){8 a=3(2).7(\'m\');3(2).Q(0).Y.J=\'I:H.r.G\'+\'(m=\\\'\'+a+\'\\\', D=\\\'F\\\');\';3(2).7(\'m\',j.12)})}1t 3}})(3);',62,92,'||this|jQuery||||attr|var|style|||||||||||||src|navigator|if|height|width|Microsoft|function|padding|px|appVersion|margin|span|border|each|class|alt|title|sizingMethod|indexOf|scale|AlphaImageLoader|DXImageTransform|progid|filter|id|find|png|background|display|appName|get|align|image|css|parseInt|block|inline|split|runtimeStyle|Explorer|Internet|relative|blankgif|position|MSIE|cssText|msie|browser|hand|cursor|extend|href|parent|float|input|none|url|after|hide|gif|pngFix|transparent|blank|line|pre|space|white|img|fn|return'.split('|'),0,{})) |
branches/2.8.x/wb/include/jquery/plugins/fancybox/fancybox.css | ||
1 |
html, body { |
2 |
height: 100%; |
3 |
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4 |
5 |
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6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 |
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10 |
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11 |
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12 |
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13 |
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14 |
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15 |
16 |
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17 |
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18 |
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19 |
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20 |
21 |
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22 |
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23 |
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24 |
25 |
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26 |
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27 |
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28 |
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29 |
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30 |
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31 |
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32 |
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33 |
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34 |
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35 |
36 |
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37 |
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38 |
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39 |
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40 |
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41 |
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42 |
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43 |
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44 |
45 |
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46 |
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47 |
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48 |
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49 |
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50 |
51 |
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52 |
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53 |
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54 |
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55 |
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56 |
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57 |
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58 |
59 |
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60 |
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61 |
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62 |
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63 |
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64 |
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65 |
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66 |
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67 |
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68 |
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69 |
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70 |
71 |
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72 |
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73 |
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74 |
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75 |
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76 |
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77 |
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78 |
79 |
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80 |
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81 |
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82 |
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83 |
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84 |
85 |
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86 |
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87 |
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88 |
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89 |
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90 |
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91 |
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92 |
