Moved backend.js back from <body> to <head>
Added possibility to add a backend_body.js to modules wich is then called in <body>
Updated german laguage file in argos_theme
Added multilnaguage support to media section of argos_theme (Thanks to Argos)
Fixed smaller display issue in argos_theme (Thanks to Argos)
Added more meta tags to backend themes
Updated Argos_theme (Thanks to Argos and Luisehahne)
removed the markers in the head.htt files. Added by mistake, to avoid double-loadings of the backend.js files
Add missing backend-js marker in the backend-themes templates (header.htt)
Fixed bug that backend.js is not loaded in backend themes (ticket #740)
Fixed wrong path to unitpngfix.js and added missing script
Fixed invalid output of page_sections Page in Backend (Thanks to Luisehahne)
- Added PageID and SectionID to all backend themes (Thanks to Luiseshahne)
- Fixed some display issues in all backend themes (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Codechanges using blocks to avoid to generate the "switch"-link right-top, if the user has no permission to edit the other one.
Codechanges to get rid of the empty display(style) declaration "style='display: ;'", and to avoid to generate (hidden) elements if the user isn't alowed to edit one.
- Fixed some minor bugs in argos_theme (Thanks to Argos)
- Fixed bugs in admin additons for argos_theme (Thanks to Argos)
Fixed Backend-Themes to get more valide output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Added argos_theme