Revision 1167
Added by Luisehahne about 15 years ago
branches/2.8.x/CHANGELOG | ||
12 | 12 |
13 | 13 |
------------------------------------- 2.8.1 ------------------------------------- |
14 | 14 |
12-Oct-2009 Dietmar Woellbrink |
15 |
+ added old version of fancybox.js |
16 |
! rename new version fancybox |
17 |
+ added missing language variables in newsmodul |
18 |
12-Oct-2009 Dietmar Woellbrink |
15 | 19 |
# fixes Bugs headersend errors in some core files |
16 | 20 |
12-Oct-2009 Dietmar Woellbrink |
17 | 21 |
! update function show_bread_crumb in framework/frontend.functions.php |
branches/2.8.x/wb/include/jquery/plugins/jquery-fancybox.js | ||
1 |
/* |
2 |
* FancyBox - simple and fancy jQuery plugin |
3 |
* Examples and documentation at: |
4 |
* Version: 1.2.1 (13/03/2009) |
5 |
* Copyright (c) 2009 Janis Skarnelis |
6 |
* Licensed under the MIT License: |
7 |
* Requires: jQuery v1.3+ |
8 |
*/ |
9 |
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}(';(7($){$.b.2Q=7(){u B.2t(7(){9 1J=$(B).n(\'2Z\');5(1J.1c(/^3w\\(["\']?(.*\\.2p)["\']?\\)$/i)){1J=3t.$1;$(B).n({\'2Z\':\'45\',\'2o\':"3W:3R.4m.4d(3h=F, 3T="+($(B).n(\'41\')==\'2J-3Z\'?\'4c\':\'3N\')+", Q=\'"+1J+"\')"}).2t(7(){9 1b=$(B).n(\'1b\');5(1b!=\'2e\'&&1b!=\'2n\')$(B).n(\'1b\',\'2n\')})}})};9 A,4,16=D,s=1t 1o,1w,1v=1,1y=/\\.(3A|3Y|2p|3c|3d)(.*)?$/i;9 P=($.2q.3K&&2f($.2q.3z.2k(0,1))<8);$.b.c=7(Y){Y=$.3x({},$.b.c.2R,Y);9 2s=B;7 2h(){A=B;4=Y;2r();u D};7 2r(){5(16)u;5($.1O(4.2c)){4.2c()}4.j=[];4.h=0;5(Y.j.N>0){4.j=Y.j}t{9 O={};5(!A.1H||A.1H==\'\'){9 O={d:A.d,X:A.X};5($(A).1G("1m:1D").N){O.1a=$(A).1G("1m:1D")}4.j.2j(O)}t{9 Z=$(2s).2o("a[1H="+A.1H+"]");9 O={};3C(9 i=0;i<Z.N;i++){O={d:Z[i].d,X:Z[i].X};5($(Z[i]).1G("1m:1D").N){O.1a=$(Z[i]).1G("1m:1D")}4.j.2j(O)}3F(4.j[4.h].d!=A.d){4.h++}}}5(4.23){5(P){$(\'1U, 1Q, 1P\').n(\'1S\',\'3s\')}$("#1i").n(\'25\',4.2U).J()}1d()};7 1d(){$("#1f, #1e, #V, #G").S();9 d=4.j[4.h].d;5(d.1c(/#/)){9 U=11.3r.d.3f(\'#\')[0];U=d.3g(U,\'\');U=U.2k(U.2l(\'#\'));1k(\'<6 l="3e">\'+$(U).o()+\'</6>\',4.1I,4.1x)}t 5(d.1c(1y)){s=1t 1o;s.Q=d;5(s.3a){1K()}t{$.b.c.34();$(s).x().14(\'3b\',7(){$(".I").S();1K()})}}t 5(d.1c("17")||A.3j.2l("17")>=0){1k(\'<17 l="35" 3q="$.b.c.38()" 3o="3n\'+C.T(C.3l()*3m)+\'" 2K="0" 3E="0" Q="\'+d+\'"></17>\',4.1I,4.1x)}t{$.4p(d,7(2m){1k(\'<6 l="3L">\'+2m+\'</6>\',4.1I,4.1x)})}};7 1K(){5(4.30){9 w=$.b.c.1n();9 r=C.1M(C.1M(w[0]-36,s.g)/s.g,C.1M(w[1]-4b,s.f)/s.f);9 g=C.T(r*s.g);9 f=C.T(r*s.f)}t{9 g=s.g;9 f=s.f}1k(\'<1m 48="" l="49" Q="\'+s.Q+\'" />\',g,f)};7 2F(){5((4.j.N-1)>4.h){9 d=4.j[4.h+1].d;5(d.1c(1y)){1A=1t 1o();1A.Q=d}}5(4.h>0){9 d=4.j[4.h-1].d;5(d.1c(1y)){1A=1t 1o();1A.Q=d}}};7 1k(1j,g,f){16=F;9 L=4.2Y;5(P){$("#q")[0].1E.2u("f");$("#q")[0].1E.2u("g")}5(L>0){g+=L*2;f+=L*2;$("#q").n({\'v\':L+\'z\',\'2E\':L+\'z\',\'2i\':L+\'z\',\'y\':L+\'z\',\'g\':\'2B\',\'f\':\'2B\'});5(P){$("#q")[0].1E.2C(\'f\',\'(B.2D.4j - 20)\');$("#q")[0].1E.2C(\'g\',\'(B.2D.3S - 20)\')}}t{$("#q").n({\'v\':0,\'2E\':0,\'2i\':0,\'y\':0,\'g\':\'2z%\',\'f\':\'2z%\'})}5($("#k").1u(":19")&&g==$("#k").g()&&f==$("#k").f()){$("#q").1Z("2N",7(){$("#q").1C().1F($(1j)).21("1s",7(){1g()})});u}9 w=$.b.c.1n();9 2v=(g+36)>w[0]?w[2]:(w[2]+C.T((w[0]-g-36)/2));9 2w=(f+1z)>w[1]?w[3]:(w[3]+C.T((w[1]-f-1z)/2));9 K={\'y\':2v,\'v\':2w,\'g\':g+\'z\',\'f\':f+\'z\'};5($("#k").1u(":19")){$("#q").1Z("1s",7(){$("#q").1C();$("#k").24(K,4.2X,4.2T,7(){$("#q").1F($(1j)).21("1s",7(){1g()})})})}t{5(4.1W>0&&4.j[4.h].1a!==1L){$("#q").1C().1F($(1j));9 M=4.j[4.h].1a;9 15=$.b.c.1R(M);$("#k").n({\'y\':(15.y-18)+\'z\',\'v\':(15.v-18)+\'z\',\'g\':$(M).g(),\'f\':$(M).f()});5(4.1X){K.25=\'J\'}$("#k").24(K,4.1W,4.2W,7(){1g()})}t{$("#q").S().1C().1F($(1j)).J();$("#k").n(K).21("1s",7(){1g()})}}};7 2y(){5(4.h!