93 |
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94 |
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95 |
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96 |
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97 |
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98 |
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99 |
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100 |
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101 |
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102 |
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103 |
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104 |
105 |
div#fancy_close { |
106 |
position: absolute; |
107 |
top: -12px; |
108 |
right: -15px; |
109 |
height: 30px; |
110 |
width: 30px; |
111 |
background: url('fancy_closebox.png') top left no-repeat; |
112 |
cursor: pointer; |
113 |
z-index: 181; |
114 |
display: none; |
115 |
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116 |
117 |
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118 |
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119 |
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120 |
height: 100%; |
121 |
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122 |
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123 |
124 |
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125 |
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126 |
height: 100%; |
127 |
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128 |
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129 |
130 |
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131 |
position: absolute; |
132 |
bottom: 0px; |
133 |
height: 100%; |
134 |
width: 35%; |
135 |
cursor: pointer; |
136 |
z-index: 111; |
137 |
display: none; |
138 |
background-image: url(); |
139 |
outline: none; |
140 |
} |
141 |
142 |
a#fancy_left { |
143 |
left: 0px; |
144 |
} |
145 |
146 |
a#fancy_right { |
147 |
right: 0px; |
148 |
} |
149 |
150 |
span.fancy_ico { |
151 |
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152 |
top: 50%; |
153 |
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154 |
width: 30px; |
155 |
height: 30px; |
156 |
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157 |
cursor: pointer; |
158 |
display: block; |
159 |
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160 |
161 |
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162 |
left: -9999px; |
163 |
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164 |
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165 |
166 |
span#fancy_right_ico { |
167 |
right: -9999px; |
168 |
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169 |
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170 |
171 |
a#fancy_left:hover { |
172 |
visibility: visible; |
173 |
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174 |
175 |
a#fancy_right:hover { |
176 |
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177 |
} |
178 |
179 |
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180 |
left: 20px; |
181 |
} |
182 |
183 |
a#fancy_right:hover span { |
184 |
right: 20px; |
185 |
} |
186 |
187 |
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188 |
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189 |
top: 0; |
190 |
left: 0; |
191 |
width: 100%; |
192 |
height: 100%; |
193 |
background: transparent; |
194 |
} |
195 |
196 |
div#fancy_bg { |
197 |
position: absolute; |
198 |
top: 0; left: 0; |
199 |
width: 100%; |
200 |
height: 100%; |
201 |
z-index: 70; |
202 |
border: 0; |
203 |
padding: 0; |
204 |
margin: 0; |
205 |
} |
206 |
207 |
div.fancy_bg { |
208 |
position: absolute; |
209 |
display: block; |
210 |
z-index: 70; |
211 |
border: 0; |
212 |
padding: 0; |
213 |
margin: 0; |
214 |
} |
215 |
216 |
div.fancy_bg_n { |
217 |
top: -18px; |
218 |
width: 100%; |
219 |
height: 18px; |
220 |
background: transparent url('fancy_shadow_n.png') repeat-x; |
221 |
} |
222 |
223 |
div.fancy_bg_ne { |
224 |
top: -18px; |
225 |
right: -13px; |
226 |
width: 13px; |
227 |
height: 18px; |
228 |
background: transparent url('fancy_shadow_ne.png') no-repeat; |
229 |
} |
230 |
231 |
div.fancy_bg_e { |
232 |
right: -13px; |
233 |
height: 100%; |
234 |
width: 13px; |
235 |
background: transparent url('fancy_shadow_e.png') repeat-y; |
236 |
} |
237 |
238 |
div.fancy_bg_se { |
239 |
bottom: -18px; |
240 |
right: -13px; |
241 |
width: 13px; |
242 |
height: 18px; |
243 |
background: transparent url('fancy_shadow_se.png') no-repeat; |
244 |
} |
245 |
246 |
div.fancy_bg_s { |
247 |
bottom: -18px; |
248 |
width: 100%; |
249 |
height: 18px; |
250 |
background: transparent url('fancy_shadow_s.png') repeat-x; |
251 |
} |
252 |
253 |
div.fancy_bg_sw { |
254 |
bottom: -18px; |
255 |
left: -13px; |
256 |
width: 13px; |
257 |
height: 18px; |
258 |
background: transparent url('fancy_shadow_sw.png') no-repeat; |
259 |
} |
260 |
261 |
div.fancy_bg_w { |
262 |
left: -13px; |
263 |
height: 100%; |
264 |
width: 13px; |
265 |
background: transparent url('fancy_shadow_w.png') repeat-y; |
266 |
} |
267 |
268 |
div.fancy_bg_nw { |
269 |
top: -18px; |
270 |
left: -13px; |
271 |
width: 13px; |
272 |
height: 18px; |
273 |
