Ticket #880 fixes language file SK.php
Ticket #828 fix deprecated eregi
fixes language file SK.php
fixed parse error ticket #878
found and fix some deprecated functions
validate some output files
fix some PHP 5.3 deprecated functions
Fix to load edit_full_area only if needed
change page_title to menu_title for parent dropdown list in index.php and sections.php
more bug fixes language file SK.php
Many hosts disable error_log() in various and sundry ways. In WB we do something like this to avoid triggering warnings and errors. Even this is sometimes not sufficient to avoid problems with some hosts, but accommodates most.
fix show_menu2 include.php, page crashes, if php error_log is disabled
fixes language files HU.php and SK.php
fixed php 5.3 depricated function in show_menu2
add two constants in /framework/initialize.php for later feature in database settingsdefine('EDIT_ONE_SECTION', true) to edit only one section with editor in manage sectionsmodify page will be loading all sections with editordefine('EDITOR_WIDTH', 900) set min width for editor...
add a child page is cumbersome when the parent dropdown list gets to be too large. (Ticket #821)
validate captcha control
Fixed typos - Ticket #872
fixed Ticket #859
deletion of SVN Sandbox Branch wb_devel
Updated File according to Ticket #868
corrected wrong file content in changeset 1172
added SK language according to ticket #861
fixed breaking droplets by highlighting search-words in search result pages.
added forgotten jquery-fancybox.js Version 1.0
Fixed typo in the finnish language file (ticket #814).
security update FCKeditor (thanks to Ruebenwurzel)
added old version of fancybox.jsrename new version fancybox added missing language variables in newsmodul, still needed to translate
Fix Bugs headersend errors in some core filesdelete whitespaces after ?>
update function show_bread_crumb in framework/frontend.functions.php,replace separator with entities char, add title for multilingual,set breakcrumb in div container class="breadcrumb",set separator in span tag class="separator",
update jquery fancybox from 1.0 to 1.2.1 add fancybox imagefolder incl. fancybox.css
shows more details in wysiwyg editor
small update upgrade.php to reset newsfiles to created dates
new update FCKeditor to Version 2.6.5 Modulversion 2.9.1
Update FCKeditor to Version 2.6.5 Modulversion 2.9.1
add upgrade.php to reset newsfiles to created dates
Ticket #770, #785, #792, #807, #809, fixes and recoded the news module
Ticket #815 Fix Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in load_template
Ticket #815 Fix Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in load_module
Missing contiue inside search.php to avoid access to an non-object if the query fails. (ticket #793)
Security fix - wrong placed "exit()" inside class.wb
Fixed typos inside "index.php".
Try to remove the wrong placed changelog and the empty config.php in the project
Modifications inside class.database.Remove the empty config.phpUpdate index.php and save.php
Ticket #805 fixed: Pagetree changed menu titles instead of page titles thanks to Ralf (Berlin)
creation of internal branch wb_devel
Dutch tranlation(-s) for the captcha-control. [Ticket: #777] (Thanks to Argos)
Add Missing code inside "framework/addon.precheck.php" (ticket #798).Changes inside "upgrade-script" to avoid "mysql_list_tables is deprecated" warnings (ticket #800).Add "global $admin" to the install.php of the droplets-module to avoid (variable isn't declared) warnings. (ticket #800).
french translation updated for WB 2.8 (tks to Ploc)
Bugfix for #791: group-restrictions and sections.Add "order by position" inside the wbmodule.php in the FCK-Editor to display the page-tree correct.
Fixed bug inside the upgrade-script. Ticket #784
Fixed bug in droplets. Multiple droplets with the same parameter did not extract the new parameter. (problem introduced by code optimisations for WB2.8) Fixed usage of the depriciated (PHP 5.3.0) split() function in class.wb. (ticket #772)Fixed notice ob_end_clean..failed to delete buffer. (ticket #779)
Changed the default searchform name in the installer. (ticket #775)Fixed the recursive redirect problem when a page is called with a wrong language parm (ticket #780)
Created 2.8.x branch
old tag removed
Created 2.8.0 tag
Fixed typo in dutch language file (Thanks to Argos)
Changed FCKEditor to not show index.php files in browse media window (ticket #774) (Thanks to BerndJM)
Fixed some display issues in all backend themes
created 2.8.x branch
Website Baker Release 2.8.0
Again updated dutch language file (Thanks to Argos)
Fixed missing language variable in form modul (Thanks to Argos)
Added missing images to argos_theme (forgotten in changeset [1117])
commentet out the droplets logo for a more similar backend design with other admin tools
Updated icons in argos_theme (Thanks to Argos)
Updated Dutch language file (Thanks to Argos)
Updated show_menu2 to version 4.9
Replaced function mime_content_type as the old one causes shell_exec warnings on some servers (Thanks to Aldus)
updated argos_theme to version 1.4 (Thanks to Argos)
some code cleaning of admin/pages/sections.php
Fixed possible xss injection in login/forgot/index.php
Fixed bug in news modul introduced in changeset [1057]
Added missing variables also to preferences.php. Forgot in Changeset [1112]
Added some missing variables to backend_themes (Thanks to Stefek)
Set Version to 2.8
Updated upgrade_script to make use of the changed news settings
Added to show_menu2 the aOption 'SM2_HIDEPAGES'. If set all hidden pages are hidden again (Thanks to DarkViper)
Fixed again some bugs in news modul (ticket #756) (Thanks to Aldus and Luisehahne)
Fixed bug that frontend.js, frontend.css and frontend_body.js are not used from snippets (ticket #764) (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Added new function 'register_frontend_modfiles_body' to default templates
Added option to use a frontend_body.js in modules to include javascript from modules in the body of the frontend (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Updated Danish language Files (Thanks to Achrist)
Fixed some display issues in argos_theme (Thanks to Argos)
Fixed a bug in the /admin/media resizer parameters for dirs with whitespaces Fixed a bug in FCKeditor include.php. Now the editor can be used from other subdirectories than WB_PATH/modules/mymodule
Changes inside class.wb.php to get rid of the the print->footer() problematic in the frontend.changtes inside the adminsettings to alowed the user to use a "<" char inside his SMTP-Password.(thanks to FrankH)Add last changes to the changelog - missing by mistake.
VersionCompare inside addon.precheck.inc.php use a new function to avoid conflicts within wrong results comparing versionnumbers/-strings.Also remove PHP-Code inside "calender-system.css" (line 36) .
fixed some smaller issues in rss.php (Thanks to Kibmcz)
- Added German language file to droplets
- Added modul_description to language files of droplets
- Added Danish language files to modules (Thanks to Achrist)
- Updated Danish language file (Thanks to Achrist)
Fixed improper spelling in language files (#754)