=0){$("#1e, #2O").x().14("R",7(e){e.2x();4.h--;1d();u D});$("#1e").J()}5(4.h!=(4.j.N-1)){$("#1f, #2M").x().14("R",7(e){e.2x();4.h++;1d();u D});$("#1f").J()}};7 1g(){2y();2F();$(W).1B(7(e){5(e.29==27){$.b.c.1l();$(W).x("1B")}t 5(e.29==37&&4.h!=0){4.h--;1d();$(W).x("1B")}t 5(e.29==39&&4.h!=(4.j.N-1)){4.h++;1d();$(W).x("1B")}});5(4.1r){$(11).14("1N 1T",$.b.c.2g)}t{$("6#k").n("1b","2e")}5(4.2b){$("#22").R($.b.c.1l)}$("#1i, #V").14("R",$.b.c.1l);$("#V").J();5(4.j[4.h].X!==1L&&4.j[4.h].X.N>0){$(\'#G 6\').o(4.j[4.h].X);$(\'#G\').J()}5(4.23&&P){$(\'1U, 1Q, 1P\',$(\'#q\')).n(\'1S\',\'19\')}5($.1O(4.2a)){4.2a()}16=D};u B.x(\'R\').R(2h)};$.b.c.2g=7(){9 m=$.b.c.1n();$("#k").n(\'y\',(($("#k").g()+36)>m[0]?m[2]:m[2]+C.T((m[0]-$("#k").g()-36)/2)));$("#k").n(\'v\',(($("#k").f()+1z)>m[1]?m[3]:m[3]+C.T((m[1]-$("#k").f()-1z)/2)))};$.b.c.1h=7(H,2A){u 2f($.3I(H.3u?H[0]:H,2A,F))||0};$.b.c.1R=7(H){9 m=H.4g();m.v+=$.b.c.1h(H,\'3k\');m.v+=$.b.c.1h(H,\'3J\');m.y+=$.b.c.1h(H,\'3H\');m.y+=$.b.c.1h(H,\'3D\');u m};$.b.c.38=7(){$(".I").S();$("#35").J()};$.b.c.1n=7(){u[$(11).g(),$(11).f(),$(W).3i(),$(W).3p()]};$.b.c.2G=7(){5(!$("#I").1u(\':19\')){33(1w);u}$("#I > 6").n(\'v\',(1v*-40)+\'z\');1v=(1v+1)%12};$.b.c.34=7(){33(1w);9 m=$.b.c.1n();$("#I").n({\'y\':((m[0]-40)/2+m[2]),\'v\':((m[1]-40)/2+m[3])}).J();$("#I").14(\'R\',$.b.c.1l);1w=3Q($.b.c.2G,3X)};$.b.c.1l=7(){16=F;$(s).x();$("#1i, #V").x();5(4.2b){$("#22").x()}$("#V, .I, #1e, #1f, #G").S();5(4.1r){$(11).x("1N 1T")}1q=7(){$("#1i, #k").S();5(4.1r){$(11).x("1N 1T")}5(P){$(\'1U, 1Q, 1P\').n(\'1S\',\'19\')}5($.1O(4.1V)){4.1V()}16=D};5($("#k").1u(":19")!==D){5(4.26>0&&4.j[4.h].1a!==1L){9 M=4.j[4.h].1a;9 15=$.b.c.1R(M);9 K={\'y\':(15.y-18)+\'z\',\'v\':(15.v-18)+\'z\',\'g\':$(M).g(),\'f\':$(M).f()};5(4.1X){K.25=\'S\'}$("#k").31(D,F).24(K,4.26,4.2S,1q)}t{$("#k").31(D,F).1Z("2N",1q)}}t{1q()}u D};$.b.c.2V=7(){9 o=\'\';o+=\'<6 l="1i"></6>\';o+=\'<6 l="22">\';o+=\'<6 p="I" l="I"><6></6></6>\';o+=\'<6 l="k">\';o+=\'<6 l="2I">\';o+=\'<6 l="V"></6>\';o+=\'<6 l="E"><6 p="E 44"></6><6 p="E 43"></6><6 p="E 42"></6><6 p="E 3V"></6><6 p="E 3U"></6><6 p="E 3O"></6><6 p="E 3M"></6><6 p="E 3P"></6></6>\';o+=\'<a d="2P:;" l="1e"><1p p="1Y" l="2O"></1p></a><a d="2P:;" l="1f"><1p p="1Y" l="2M"></1p></a>\';o+=\'<6 l="q"></6>\';o+=\'<6 l="G"></6>\';o+=\'</6>\';o+=\'</6>\';o+=\'</6>\';$(o).2H("46");$(\'<32 4i="0" 4h="0" 4k="0"><2L><13 p="G" l="4l"></13><13 p="G" l="4o"><6></6></13><13 p="G" l="4n"></13></2L></32>\').2H(\'#G\');5(P){$("#2I").47(\'<17 p="4a" 4e="2J" 2K="0"></17>\');$("#V, .E, .G, .1Y").2Q()}};$.b.c.2R={2Y:10,30:F,1X:D,1W:0,26:0,2X:3G,2W:\'28\',2S:\'28\',2T:\'28\',1I:3B,1x:3v,23:F,2U:0.3,2b:F,1r:F,j:[],2c:2d,2a:2d,1V:2d};$(W).3y(7(){$.b.c.2V()})})(4f);',62,274,'||||opts|if|div|function||var||fn|fancybox|href||height|width|itemCurrent||itemArray|fancy_outer|id|pos|css|html|class|fancy_content||imagePreloader|else|return|top||unbind|left|px|elem|this|Math|false|fancy_bg|true|fancy_title|el|fancy_loading|show|itemOpts|pad|orig_item|length|item|isIE|src|click|hide|round|target|fancy_close|document|title|settings|subGroup||window||td|bind|orig_pos|busy|iframe||visible|orig|position|match|_change_item|fancy_left|fancy_right|_finish|getNumeric|fancy_overlay|value|_set_content|close|img|getViewport|Image|span|__cleanup|centerOnScroll|normal|new|is|loadingFrame|loadingTimer|frameHeight|imageRegExp|50|objNext|keydown|empty|first|style|append|children|rel|frameWidth|image|_proceed_image|undefined|min|resize|isFunction|select|object|getPosition|visibility|scroll|embed|callbackOnClose|