background: transparent url('fancy_shadow_nw.png') no-repeat; |
274 |
} |
275 |
276 |
div#fancy_title { |
277 |
position: absolute; |
278 |
bottom: -33px; |
279 |
left: 0; |
280 |
width: 100%; |
281 |
z-index: 100; |
282 |
display: none; |
283 |
} |
284 |
285 |
div#fancy_title div { |
286 |
color: #FFF; |
287 |
font: bold 12px Arial; |
288 |
padding-bottom: 3px; |
289 |
} |
290 |
291 |
div#fancy_title table { |
292 |
margin: 0 auto; |
293 |
} |
294 |
295 |
div#fancy_title table td { |
296 |
padding: 0; |
297 |
vertical-align: middle; |
298 |
} |
299 |
300 |
td#fancy_title_left { |
301 |
height: 32px; |
302 |
width: 15px; |
303 |
background: transparent url(fancy_title_left.png) repeat-x; |
304 |
} |
305 |
306 |
td#fancy_title_main { |
307 |
height: 32px; |
308 |
background: transparent url(fancy_title_main.png) repeat-x; |
309 |
} |
310 |
311 |
td#fancy_title_right { |
312 |
height: 32px; |
313 |
width: 15px; |
314 |
background: transparent url(fancy_title_right.png) repeat-x; |
315 |
} |
branches/2.8.x/wb/include/jquery/plugins/jquery-fixedheader.js | ||
1 |
/** |
2 |
* Stupid Fixed Header 1.0.1 - jQuery plugins to create a fixed headers |
3 |
* |
4 |
* Require: jQuery 1.2.6 |
5 |
* Author: Jacky See |
6 |
* Blog: |
7 |
* email: jackysee at gmail dot com |
8 |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: |
9 |
* |
10 |
* |
11 |
*/ |
12 |
13 |
(function($){ |
14 |
15 |
/* created fixed headers , require jquery dimenions plugins*/ |
16 |
$.fn.fixedHeader = function(o){ |
17 |
var s = {adjustWidth: $.fixedHeader.calcWidth}; |
18 |
if(o) $.extend(s,o); |
19 |
20 |
return this.each(function(){ |
21 |
var table = $(this); //table |
22 |
var tId =; |
23 |
24 |
var scrollBarWidth = $.fixedHeader.getScrollBarWidth(); |
25 |
var IE6 = $.browser.msie && $.browser.version == '6.0'; |
26 |
27 |
//wrap a body container |
28 |
var bodyContainer = table.wrap('<div></div>').parent() |
29 |
.attr('id', tId + "_body_container") |
30 |
.css({ |
31 |
width: s.width, |
32 |
height: s.height, |
33 |
overflow: 'auto' |
34 |
}); |
35 |
36 |
//Wrap with an overall container |
37 |
var tableContainer = bodyContainer.wrap('<div></div>').parent() |
38 |
.attr('id', tId + '_table_container') |
39 |
.css('position','relative'); |
40 |
41 |
//clone the header |
42 |
var headerContainer = $(document.createElement('div')) |
43 |
.attr('id', tId + '_header_container') |
44 |
.css({ |
45 |
width: bodyContainer.innerWidth() - scrollBarWidth, |
46 |
height: table.find('thead').outerHeight(), |
47 |
overflow: 'hidden', |
48 |
top: 0, left:0 |
49 |
}) |
50 |
.prependTo(tableContainer); |
51 |
52 |
var headerTable = table.clone(true) |
53 |
.find('tbody').remove().end() |
54 |
.attr('id',tId + "_header") |
55 |
.addClass(s.tableClass || table[0].className) |
56 |
.css({ |
57 |
//width: $.browser.msie? table.outerWidth():table.width(), |
58 |
'table-layout':'fixed', |
59 |
position:'absolute', |
60 |
top:0, left:0 |
61 |
}) |
62 |
.append(table.find('thead').clone(true)) |
63 |
.appendTo(headerContainer); |
64 |
65 |
//sync header width |
66 |
var headThs = headerTable.find('th'); |
67 |
table.find('th').each(function(i){ |
68 |
headThs.eq(i).css('width', s.adjustWidth(this)); |
69 |
}) |
70 |
71 |
//sync scroll |
72 |
var selects = IE6? table.find("select"): null; |
73 |
bodyContainer.scroll(function(){ |
74 |
if(IE6 && selects.size()>0){ |
75 |
selects.each(function(i){ |
76 | = |
77 |
($(this).offset().top - bodyContainer.offset().top) <= table.find("thead").outerHeight() + 10 |
78 |
? 'hidden':'visible'; |
79 |
}); |
80 |
} |
81 |
headerTable.css({ |
82 |
left: '-' + $(this).scrollLeft() + 'px' |
83 |
}); |
84 |
}) |
85 |
86 |
//Move it down |
87 |
headerContainer.css({ |
88 |
'position': 'absolute', |
89 |
'top': 0 |
90 |
}); |
91 |
}); |
92 |
} |
93 |
94 |
$.fixedHeader = { |
95 |
calcWidth: function(th){ |
96 |
var w = $(th).width(); |
97 |
var paddingLeft = $.fixedHeader.getComputedStyleInPx(th,'paddingLeft'); |
98 |
var paddingRight = $.fixedHeader.getComputedStyleInPx(th,'paddingRight'); |
99 |
var borderWidth = $.fixedHeader.getComputedStyleInPx(th,'borderRightWidth'); |
100 |
if($.browser.msie) w = w+borderWidth; |
101 |
if($.browser.opera) w = w+borderWidth; |
102 |
if($.browser.safari) w = w+paddingLeft+paddingRight+borderWidth*2; |
103 |
if($.browser.mozilla && parseFloat($.browser.version) <= 1.8) w=w+borderWidth; //FF2 still got a border-left missing problem, this is the best I can do. |
104 |
return w; |
105 |
}, |
106 |
getComputedStyleInPx: function(elem,style){ |
107 |
var computedStyle = (typeof elem.currentStyle != 'undefined') |
108 |
?elem.currentStyle |
109 |
:document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null); |
110 |
var val = computedStyle[style]; |
111 |
val = val? parseInt(val.replace("px","")):0; |
112 |
return (!val || val == 'NaN')?0:val; |
113 |
}, |
114 |
getScrollBarWidth: function() { //calculate or get from global the scroll bar width |
115 |
if(!$.fixedHeader.scrollBarWidth){ |
116 |
var inner = $(document.createElement('p')).css({width:'100%',height:'100%'}); |
117 |
var outer = $(document.createElement('div')) |
118 |
.css({ |
119 |
position:'absolute', |
120 |
top: '0px', |
121 |
left: '0px', |
122 |
visibility: 'hidden', |
