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Change Log
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Please note: This change log may not be accurate
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$Id: CHANGELOG 1146 2009-09-21 11:15:13Z aldus $
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+ = Added
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- = Removed
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# = Bugfix
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! = Update/Change
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------------------------------------- 2.8.1 -------------------------------------
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22-Sep-2009 Dietrich Roland Pehlke
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+ Add new Changelog to the project (maybe the place is inaccurate)
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! Changes inside the class.database.php; e.g. Logfile-support, Error-Message-Template.
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for future testings.
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- Remove the empty config.php from the project.
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! Installer files (index.php and save.php) to handle the //new// situation.
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! Modify the PHP-Version Test up to PHP 5.1 (instead of php 4.1).