zoomSpeedIn|zoomOpacity|fancy_ico|fadeOut||fadeIn|fancy_wrap|overlayShow|animate|opacity|zoomSpeedOut||swing|keyCode|callbackOnShow|hideOnContentClick|callbackOnStart|null|absolute|parseInt|scrollBox|_initialize|bottom|push|substr|indexOf|data|relative|filter|png|browser|_start|matchedGroup|each|removeExpression|itemLeft|itemTop|stopPropagation|_set_navigation|100|prop|auto|setExpression|parentNode|right|_preload_neighbor_images|animateLoading|appendTo|fancy_inner|no|frameborder|tr|fancy_right_ico|fast|fancy_left_ico|javascript|fixPNG|defaults|easingOut|easingChange|overlayOpacity|build|easingIn|zoomSpeedChange|padding|backgroundImage|imageScale|stop|table|clearInterval|showLoading|fancy_frame|||showIframe||complete|load|bmp|jpeg|fancy_div|split|replace|enabled|scrollLeft|className|paddingTop|random|1000|fancy_iframe|name|scrollTop|onload|location|hidden|RegExp|jquery|355|url|extend|ready|version|jpg|425|for|borderLeftWidth|hspace|while|300|paddingLeft|curCSS|borderTopWidth|msie|fancy_ajax|fancy_bg_w|scale|fancy_bg_sw|fancy_bg_nw|setInterval|DXImageTransform|clientWidth|sizingMethod|fancy_bg_s|fancy_bg_se|progid|66|gif|repeat||backgroundRepeat|fancy_bg_e|fancy_bg_ne|fancy_bg_n|none|body|prepend|alt|fancy_img|fancy_bigIframe|60|crop|AlphaImageLoader|scrolling|jQuery|offset|cellpadding|cellspacing|clientHeight|border|fancy_title_left|Microsoft|fancy_title_right|fancy_title_main|get'.split('|'),0,{})) |
branches/2.8.x/wb/include/jquery/plugins/jquery-fancybox-121.js | ||
1 |
/* |
2 |
* FancyBox - simple and fancy jQuery plugin |
3 |
* Examples and documentation at: |
4 |
* Version: 1.2.1 (13/03/2009) |
5 |
* Copyright (c) 2009 Janis Skarnelis |
6 |
* Licensed under the MIT License: |
7 |
* Requires: jQuery v1.3+ |
8 |
*/ |
9 |
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}(';(7($){$.b.2Q=7(){u B.2t(7(){9 1J=$(B).n(\'2Z\');5(1J.1c(/^3w\\(["\']?(.*\\.2p)["\']?\\)$/i)){1J=3t.$1;$(B).n({\'2Z\':\'45\',\'2o\':"3W:3R.4m.4d(3h=F, 3T="+($(B).n(\'41\')==\'2J-3Z\'?\'4c\':\'3N\')+", Q=\'"+1J+"\')"}).2t(7(){9 1b=$(B).n(\'1b\');5(1b!=\'2e\'&&1b!=\'2n\')$(B).n(\'1b\',\'2n\')})}})};9 A,4,16=D,s=1t 1o,1w,1v=1,1y=/\\.(3A|3Y|2p|3c|3d)(.*)?$/i;9 P=($.2q.3K&&2f($.2q.3z.2k(0,1))<8);$.b.c=7(Y){Y=$.3x({},$.b.c.2R,Y);9 2s=B;7 2h(){A=B;4=Y;2r();u D};7 2r(){5(16)u;5($.1O(4.2c)){4.2c()}4.j=[];4.h=0;5(Y.j.N>0){4.j=Y.j}t{9 O={};5(!A.1H||A.1H==\'\'){9 O={d:A.d,X:A.X};5($(A).1G("1m:1D").N){O.1a=$(A).1G("1m:1D")}4.j.2j(O)}t{9 Z=$(2s).2o("a[1H="+A.1H+"]");9 O={};3C(9 i=0;i<Z.N;i++){O={d:Z[i].d,X:Z[i].X};5($(Z[i]).1G("1m:1D").N){O.1a=$(Z[i]).1G("1m:1D")}4.j.2j(O)}3F(4.j[4.h].d!=A.d){4.h++}}}5(4.23){5(P){$(\'1U, 1Q, 1P\').n(\'1S\',\'3s\')}$("#1i").n(\'25\',4.2U).J()}1d()};7 1d(){$("#1f, #1e, #V, #G").S();9 d=4.j[4.h].d;5(d.1c(/#/)){9 U=11.3r.d.3f(\'#\')[0];U=d.3g(U,\'\');U=U.2k(U.2l(\'#\'));1k(\'<6 l="3e">\'+$(U).o()+\'</6>\',4.1I,4.1x)}t 5(d.1c(1y)){s=1t 1o;s.Q=d;5(s.3a){1K()}t{$.b.c.34();$(s).x().14(\'3b\',7(){$(".I").S();1K()})}}t 5(d.1c("17")||A.3j.2l("17")>=0){1k(\'<17 l="35" 3q="$.b.c.38()" 3o="3n\'+C.T(C.3l()*3m)+\'" 2K="0" 3E="0" Q="\'+d+\'"></17>\',4.1I,4.1x)}t{$.4p(d,7(2m){1k(\'<6 l="3L">\'+2m+\'</6>\',4.1I,4.1x)})}};7 1K(){5(4.30){9 w=$.b.c.1n();9 r=C.1M(C.1M(w[0]-36,s.g)/s.g,C.1M(w[1]-4b,s.f)/s.f);9 g=C.T(r*s.g);9 f=C.T(r*s.f)}t{9 g=s.g;9 f=s.f}1k(\'<1m 48="" l="49" Q="\'+s.Q+\'" />\',g,f)};7 2F(){5((4.j.N-1)>4.h){9 d=4.j[4.h+1].d;5(d.1c(1y)){1A=1t 1o();1A.Q=d}}5(4.h>0){9 d=4.j[4.h-1].d;5(d.1c(1y)){1A=1t 1o();1A.Q=d}}};7 1k(1j,g,f){16=F;9 L=4.2Y;5(P){$("#q")[0].1E.2u("f");$("#q")[0].1E.2u("g")}5(L>0){g+=L*2;f+=L*2;$("#q").n({\'v\':L+\'z\',\'2E\':L+\'z\',\'2i\':L+\'z\',\'y\':L+\'z\',\'g\':\'2B\',\'f\':\'2B\'});5(P){$("#q")[0].1E.2C(\'f\',\'(B.2D.4j - 20)\');$("#q")[0].1E.2C(\'g\',\'(B.2D.3S - 20)\')}}t{$("#q").n({\'v\':0,\'2E\':0,\'2i\':0,\'y\':0,\'g\':\'2z%\',\'f\':\'2z%\'})}5($("#k").1u(":19")&&g==$("#k").g()&&f==$("#k").f()){$("#q").1Z("2N",7(){$("#q").1C().1F($(1j)).21("1s",7(){1g()})});u}9 w=$.b.c.1n();9 2v=(g+36)>w[0]?w[2]:(w[2]+C.T((w[0]-g-36)/2));9 2w=(f+1z)>w[1]?w[3]:(w[3]+C.T((w[1]-f-1z)/2));9 K={\'y\':2v,\'v\':2w,\'g\':g+\'z\',\'f\':f+\'z\'};5($("#k").1u(":19")){$("#q").1Z("1s",7(){$("#q").1C();$("#k").24(K,4.2X,4.2T,7(){$("#q").1F($(1j)).21("1s",7(){1g()})})})}t{5(4.1W>0&&4.j[4.h].1a!==1L){$("#q").1C().1F($(1j));9 M=4.j[4.h].1a;9 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m=$.b.c.1n();$("#k").n(\'y\',(($("#k").g()+36)>m[0]?m[2]:m[2]+C.T((m[0]-$("#k").g()-36)/2)));$("#k").n(\'v\',(($("#k").f()+1z)>m[1]?m[3]:m[3]+C.T((m[1]-$("#k").f()-1z)/2)))};$.b.c.1h=7(H,2A){u 2f($.3I(H.3u?H[0]:H,2A,F))||0};$.b.c.1R=7(H){9 m=H.4g();m.v+=$.b.c.1h(H,\'3k\');m.v+=$.b.c.1h(H,\'3J\');m.y+=$.b.c.1h(H,\'3H\');m.y+=$.b.c.1h(H,\'3D\');u m};$.b.c.38=7(){$(".I").S();$("#35").J()};$.b.c.1n=7(){u[$(11).g(),$(11).f(),$(W).3i(),$(W).3p()]};$.b.c.2G=7(){5(!$("#I").1u(\':19\')){33(1w);u}$("#I > 6").n(\'v\',(1v*-40)+\'z\');1v=(1v+1)%12};$.b.c.34=7(){33(1w);9 m=$.b.c.1n();$("#I").n({\'y\':((m[0]-40)/2+m[2]),\'v\':((m[1]-40)/2+m[3])}).J();$("#I").14(\'R\',$.b.c.1l);1w=3Q($.b.c.2G,3X)};$.b.c.1l=7(){16=F;$(s).x();$("#1i, #V").x();5(4.2b){$("#22").x()}$("#V, .I, #1e, #1f, #G").S();5(4.1r){$(11).x("1N 1T")}1q=7(){$("#1i, #k").S();5(4.1r){$(11).x("1N 1T")}5(P){$(\'1U, 1Q, 1P\').n(\'1S\',\'19\')}5($.1O(4.1V)){4.1V()}16=D};5($("#k").1u(":19")!==D){5(4.26>0&&4.j[4.h].1a!==1L){9 M=4.j[4.h].1a;9 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|
branches/2.8.x/wb/modules/news/languages/NL.php | ||
1 |
<?php |
2 |
3 |
// $Id$ |
4 |
5 |
/* |
6 |
7 |
Website Baker Project <> |
8 |
Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Ryan Djurovich |
9 |
10 |
Website Baker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
11 |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
12 |
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
13 |
(at your option) any later version. |
14 |
15 |
Website Baker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
16 |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
17 |
18 |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
19 |
20 |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
21 |
along with Website Baker; if not, write to the Free Software |
22 |
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
23 |
24 |
*/ |
25 |
26 |
//Modul Description |
27 |
$module_description = 'Met deze module maak je een nieuwspagina.'; |
28 |
29 |
//Variables for the backend |
30 |
$MOD_NEWS['SETTINGS'] = 'Eigenschappen van de Nieuwsmodule'; |
31 |
32 |
//Variables for the frontend |
33 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_READ_MORE'] = 'Lees verder'; |
34 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_POSTED_BY'] = 'Geplaatst door'; |
35 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ON'] = 'op'; |
36 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_LAST_CHANGED'] = 'Laatst vernieuwd'; |
37 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_AT'] = 'om'; |
38 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BACK'] = 'Terug'; |
39 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENTS'] = 'Commentaren'; |
40 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENT'] = 'Commentaar'; |
41 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ADD_COMMENT'] = 'Toevoegen commentaar'; |