123 |
width: '200px', |
124 |
height: '150px', |
125 |
overflow: 'hidden' |
126 |
}) |
127 |
.append(inner) |
128 |
.appendTo(document.body); |
129 |
130 |
var w1 = inner[0].offsetWidth; |
131 |
outer[0].style.overflow = 'scroll'; |
132 |
var w2 = inner[0].offsetWidth; |
133 |
if (w1 == w2) w2 = outer[0].clientWidth; |
134 |
document.body.removeChild (outer[0]); |
135 |
$.fixedHeader.scrollBarWidth = (w1 - w2); |
136 |
} |
137 |
return $.fixedHeader.scrollBarWidth; |
138 |
} |
139 |
} |
140 |
141 |
})(jQuery); |
branches/2.8.x/wb/include/jquery/plugins/jquery-metadata.js | ||
1 |
/* |
2 |
* Metadata - jQuery plugin for parsing metadata from elements |
3 |
* |
4 |
* Copyright (c) 2006 John Resig, Yehuda Katz, J�örn Zaefferer, Paul McLanahan |
5 |
* |
6 |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: |
7 |
* |
8 |
* |
9 |
* |
10 |
* Revision: $Id: jquery.metadata.js 3620 2007-10-10 20:55:38Z pmclanahan $ |
11 |
* |
12 |
*/ |
13 |
(function($){$.extend({metadata:{defaults:{type:'class',name:'metadata',cre:/({.*})/,single:'metadata'},setType:function(type,name){this.defaults.type=type;;},get:function(elem,opts){var settings=$.extend({},this.defaults,opts);if(!settings.single.length)settings.single='metadata';var data=$.data(elem,settings.single);if(data)return data;data="{}";if(settings.type=="class"){var m=settings.cre.exec(elem.className);if(m)data=m[1];}else if(settings.type=="elem"){if(!elem.getElementsByTagName)return;var e=elem.getElementsByTagName(;if(e.length)data=$.trim(e[0].innerHTML);}else if(elem.getAttribute!=undefined){var attr=elem.getAttribute(;if(attr)data=attr;}if(data.indexOf('{')<0)data="{"+data+"}";data=eval("("+data+")");$.data(elem,settings.single,data);return data;}}});$.fn.metadata=function(opts){return $.metadata.get(this[0],opts);};})(jQuery); |
branches/2.8.x/wb/include/jquery/plugins/images/index.php | ||
1 |
<?php |
2 |
3 |
// $Id: index.php 985 2009-05-27 04:46:39Z Ruebenwurzel $ |
4 |
5 |
/* |
6 |
7 |
Website Baker Project <> |
8 |
Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Ryan Djurovich |
9 |
10 |
Website Baker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
11 |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
12 |
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
13 |
(at your option) any later version. |
14 |
15 |
Website Baker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
16 |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
17 |
18 |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
19 |
20 |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
21 |
along with Website Baker; if not, write to the Free Software |
22 |
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
23 |
24 |
*/ |
25 |
26 |
header("Location: ../../../../index.php"); |
27 |
28 |
?> |
branches/2.8.x/wb/include/jquery/plugins/toggle_zip.js | ||
1 |
function toggle() { |
2 |
var check = document.getElementById("file2"); |
3 |
if ( == "visible") { |
4 |
for (i=2; i<=10; i++) { |
5 |
document.getElementById("file" + i).style.visibility = "hidden"; |
6 |
} |
7 |
document.getElementById("delzip").style.display = "inline"; |
8 |
} else { |
9 |
for (i=2; i<=10; i++) { |
10 |
document.getElementById("file" + i).style.visibility = "visible"; |
11 |
} |
12 |
document.getElementById("delzip").style.display = "none"; |
13 |
} |
14 |
} |
branches/2.8.x/wb/include/jquery/plugins/jquery-slimbox2-min.js | ||
1 |
/* |
2 |
Slimbox v2.02 - The ultimate lightweight Lightbox clone for jQuery |
3 |
(c) 2007-2009 Christophe Beyls <> |
4 |
MIT-style license. |
5 |
*/ |
6 |
(function(w){var E=w(window),u,g,F=-1,o,x,D,v,y,L,s,n=!window.XMLHttpRequest,e=window.opera&&(document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat")&&(w.browser.version>=9.3),m=document.documentElement,l={},t=new Image(),J=new Image(),H,a,h,q,I,d,G,c,A,K;w(function(){w("body").append(w([H=w('<div id="lbOverlay" />')[0],a=w('<div id="lbCenter" />')[0],G=w('<div id="lbBottomContainer" />')[0]]).css("display","none"));h=w('<div id="lbImage" />').appendTo(a).append(q=w('<div style="position: relative;" />').append([I=w('<a id="lbPrevLink" href="#" />').click(B)[0],d=w('<a id="lbNextLink" href="#" />').click(f)[0]])[0])[0];c=w('<div id="lbBottom" />').appendTo(G).append([w('<a id="lbCloseLink" href="#" />').add(H).click(C)[0],A=w('<div id="lbCaption" />')[0],K=w('<div id="lbNumber" />')[0],w('<div style="clear: both;" />')[0]])[0]});w.slimbox=function(O,N,M){u=w.extend({loop:false,overlayOpacity:0.8,overlayFadeDuration:400,resizeDuration:400,resizeEasing:"swing",initialWidth:250,initialHeight:250,imageFadeDuration:400,captionAnimationDuration:400,counterText:"Image {x} of {y}",closeKeys:[27,88,67],previousKeys:[37,80],nextKeys:[39,78]},M);if(typeof O=="string"){O=[[O,N]];N=0}y=E.scrollTop()+((e?m.clientHeight:E.height())/2);L=u.initialWidth;s=u.initialHeight;w(a).css({top:Math.max(0,y-(s/2)),width:L,height:s,marginLeft:-L/2}).show();v=n||(H.currentStyle&&(H.currentStyle.position!