VersionCompare inside use a new function to avoid conflicts within wrong results comparing versionnumbers/-strings.Also remove PHP-Code inside "calender-system.css" (line 36) .
fixed some smaller issues in rss.php (Thanks to Kibmcz)
- Added German language file to droplets
- Added modul_description to language files of droplets
- Added Danish language files to modules (Thanks to Achrist)
- Updated Danish language file (Thanks to Achrist)
Fixed improper spelling in language files (#754)
Fixed bug introduced in changeset [1092]
fixed some language bugs in search.php (Thanks to Thorn)
fixed bug with missing filetype icon in media section of classic_theme (ticket #752)
fixed bug with page not showing if 2 sections active (ticket #751) (Thanks to Pumpi)
readded to phplib/ $clear: whether to delete undefined vars or not
was already added in WB 2.7 but was deleted for unknown reasons
set Version to RC2
small modification on german language file (ticket #746)
Fixed E_ALL&E_STRICT warning on PHP5 servers (Thanks to Aldus)
Fixed bug with home folders are viewable and writable from other users (ticket #605 and #748) (Thanks to Aldus)
Moved backend.js back from <body> to <head>
Added possibility to add a backend_body.js to modules wich is then called in <body>
Readded admin/images folder to keep backward compatibility to old modules
Fixed display issue of jsadmin in backend themes (Thanks to Argos)
Updated german laguage file in argos_theme
Added multilnaguage support to media section of argos_theme (Thanks to Argos)
Fixed smaller display issue in argos_theme (Thanks to Argos)
Added more meta tags to backend themes
Updated Argos_theme (Thanks to Argos and Luisehahne)
- Again added some & to news and form to get more valid output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
-Fixed wrong set </form> tag to get valid output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Replaced in some alt tags hardcoded signs with language variables (Thanks to argos)
Updated Dutch language File (Thanks to argos)
Updated French language File (Thanks to mylesk42)
Fixed E_ALL notice in news/view.php
replaced in form and news delimiter "&" with "&" was introduced with changeset [1069] but didn't work on all servers
Removed double </form> tags in pages/intro.php and wysiwyg/modify.php
replaced all remaining mktime() with time(), except from third party scripts
changed in modules/admin.php and admin/pages/add.php mktime() to time()
changed in wrapper modul modify.html to modify.htt
Fixed some validiation bugs in core and different modules (Thanks to luisehahne)
fixed display issue of jscalendar in news modul (Thanks to Aldus)
changed modules/admin.php to also make use of backend theme templates
changed in class_login.php mktime() to time()
Fixed bug with sections are only editable in new backend-themes if blocks are enabled (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Fixed some validiation bugs in news modul (Thanks to Luisehahne)
removed the markers in the head.htt files. Added by mistake, to avoid double-loadings of the backend.js files
Add missing backend-js marker in the backend-themes templates (header.htt)
changes in frontend.functions.php, line 323: 'date' to 'gmdate' to avoid E_STRICT warnings. Also "wb-setup.php' inside the jscalendar folder.
added changes from news/add.php to the upgrade-script.php
Change inside "date_formats.php" and "time_formats.php" mktime() within time(), Minor cosmetic changes.
admin / media / browse.php reported an error in E_STRICT mode.
Changes on the news-modul: uninstall.php, add.php and view.php. See changlog for details.
The news module post_title link made unclickable when there is no full post.
some minor cosmetic changes to upgrade-script.php
Added changed news settings to upgrade-script
Added a better option to hide the READ_MORE link in the news module. (ticket #739)
Fixed bug that backend.js is not loaded in backend themes (ticket #740)
Fixed wrong path to unitpngfix.js and added missing script
Fixed invalid output of page_sections Page in Backend (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Fixed small typo in wb_theme
- Added PageID and SectionID to all backend themes (Thanks to Luiseshahne)
- Fixed some display issues in all backend themes (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Removed unused marker {USERS} inside the "groups.htt" of the argus-theme.
Replaced wbmodules.gif in FCKEditor Plugins (Thanks to Stefek)
Codechanges using blocks to avoid to generate the "switch"-link right-top, if the user has no permission to edit the other one.
Codechanges to get rid of the empty display(style) declaration "style='display: ;'", and to avoid to generate (hidden) elements if the user isn't alowed to edit one.
Bugfix inside get_permissions.php - replacing worng "and" with "or" in line 64 (see also 178) for "user" and "groups" - so a user can e.g. edit other users, but no groups - vice versa; not both or none.
- Fixed some minor bugs in argos_theme (Thanks to Argos)
- Fixed bugs in admin additons for argos_theme (Thanks to Argos)
Updated Version Number in upgrade_script to 2.8RC1
- Updated FCKEditor Modul Version Number to 2.8.9
- added in FCKEditor Advisory Relation to Links (thanks to Luisehahne)
Updated FCKEditor to Version (ticket #738) (Thanks to doc)
Fixed Backend-Themes to get more valide output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Added argos_theme
- Added new functions to admin dir (Thanks Argos and Ruud)
- Updated install and upgrade-script
- Adapted wb_theme and classic_theme to changed admin dir files
FCK-Editor Modul: Droplet Select: change "page_list_block" to "droplets_list_block", also "cmbPages" to "cmbDroplets" as we are listen droplets not pages.Minor cosmetic changes in the source to get it more redable
Replaced droplet icon for FCKEditor Toolbar (thanks to Stefek)
Fixed two bugs in droplets-plugin for FCKEditor (thanks to Aldus)
Changed Template from FCKEditor plugin WBModules to .htt
Added Droplets plugin to FCKEditor (ticket #737) (Big Thanks to vizmotion)
Fixed IE Bug in Wrapper modul (ticket #736)
Fixed the wrong handling of htmlentities in Droplet parameter parsing
Added missing fancy_progress.png
Fixed backend display issues in IE6 and IE7
Set Version to WB2.8RC1
Minor tweaks in pages_sections.htt
- Added posibility to upload and unzip .zip packages to media section (Thanks to BerndJM)
- Updated Browse Media Window in wb_theme now supports file icons, more file informations and a new preview function (Thanks to BerndJM)
Replaced in FCKEdiotor folder all index.html with index.php (ticket #691)
Update JQuery UI Version number
Update PHPMailer to version 2.0.4 (ticket #733)
Update Editarea to version (ticket #732)
Update JQuery UI to version 1.7.2 (ticket #731)
Fixed a small bug in output_filter. Did not detect the included script from /droplet/js/ directory.
Added missing admin/settings/setting.js
Changed name of classic theme from "classic" to "classic_theme"
Added output-filter warning to all language files
Fixed admintool jsadmin to get XHTML valid output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Major fixes on backend to get XHTML valid output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Added option to use also MYSQL_ASSOC and MYSQL_NUM with mysql_fetch_array (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Bugfix for Error-Level settings (Thanks to Luisehahne)
-Moved styles from admin/pages/sections.php to sections.htt in backend themes (Thanks to Luisehahne)
- Moved javascript files from admin/pages/index.php to external js files (Thanks to Luisehahne)
- Major improovements and changes to all backend files to get more valide Code output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
fixed wrong position id when adding a new page
Removed obsolete code/modify.html
Changes on module "code": add the section_id to the name of the textarea, to keep the functionality if you are using more than one code-section on a page.
Small improvement of bugfix, updated version to 2.8
Fixed a bug in Menu_link module that made childpages of the menu_link page not selectable. (thnx to Luisehahne)
and another typo was to fix
Fixed small bug introduced in changeset [999]
fixed small code display issue introduced in changeset [999]