42 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BY'] = 'door'; |
43 |
1 |
<?php |
2 |
3 |
// $Id$ |
4 |
5 |
/* |
6 |
7 |
Website Baker Project <> |
8 |
Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Ryan Djurovich |
9 |
10 |
Website Baker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
11 |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
12 |
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
13 |
(at your option) any later version. |
14 |
15 |
Website Baker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
16 |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
17 |
18 |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
19 |
20 |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
21 |
along with Website Baker; if not, write to the Free Software |
22 |
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
23 |
24 |
*/ |
25 |
26 |
//Modul Description |
27 |
$module_description = 'Met deze module maak je een nieuwspagina.'; |
28 |
29 |
//Variables for the backend |
30 |
$MOD_NEWS['SETTINGS'] = 'Eigenschappen van de Nieuwsmodule'; |
31 |
32 |
//Variables for the frontend |
33 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_READ_MORE'] = 'Lees verder'; |
34 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_POSTED_BY'] = 'Geplaatst door'; |
35 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ON'] = 'op'; |
36 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_LAST_CHANGED'] = 'Laatst vernieuwd'; |
37 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_AT'] = 'om'; |
38 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BACK'] = 'Terug'; |
39 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENTS'] = 'Commentaren'; |
40 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENT'] = 'Commentaar'; |
41 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ADD_COMMENT'] = 'Toevoegen commentaar'; |
42 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BY'] = 'door'; |
43 |
$MOD_NEWS['PAGE_NOT_FOUND'] = 'Page not found'; |
44 |
44 | 45 |
?> |
branches/2.8.x/wb/modules/news/languages/NO.php | ||
1 |
<?php |
2 |
3 |
// $Id$ |
4 |
5 |
/* |
6 |
7 |
Website Baker Project <> |
8 |
Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Ryan Djurovich |
9 |
10 |
Website Baker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
11 |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
12 |
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
13 |
(at your option) any later version. |
14 |
15 |
Website Baker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
16 |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
17 |
18 |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
19 |
20 |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
21 |
along with Website Baker; if not, write to the Free Software |
22 |
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
23 |
24 |
*/ |
25 |
26 |
//Modul Description |
27 |
$module_description = 'Med denne modulen kan du lage Nyhets sider.'; |
28 |
29 |
//Variables for the backend |
30 |
$MOD_NEWS['SETTINGS'] = 'Innstillinger for Nyheter'; |
31 |
32 |
//Variables for the frontend |
33 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_READ_MORE'] = 'Les Mer'; |
34 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_POSTED_BY'] = 'Skervet Av'; |
35 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ON'] = 'På'; |
36 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_LAST_CHANGED'] = 'Sist Endret'; |
37 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_AT'] = 'på'; |
38 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BACK'] = 'Tilbake'; |