="fixed"));if(v){"absolute"}w(H).css("opacity",u.overlayOpacity).fadeIn(u.overlayFadeDuration);z();k(1);g=O;u.loop=u.loop&&(g.length>1);return b(N)};w.fn.slimbox=function(M,P,O){P=P||function(Q){return[Q.href,Q.title]};O=O||function(){return true};var N=this;return N.unbind("click").click(function(){var S=this,U=0,T,Q=0,R;T=w.grep(N,function(W,V){return,W,V)});for(R=T.length;Q<R;++Q){if(T[Q]==S){U=Q}T[Q]=P(T[Q],Q)}return w.slimbox(T,U,M)})};function z(){var N=E.scrollLeft(),M=e?m.clientWidth:E.width();w([a,G]).css("left",N+(M/2));if(v){w(H).css({left:N,top:E.scrollTop(),width:M,height:E.height()})}}function k(M){w("object").add(n?"select":"embed").each(function(O,P){if(M){,"slimbox",}"hidden","slimbox")});var N=M?"bind":"unbind";E[N]("scroll resize",z);w(document)[N]("keydown",p)}function p(O){var N=O.keyCode,M=w.inArray;return(M(N,u.closeKeys)>=0)?C():(M(N,u.nextKeys)>=0)?f():(M(N,u.previousKeys)>=0)?B():false}function B(){return b(x)}function f(){return b(D)}function b(M){if(M>=0){F=M;o=g[F][0];x=(F||(u.loop?g.length:0))-1;D=((F+1)%g.length)||(u.loop?0:-1);r();a.className="lbLoading";l=new Image();l.onload=j;l.src=o}return false}function j(){a.className="";w(h).css({backgroundImage:"url("+o+")",visibility:"hidden",display:""});w(q).width(l.width);w([q,I,d]).height(l.height);w(A).html(g[F][1]||"");w(K).html((((g.length>1)&&u.counterText)||"").replace(/{x}/,F+1).replace(/{y}/,g.length));if(x>=0){t.src=g[x][0]}if(D>=0){J.src=g[D][0]}L=h.offsetWidth;s=h.offsetHeight;var M=Math.max(0,y-(s/2));if(a.offsetHeight!=s){w(a).animate({height:s,top:M},u.resizeDuration,u.resizeEasing)}if(a.offsetWidth!=L){w(a).animate({width:L,marginLeft:-L/2},u.resizeDuration,u.resizeEasing)}w(a).queue(function(){w(G).css({width:L,top:M+s,marginLeft:-L/2,visibility:"hidden",display:""});w(h).css({display:"none",visibility:"",opacity:""}).fadeIn(u.imageFadeDuration,i)})}function i(){if(x>=0){w(I).show()}if(D>=0){w(d).show()}w(c).css("marginTop",-c.offsetHeight).animate({marginTop:0},u.captionAnimationDuration);""}function r(){l.onload=null;l.src=t.src=J.src=o;w([a,h,c]).stop(true);w([I,d,h,G]).hide()}function C(){if(F>=0){r();F=x=D=-1;w(a).hide();w(H).stop().fadeOut(u.overlayFadeDuration,k)}return false}})(jQuery); |
7 |
8 |
9 |
$(function($) { |
10 |
$("a[rel^='lightbox']").slimbox({/* Put custom options here */}, function(el) { |
11 |
return [el.href, el.title + '<br /><a href="' + el.href + '">Download this image</a>']; |
12 |
}, function(el) { |
13 |
return (this == el) || ((this.rel.length > 8) && (this.rel == el.rel)); |
14 |
}); |
15 |
}); |
branches/2.8.x/wb/include/jquery/plugins/jquery-corner.js | ||
1 |
/*! |
2 |
* jQuery corner plugin: simple corner rounding |
3 |
* Examples and documentation at: |
4 |
* version 1.96 (11-MAY-2009) |
5 |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: |
6 |
* |
7 |
* |
8 |
*/ |
9 |
10 |
/** |
11 |
* corner() takes a single string argument: $('#myDiv').corner("effect corners width") |
12 |
* |
13 |
* effect: name of the effect to apply, such as round, bevel, notch, bite, etc (default is round). |
14 |
* corners: one or more of: top, bottom, tr, tl, br, or bl. |
15 |
* by default, all four corners are adorned. |
16 |
* width: width of the effect; in the case of rounded corners this is the radius. |
17 |
* specify this value using the px suffix such as 10px (and yes, it must be pixels). |
18 |
* |
19 |
* @name corner |
20 |
* @type jQuery |
21 |
* @param String options Options which control the corner style |
22 |
* @cat Plugins/Corner |
23 |
* @return jQuery |
24 |
* @author Dave Methvin ( |
25 |
* @author Mike Alsup ( |
26 |
*/ |
27 |
;(function($) { |
28 |
29 |
var expr = (function() { |
30 |
var div = document.createElement('div'); |
31 |
try {'width','0+0'); } |
32 |
catch(e) { return false; } |
33 |
return true; |
34 |
})(); |
35 |
36 |
function sz(el, p) { |
37 |
return parseInt($.css(el,p))||0; |
38 |
}; |
39 |
function hex2(s) { |
40 |
var s = parseInt(s).toString(16); |
41 |
return ( s.length < 2 ) ? '0'+s : s; |
42 |
}; |
43 |
function gpc(node) { |
44 |
for ( ; node && node.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'html'; node = node.parentNode ) { |
45 |
var v = $.css(node,'backgroundColor'); |
46 |
if ( v.indexOf('rgb') >= 0 ) { |
47 |
if ($.browser.safari && v == 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') |
48 |
continue; |
49 |
var rgb = v.match(/\d+/g); |
50 |
return '#'+ hex2(rgb[0]) + hex2(rgb[1]) + hex2(rgb[2]); |
51 |
} |
52 |
if ( v && v != 'transparent' ) |
53 |
return v; |
54 |
} |
55 |
return '#ffffff'; |
56 |
}; |
57 |
58 |
function getWidth(fx, i, width) { |
59 |
switch(fx) { |
60 |
case 'round': return Math.round(width*(1-Math.cos(Math.asin(i/width)))); |
61 |
case 'cool': return Math.round(width*(1+Math.cos(Math.asin(i/width)))); |
62 |
case 'sharp': return Math.round(width*(1-Math.cos(Math.acos(i/width)))); |
63 |
case 'bite': return Math.round(width*(Math.cos(Math.asin((width-i-1)/width)))); |
64 |
case 'slide': return Math.round(width*(Math.atan2(i,width/i))); |
65 |
case 'jut': return Math.round(width*(Math.atan2(width,(width-i-1)))); |
66 |
case 'curl': return Math.round(width*(Math.atan(i))); |
67 |
case 'tear': return Math.round(width*(Math.cos(i))); |
68 |
case 'wicked': return Math.round(width*(Math.tan(i))); |
69 |
case 'long': return Math.round(width*(Math.sqrt(i))); |
70 |
case 'sculpt': return Math.round(width*(Math.log((width-i-1),width))); |
71 |
case 'dog': return (i&1) ? (i+1) : width; |
72 |
case 'dog2': return (i&2) ? (i+1) : width; |
73 |
case 'dog3': return (i&3) ? (i+1) : width; |
74 |
case 'fray': return (i%2)*width; |
75 |
case 'notch': return width; |
76 |
case 'bevel': return i+1; |
77 |
} |
78 |
}; |
79 |
80 |
$.fn.corner = function(o) { |
81 |
// in 1.3+ we can fix mistakes with the ready state |
82 |
if (this.length == 0) { |
83 |
if (!$.isReady && this.selector) { |
84 |
var s = this.selector, c = this.context; |
85 |
$(function() { |
86 |
$(s,c).corner(o); |
87 |
}); |
88 |
} |
89 |
return this; |
90 |
} |
91 |
92 |
o = (o||"").toLowerCase(); |
93 |
var keep = /keep/.test(o); // keep borders? |
94 |
var cc = ((o.match(/cc:(#[0-9a-f]+)/)||[])[1]); // corner color |
95 |
var sc = ((o.match(/sc:(#[0-9a-f]+)/)||[])[1]); // strip color |
96 |
var width = parseInt((o.match(/(\d+)px/)||[])[1]) || 10; // corner width |
97 |
var re = /round|bevel|notch|bite|cool|sharp|slide|jut|curl|tear|fray|wicked|sculpt|long|dog3|dog2|dog/; |
98 |
var fx = ((o.match(re)||['round'])[0]); |
99 |
var edges = { T:0, B:1 }; |
100 |
var opts = { |
101 |
TL: /top|tl/.test(o), TR: /top|tr/.test(o), |
102 |
BL: /bottom|bl/.test(o), BR: /bottom|br/.test(o) |
103 |
}; |
104 |
if ( !opts.TL && !opts.TR && !opts.BL && !opts.BR ) |
105 |
opts = { TL:1, TR:1, BL:1, BR:1 }; |
106 |
var strip = document.createElement('div'); |
107 | = 'hidden'; |
108 | = '1px'; |
109 | = sc || 'transparent'; |
110 | = 'solid'; |
111 |
return this.each(function(index){ |
112 |
var pad = { |
113 |
T: parseInt($.css(this,'paddingTop'))||0, R: parseInt($.css(this,'paddingRight'))||0, |
114 |
B: parseInt($.css(this,'paddingBottom'))||0, L: parseInt($.css(this,'paddingLeft'))||0 |
115 |
}; |
116 |
117 |
if (typeof != undefined) = 1; // force 'hasLayout' in IE |
118 |
if (!keep) = 'none'; |
119 | = cc || gpc(this.parentNode); |
120 |
var cssHeight = $.curCSS(this, 'height'); |
121 |
122 |
for (var j in edges) { |
123 |
var bot = edges[j]; |
124 |
// only add stips if needed |
125 |
if ((bot && (opts.BL || opts.BR)) || (!bot && (opts.TL || opts.TR))) { |
126 | = 'none '+(opts[j+'R']?'solid':'none')+' none '+(opts[j+'L']?'solid':'none'); |
127 |
var d = document.createElement('div'); |
128 |
$(d).addClass('jquery-corner'); |
129 |
var ds =; |
130 |
131 |
bot ? this.appendChild(d) : this.insertBefore(d, this.firstChild); |
132 |
133 |
if (bot && cssHeight != 'auto') { |
134 |
if ($.css(this,'position') == 'static') |
135 | = 'relative'; |
136 |
ds.position = 'absolute'; |
137 |
ds.bottom = ds.left = ds.padding = ds.margin = '0'; |
138 |
if (expr) |
139 |
ds.setExpression('width', 'this.parentNode.offsetWidth'); |
140 |
else |
141 |
ds.width = '100%'; |
142 |
} |
143 |
else if (!bot && $.browser.msie) { |
144 |
if ($.css(this,'position') == 'static') |
145 | = 'relative'; |
146 |
ds.position = 'absolute'; |
147 | = ds.left = ds.right = ds.padding = ds.margin = '0'; |
148 |
149 |
// fix ie6 problem when blocked element has a border width |
150 |
if (expr) { |
151 |
var bw = sz(this,'borderLeftWidth') + sz(this,'borderRightWidth'); |
152 |
ds.setExpression('width', 'this.parentNode.offsetWidth - '+bw+'+ "px"'); |
153 |
} |
154 |
else |
155 |
ds.width = '100%'; |
156 |
} |
157 |
else { |
158 |
ds.margin = !bot ? '-'+pad.T+'px -'+pad.R+'px '+(pad.T-width)+'px -'+pad.L+'px' : |
159 |
(pad.B-width)+'px -'+pad.R+'px -'+pad.B+'px -'+pad.L+'px'; |
160 |
} |
161 |
162 |
for (var i=0; i < width; i++) { |
163 |
var w = Math.max(0,getWidth(fx,i, width)); |
164 |
var e = strip.cloneNode(false); |
165 | = '0 '+(opts[j+'R']?w:0)+'px 0 '+(opts[j+'L']?w:0)+'px'; |
166 |
bot ? d.appendChild(e) : d.insertBefore(e, d.firstChild); |
167 |
} |
168 |
} |
169 |
} |
170 |
}); |
171 |
}; |
172 |
173 |
$.fn.uncorner = function() { |
174 |
$('div.jquery-corner', this).remove(); |
175 |
return this; |
176 |
}; |
177 |
178 |
})(jQuery); |
branches/2.8.x/wb/include/jquery/plugins/jquery-fancybox.js | ||
1 |
/* |
2 |
* FancyBox - simple jQuery plugin for fancy image zooming |
3 |
* Examples and documentation at: |
4 |
* Version: 1.0.0 (29/04/2008) |
5 |
* Copyright (c) 2008 Janis Skarnelis |
6 |
* Licensed under the MIT License: |
7 |
* Requires: jQuery v1.2.1 or later |
8 |
*/ |
9 |
(function($) { |
10 |
var opts = {}, |
11 |
imgPreloader = new Image, imgTypes = ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'], |
12 |
loadingTimer, loadingFrame = 1; |
13 |
14 |
$.fn.fancybox = function(settings) { |
15 |
opts.settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.fancybox.defaults, settings); |
16 |
17 |
$.fn.fancybox.init(); |
18 |
19 |
return this.each(function() { |
20 |
var $this = $(this); |
21 |
var o = $.metadata ? $.extend({}, opts.settings, $this.metadata()) : opts.settings; |
22 |
23 |
$this.unbind('click').click(function() { |
24 |
$.fn.fancybox.start(this, o); return false; |
25 |
}); |
26 |
}); |
27 |
}; |
28 |
29 |
$.fn.fancybox.start = function(el, o) { |
30 |
if (opts.animating) return false; |
31 |
32 |
if (o.overlayShow) { |
33 |
$("#fancy_wrap").prepend('<div id="fancy_overlay"></div>'); |
34 |
$("#fancy_overlay").css({'width': $(window).width(), 'height': $(document).height(), 'opacity': o.overlayOpacity}); |
35 |
36 |
if ($.browser.msie) { |