39 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENTS'] = 'Kommentarer'; |
40 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENT'] = 'Kommentar'; |
41 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ADD_COMMENT'] = 'Legg Til Kommentar'; |
42 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BY'] = 'Av'; |
43 |
1 |
<?php |
2 |
3 |
// $Id$ |
4 |
5 |
/* |
6 |
7 |
Website Baker Project <> |
8 |
Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Ryan Djurovich |
9 |
10 |
Website Baker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
11 |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
12 |
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
13 |
(at your option) any later version. |
14 |
15 |
Website Baker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
16 |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
17 |
18 |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
19 |
20 |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
21 |
along with Website Baker; if not, write to the Free Software |
22 |
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
23 |
24 |
*/ |
25 |
26 |
//Modul Description |
27 |
$module_description = 'Med denne modulen kan du lage Nyhets sider.'; |
28 |
29 |
//Variables for the backend |
30 |
$MOD_NEWS['SETTINGS'] = 'Innstillinger for Nyheter'; |
31 |
32 |
//Variables for the frontend |
33 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_READ_MORE'] = 'Les Mer'; |
34 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_POSTED_BY'] = 'Skervet Av'; |
35 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ON'] = 'På'; |
36 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_LAST_CHANGED'] = 'Sist Endret'; |
37 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_AT'] = 'på'; |
38 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BACK'] = 'Tilbake'; |
39 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENTS'] = 'Kommentarer'; |
40 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENT'] = 'Kommentar'; |
41 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ADD_COMMENT'] = 'Legg Til Kommentar'; |
42 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BY'] = 'Av'; |
43 |
$MOD_NEWS['PAGE_NOT_FOUND'] = 'Page not found'; |
44 |
44 | 45 |
?> |
branches/2.8.x/wb/modules/news/languages/EN.php | ||
1 |
<?php |
2 |
3 |
// $Id$ |
4 |
5 |
/* |
6 |
7 |
Website Baker Project <> |
8 |
Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Ryan Djurovich |
9 |
10 |
Website Baker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
11 |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
12 |
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
13 |
(at your option) any later version. |
14 |
15 |
Website Baker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
16 |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
17 |
18 |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
19 |
20 |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
21 |
along with Website Baker; if not, write to the Free Software |
22 |
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
23 |
24 |
*/ |
25 |
26 |
//Modul Description |
27 |
$module_description = 'This page type is designed for making a news page.'; |
28 |
29 |
//Variables for the backend |
30 |
$MOD_NEWS['SETTINGS'] = 'News Settings'; |
31 |
32 |
//Variables for the frontend |
33 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_READ_MORE'] = 'Read More'; |
34 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_POSTED_BY'] = 'Posted by'; |
35 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ON'] = 'on'; |