37 |
$("#fancy_wrap").prepend('<iframe id="fancy_bigIframe" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>'); |
38 |
$("#fancy_bigIframe").css({'width': $(window).width(), 'height': $(document).height(), 'opacity': 0}); |
39 |
} |
40 |
41 |
$("#fancy_overlay").click($.fn.fancybox.close); |
42 |
} |
43 |
44 |
opts.itemArray = []; |
45 |
opts.itemNum = 0; |
46 |
47 |
if (jQuery.isFunction(o.itemLoadCallback)) { |
48 |
o.itemLoadCallback.apply(this, [opts]); |
49 |
50 |
var c = $(el).children("img:first").length ? $(el).children("img:first") : $(el); |
51 |
var tmp = {'width': c.width(), 'height': c.height(), 'pos': $.fn.fancybox.getPosition(c)} |
52 |
53 |
for (var i = 0; i < opts.itemArray.length; i++) { |
54 |
opts.itemArray[i].o = $.extend({}, o, opts.itemArray[i].o); |
55 |
56 |
if (o.zoomSpeedIn > 0 || o.zoomSpeedOut > 0) { |
57 |
opts.itemArray[i].orig = tmp; |
58 |
} |
59 |
} |
60 |
61 |
} else { |
62 |
if (!el.rel || el.rel == '') { |
63 |
var item = {url: el.href, title: el.title, o: o}; |
64 |
65 |
if (o.zoomSpeedIn > 0 || o.zoomSpeedOut > 0) { |
66 |
var c = $(el).children("img:first").length ? $(el).children("img:first") : $(el); |
67 |
item.orig = {'width': c.width(), 'height': c.height(), 'pos': $.fn.fancybox.getPosition(c)} |
68 |
} |
69 |
70 |
opts.itemArray.push(item); |
71 |
72 |
} else { |
73 |
var arr = $("a[@rel=" + el.rel + "]").get(); |
74 |
75 |
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { |
76 |
var tmp = $.metadata ? $.extend({}, o, $(arr[i]).metadata()) : o; |
77 |
var item = {url: arr[i].href, title: arr[i].title, o: tmp}; |
78 |
79 |
if (o.zoomSpeedIn > 0 || o.zoomSpeedOut > 0) { |
80 |
var c = $(arr[i]).children("img:first").length ? $(arr[i]).children("img:first") : $(el); |
81 |
82 |
item.orig = {'width': c.width(), 'height': c.height(), 'pos': $.fn.fancybox.getPosition(c)} |
83 |
} |
84 |
85 |
if (arr[i].href == el.href) opts.itemNum = i; |
86 |
87 |
opts.itemArray.push(item); |
88 |
} |
89 |
} |
90 |
} |
91 |
92 |
$.fn.fancybox.changeItem(opts.itemNum); |
93 |
}; |
94 |
95 |
$.fn.fancybox.changeItem = function(n) { |
96 |
$.fn.fancybox.showLoading(); |
97 |
98 |
opts.itemNum = n; |
99 |
100 |
$("#fancy_nav").empty(); |
101 |
$("#fancy_outer").stop(); |
102 |
$("#fancy_title").hide(); |
103 |
$(document).unbind("keydown"); |
104 |
105 |
imgRegExp = imgTypes.join('|'); |
106 |
imgRegExp = new RegExp('\.' + imgRegExp + '$', 'i'); |
107 |
108 |
var url = opts.itemArray[n].url; |
109 |
110 |
if (url.match(/#/)) { |
111 |
var target = window.location.href.split('#')[0]; target = url.replace(target,''); |
112 |
113 |
$.fn.fancybox.showItem('<div id="fancy_div">' + $(target).html() + '</div>'); |
114 |
115 |
$("#fancy_loading").hide(); |
116 |
117 |
} else if (url.match(imgRegExp)) { |
118 |
$(imgPreloader).unbind('load').bind('load', function() { |
119 |
$("#fancy_loading").hide(); |
120 |
121 |
opts.itemArray[n].o.frameWidth = imgPreloader.width; |
122 |
opts.itemArray[n].o.frameHeight = imgPreloader.height; |
123 |
124 |
$.fn.fancybox.showItem('<img id="fancy_img" src="' + imgPreloader.src + '" />'); |
125 |
126 |
}).attr('src', url + '?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999999) ); |
127 |
128 |
} else { |
129 |
$.fn.fancybox.showItem('<iframe id="fancy_frame" onload="$.fn.fancybox.showIframe()" name="fancy_iframe' + Math.round(Math.random()*1000) + '" frameborder="0" hspace="0" src="' + url + '"></iframe>'); |
130 |
} |
131 |
}; |
132 |
133 |
$.fn.fancybox.showIframe = function() { |
134 |
$("#fancy_loading").hide(); |
135 |
$("#fancy_frame").show(); |
136 |
}; |
137 |
138 |
$.fn.fancybox.showItem = function(val) { |
139 |
$.fn.fancybox.preloadNeighborImages(); |
140 |
141 |
var viewportPos = $.fn.fancybox.getViewport(); |
142 |
var itemSize = $.fn.fancybox.getMaxSize(viewportPos[0] - 50, viewportPos[1] - 100, opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].o.frameWidth, opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].o.frameHeight); |
143 |
144 |
var itemLeft = viewportPos[2] + Math.round((viewportPos[0] - itemSize[0]) / 2) - 20; |
145 |
var itemTop = viewportPos[3] + Math.round((viewportPos[1] - itemSize[1]) / 2) - 40; |
146 |
147 |
var itemOpts = { |
148 |
'left': itemLeft, |
149 |
'top': itemTop, |
150 |
'width': itemSize[0] + 'px', |
151 |
'height': itemSize[1] + 'px' |
152 |
} |
153 |
154 |
if ( { |
155 |
$('#fancy_content').fadeOut("normal", function() { |
156 |
$("#fancy_content").empty(); |
157 |
158 |
$("#fancy_outer").animate(itemOpts, "normal", function() { |
159 |
$("#fancy_content").append($(val)).fadeIn("normal"); |
160 |
$.fn.fancybox.updateDetails(); |
161 |
}); |
162 |
}); |
163 |
164 |
} else { |
165 | = true; |
166 |
167 |
$("#fancy_content").empty(); |
168 |
169 |
if ($("#fancy_content").is(":animated")) { |
170 |'animated!'); |
171 |
} |
172 |
173 |
if (opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].o.zoomSpeedIn > 0) { |
174 |
opts.animating = true; |
175 |
itemOpts.opacity = "show"; |
176 |
177 |
$("#fancy_outer").css({ |
178 |
'top': opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum] - 18, |
179 |
'left': opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].orig.pos.left - 18, |
180 |
'height': opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].orig.height, |
181 |
'width': opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].orig.width |
182 |
}); |
183 |
184 |
$("#fancy_content").append($(val)).show(); |
185 |
186 |
$("#fancy_outer").animate(itemOpts, opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].o.zoomSpeedIn, function() { |
187 |
opts.animating = false; |
188 |
$.fn.fancybox.updateDetails(); |
189 |
}); |
190 |
191 |
} else { |
192 |
$("#fancy_content").append($(val)).show(); |
193 |
$("#fancy_outer").css(itemOpts).show(); |
194 |
$.fn.fancybox.updateDetails(); |
195 |
} |
196 |
} |
197 |
}; |
198 |
199 |
$.fn.fancybox.updateDetails = function() { |
200 |
$("#fancy_bg,#fancy_close").show(); |
201 |
202 |
if (opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].title !== undefined && opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].title !== '') { |
203 |
$('#fancy_title div').html(opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].title); |
204 |
$('#fancy_title').show(); |
205 |
} |
206 |
207 |
if (opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].o.hideOnContentClick) { |
208 |
$("#fancy_content").click($.fn.fancybox.close); |
209 |
} else { |
210 |
$("#fancy_content").unbind('click'); |
211 |
} |
212 |
213 |
if (opts.itemNum != 0) { |
214 |
$("#fancy_nav").append('<a id="fancy_left" href="javascript:;"></a>'); |
215 |
216 |
$('#fancy_left').click(function() { |
217 |
$.fn.fancybox.changeItem(opts.itemNum - 1); return false; |
218 |
}); |
219 |
} |
220 |
221 |
if (opts.itemNum != (opts.itemArray.length - 1)) { |
222 |
$("#fancy_nav").append('<a id="fancy_right" href="javascript:;"></a>'); |
223 |
224 |
$('#fancy_right').click(function(){ |
225 |
$.fn.fancybox.changeItem(opts.itemNum + 1); return false; |
226 |
}); |
227 |
} |
228 |
229 |
$(document).keydown(function(event) { |
230 |
if (event.keyCode == 27) { |
231 |
$.fn.fancybox.close(); |
232 |
233 |
} else if(event.keyCode == 37 && opts.itemNum != 0) { |
234 |
$.fn.fancybox.changeItem(opts.itemNum - 1); |
235 |
236 |
} else if(event.keyCode == 39 && opts.itemNum != (opts.itemArray.length - 1)) { |
237 |
$.fn.fancybox.changeItem(opts.itemNum + 1); |
238 |
} |
239 |
}); |
240 |
}; |
241 |
242 |
$.fn.fancybox.preloadNeighborImages = function() { |
243 |
if ((opts.itemArray.length - 1) > opts.itemNum) { |
244 |
preloadNextImage = new Image(); |
245 |
preloadNextImage.src = opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum + 1].url; |
246 |
} |
247 |
248 |
if (opts.itemNum > 0) { |
249 |
preloadPrevImage = new Image(); |
250 |
preloadPrevImage.src = opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum - 1].url; |
251 |
} |
252 |
}; |
253 |
254 |
$.fn.fancybox.close = function() { |
255 |
if (opts.animating) return false; |
256 |
257 |
$(imgPreloader).unbind('load'); |
258 |
$(document).unbind("keydown"); |
259 |
260 |
$("#fancy_loading,#fancy_title,#fancy_close,#fancy_bg").hide(); |
261 |
262 |
$("#fancy_nav").empty(); |
263 |
264 | = false; |
265 |
266 |
if (opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].o.zoomSpeedOut > 0) { |
267 |
var itemOpts = { |
268 |
'top': opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum] - 18, |
269 |
'left': opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].orig.pos.left - 18, |
270 |
'height': opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].orig.height, |
271 |
'width': opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].orig.width, |
272 |
'opacity': 'hide' |
273 |
}; |
274 |
275 |
opts.animating = true; |
276 |
277 |
$("#fancy_outer").animate(itemOpts, opts.itemArray[opts.itemNum].o.zoomSpeedOut, function() { |
278 |
$("#fancy_content").hide().empty(); |
279 |
$("#fancy_overlay,#fancy_bigIframe").remove(); |
280 |
opts.animating = false; |
281 |
}); |
282 |
283 |
} else { |
284 |
$("#fancy_outer").hide(); |
285 |
$("#fancy_content").hide().empty(); |
286 |
$("#fancy_overlay,#fancy_bigIframe").fadeOut("fast").remove(); |
287 |
} |
288 |
}; |
289 |
290 |
$.fn.fancybox.showLoading = function() { |
291 |
clearInterval(loadingTimer); |
292 |
293 |
var pos = $.fn.fancybox.getViewport(); |
294 |
295 |
$("#fancy_loading").css({'left': ((pos[0] - 40) / 2 + pos[2]), 'top': ((pos[1] - 40) / 2 + pos[3])}).show(); |
296 |
$("#fancy_loading").bind('click', $.fn.fancybox.close); |
297 |
298 |
loadingTimer = setInterval($.fn.fancybox.animateLoading, 66); |
299 |
}; |
300 |
301 |
$.fn.fancybox.animateLoading = function(el, o) { |
302 |
if (!$("#fancy_loading").is(':visible')){ |
303 |
clearInterval(loadingTimer); |
304 |
return; |
305 |
} |
306 |
307 |
$("#fancy_loading > div").css('top', (loadingFrame * -40) + 'px'); |
308 |
309 |
loadingFrame = (loadingFrame + 1) % 12; |
310 |
}; |
311 |
312 |
$.fn.fancybox.init = function() { |
313 |
if (!$('#fancy_wrap').length) { |
314 |
$('<div id="fancy_wrap"><div id="fancy_loading"><div></div></div><div id="fancy_outer"><div id="fancy_inner"><div id="fancy_nav"></div><div id="fancy_close"></div><div id="fancy_content"></div><div id="fancy_title"></div></div></div></div>').appendTo("body"); |
Also available in: Unified diff
update jquery 1.4.0 to 1.4.1,
removed include/jquery/plugins
update backend themes