36 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_LAST_CHANGED'] = 'Last changed'; |
37 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_AT'] = 'at'; |
38 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BACK'] = 'Back'; |
39 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENTS'] = 'Comments'; |
40 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENT'] = 'Comment'; |
41 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ADD_COMMENT'] = 'Add Comment'; |
42 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BY'] = 'By'; |
43 |
1 |
<?php |
2 |
3 |
// $Id$ |
4 |
5 |
/* |
6 |
7 |
Website Baker Project <> |
8 |
Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Ryan Djurovich |
9 |
10 |
Website Baker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
11 |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
12 |
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
13 |
(at your option) any later version. |
14 |
15 |
Website Baker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
16 |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
17 |
18 |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
19 |
20 |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
21 |
along with Website Baker; if not, write to the Free Software |
22 |
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
23 |
24 |
*/ |
25 |
26 |
//Modul Description |
27 |
$module_description = 'This page type is designed for making a news page.'; |
28 |
29 |
//Variables for the backend |
30 |
$MOD_NEWS['SETTINGS'] = 'News Settings'; |
31 |
32 |
//Variables for the frontend |
33 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_READ_MORE'] = 'Read More'; |
34 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_POSTED_BY'] = 'Posted by'; |
35 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ON'] = 'on'; |
36 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_LAST_CHANGED'] = 'Last changed'; |
37 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_AT'] = 'at'; |
38 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BACK'] = 'Back'; |
39 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENTS'] = 'Comments'; |
40 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENT'] = 'Comment'; |
41 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ADD_COMMENT'] = 'Add Comment'; |
42 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BY'] = 'By'; |
43 |
$MOD_NEWS['PAGE_NOT_FOUND'] = 'Page not found'; |
44 |
44 | 45 |
?> |
branches/2.8.x/wb/modules/news/languages/DA.php | ||
40 | 40 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENT'] = 'Kommentar'; |
41 | 41 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ADD_COMMENT'] = 'Tilføj kommentar'; |
42 | 42 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BY'] = 'Af'; |
43 |
$MOD_NEWS['PAGE_NOT_FOUND'] = 'Page not found'; |
43 | 44 |
44 | 45 |
?> |
branches/2.8.x/wb/modules/news/languages/RU.php | ||
1 |
<?php |
2 |
3 |
// $Id$ |
4 |
5 |
/* |
6 |
7 |
Website Baker Project |
8 |
Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Ryan Djurovich |
9 |
10 |
Website Baker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
11 |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
12 |
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
13 |
(at your option) any later version. |
14 |
15 |
Website Baker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
16 |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
17 |
18 |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
19 |
20 |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
21 |
along with Website Baker; if not, write to the Free Software |
22 |
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
23 |
24 |
*/ |
25 |
26 |
//Modul Description |
27 |
$module_description = 'Модуль предназначен для создания ленты новостей'; |
28 |
29 |
//Variables for the backend |
30 |
$MOD_NEWS['SETTINGS'] = 'Настройки новостной ленты'; |
31 |
32 |
//Variables for the frontend |
33 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_READ_MORE'] = 'Читать дальше'; |
34 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_POSTED_BY'] = 'Posted by'; |
35 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ON'] = 'on'; |
36 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_LAST_CHANGED'] = 'Последнее обновление'; |
37 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_AT'] = 'at'; |
38 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BACK'] = 'Назад'; |
39 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENTS'] = 'Комментарии'; |
40 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENT'] = 'Комментировать'; |
41 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ADD_COMMENT'] = 'Добавить Комментировать'; |
42 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BY'] = 'By'; |
43 |
1 |
<?php |
2 |
3 |
// $Id$ |
4 |
5 |
/* |
6 |
7 |
Website Baker Project |
8 |
Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Ryan Djurovich |
9 |
10 |
Website Baker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
11 |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
12 |
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
13 |
(at your option) any later version. |
14 |
15 |
Website Baker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
16 |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
17 |
18 |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
19 |
20 |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
21 |
along with Website Baker; if not, write to the Free Software |
22 |
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
23 |
24 |
*/ |
25 |
26 |
//Modul Description |
27 |
$module_description = 'Модуль предназначен для создания ленты новостей'; |
28 |
29 |
//Variables for the backend |
30 |
$MOD_NEWS['SETTINGS'] = 'Настройки новостной ленты'; |
31 |
32 |
//Variables for the frontend |
33 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_READ_MORE'] = 'Читать дальше'; |
34 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_POSTED_BY'] = 'Posted by'; |
35 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ON'] = 'on'; |
36 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_LAST_CHANGED'] = 'Последнее обновление'; |
37 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_AT'] = 'at'; |
38 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BACK'] = 'Назад'; |
39 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENTS'] = 'Комментарии'; |
40 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENT'] = 'Комментировать'; |
41 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ADD_COMMENT'] = 'Добавить Комментировать'; |
42 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BY'] = 'By'; |
43 |
$MOD_NEWS['PAGE_NOT_FOUND'] = 'Page not found'; |
44 |
44 | 45 |
?> |
branches/2.8.x/wb/modules/news/languages/FR.php | ||
43 | 43 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_COMMENT'] = 'Commentaire'; |
44 | 44 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_ADD_COMMENT'] = 'Ajouter un commentaire'; |
45 | 45 |
$MOD_NEWS['TEXT_BY'] = 'Par'; |
46 |
$MOD_NEWS['PAGE_NOT_FOUND'] = 'Page not found'; |
46 | 47 |
47 | 48 |
?> |
Also available in: Unified diff
added old version of fancybox.js
rename new version fancybox
added missing language variables in newsmodul, still needed to translate