Added Droplets plugin to FCKEditor (ticket #737) (Big Thanks to vizmotion)
Fixed IE Bug in Wrapper modul (ticket #736)
Fixed the wrong handling of htmlentities in Droplet parameter parsing
Replaced in FCKEdiotor folder all index.html with index.php (ticket #691)
Fixed a small bug in output_filter. Did not detect the included script from /droplet/js/ directory.
Added output-filter warning to all language files
Fixed admintool jsadmin to get XHTML valid output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
-Moved styles from admin/pages/sections.php to sections.htt in backend themes (Thanks to Luisehahne)
- Moved javascript files from admin/pages/index.php to external js files (Thanks to Luisehahne)
- Major improovements and changes to all backend files to get more valide Code output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Removed obsolete code/modify.html
Changes on module "code": add the section_id to the name of the textarea, to keep the functionality if you are using more than one code-section on a page.
Small improvement of bugfix, updated version to 2.8
Fixed a bug in Menu_link module that made childpages of the menu_link page not selectable. (thnx to Luisehahne)
Droplets upgrade script fixesAdded warning message in output_filter
Bugfix in the ugrade.php of the droplet-module
update upgrade-script to avoid droping droplet-tables if the modul still exists. Add an upgrade-script to the droplets.
Fixed bug in menu_link modul with wrong displayed pages tree (Thanks to thorn)
Added missing id tags and copyright notices to droplets modul
Add Droplets Modul to the project and the modificated files (index, seach and frontendfunctions)
Bugfix for ticket #725 (newsmodul)
fixed small typo introduced in changeset [982]
Fixed some strange backend layout issues (ticket #722)
Updated Norsk language File (Thanks to oeh)
Fixed bug with backup fails if a user has only permissions to admin-tools (ticket #715)
Updated Dutch language files for modules (Thanks to LuckyLuke)
fixed bug introduced in changeset [971]
Update show_menu2 to version 4.8 (ticket #712)
Fixed MenuLink timeout with many large wysiwyg-pages (ticket #710)
Updated again Norsk language File (Thanks to oeh)
replaced some specialchars in french language files with entities
Updated French language files (Thanks to Quinto and VotreEspace)
Removed hardcoded admin path from JSAdmin module (jsadmin/js/dragdrop.js)
fixed wrong path to images in news and form modul
corrected info.php of news-modul
restore view.php to the running version of 944;changes of 946 are obsolete to this file - upload by mistake
Bugfix inside news-modul: publish-date isn't display in the detail view.Modify error.htt template for valid xhtml-output.
bugfix for #693, add the section_id to the query to aviod conflicts changes the center tag inside the warning.htt templates to get valid xhtml1.1 output ...
added skinable Admin Interface
fixed: typos in the section_id inside the action-link
remove test_trash and unused variables in query (name and use_xhtml_strict) and add Stefanos suggetions for #588 in the action-string.
Bugfix for #688 - remove "AND required = 1" inside the query in line 470 so all fields are cleaned
special chars like are shown when editing Add-on CSS files (ticket #678)
Added reload option to Add-on section and removed Admin tool reload
Fixed bug wich causes that install of captcha-control may fail (ticket #682 thanks to thorn)
update FCKEditor to version 2.6.4
Copyright notices now includes 2009
fixed form-module select (multiple) doesn't work (ticket #681 Thanks to thorn)
added French languages to modules
added hour and minute support to default published_when field in news modul
changed handling of post_date in news modul (thanks to susigross)
Added Javascript syntax highlighting framework EditArea as replacement for Codepress.
Add time-check to the MySQL Query inside rss.php to avoid the problems described in #609
made news Modul multilingual, see ticket #676 (some additional translations are needed)
fixed bug in view.php of news module ( #676 Thanks to susigross)
fixed another bug in view.php of news modul introduced in changeset [892]
replaced in news modul special chars with entities to get valid output;changed SESSION ID Separator from '&' to '&' to get valid outputRemoved the <p> tag around the news as it is added from the editorset version to 2.8 BETA
Tcket #607: including the frontend.css in comment_page.php in the news-modules
Tcket #610: add the IP-Address to the EMail-Body in the Form-Modul
updated output filter regex to exclude mail addresses contained in input fields
added redirect-type (301/302) to menu_link
Module code: curly backets get deleted by pparse() from phplib -> old fix in #569 wasn't that smart. Fixed.
news: added PAGE_SPACER to $page_title (creates e.g. title-32.php instead of title32.php)
updated menulink and search to use configureable section-anchor
News: total number of news wasn't calculated correctly
Bugfix for Ticket #608
fixed display issue in news modul
added missing ID Tag
updated show_menu2 to version 4.7
updated to latest FCKEditor version 2.6.3
fixed MODI_DATE/PUBLISHED_DATE issue in news-module. Added PUBLISHED_TIME, removed PUBL_DATE,PUBL_TIME. Thanks to forum-member timorotha
Updated to latest FCKEditor version 2.6.2
class and id attributes in mailto links are no longer ignored by the output filter
Updated show_menu2 to version 4.60 (to avoid disappearing menus)
modified output filter routine to prevent errors if database entries do not exist
fixed validiation bug in option fields of form modul
revert back to pagename-creation from $page_menu, instead of $page_title
Added show_menu2() to pre-installed WB modules (many thanks to Brodie Thiesfield for this great menu function replacment)
fixed CAPTCHA language-files once again.
fixed some more language-files
ASP: off per default. CAPTCHA: removed unneeded $admin. Filename: just convert chars like quote, doublequote, < > & to empty string.
Fixed WB-Link Plugin to work with WB versions below 2.7 (so we can use the same module for WB 2.6.x and WB 2.7)
Modified FCKEditor WB-Link Plugin to work also with WB versions below 2.7
added keyword id to new files
Added the latest FCKEditor v2.60
removed the outdated FCKEditor v2.51
removed some obsolete language variables from news and form module (now defined in global WB language files)
Added norwegian translation (Thanks OEH)
Added keyword Id to new files
Moved edit module CSS functions from modules to WB core (avoid code duplication; improve maintenance of code)
some code clean up in news/form module
small adaption of the edit CSS function file css.functions.php
updated edit module CSS functions to include backend.css into head if possible
Fixed bug in decryption routines of the Output-Filter module
added handling of missing characters to mailto encryption routines
Some code clean-up in News module
fixed some layout issues with Form module (combination with Output-filter)
Fixed layout issue with optional subject/body text of encrypted mailto links (carriage return)
Fixed bug in the mailto encryption code of the Output-Filter module
added updated edit CSS functions to the News module
added updated edit CSS functions to the Form module
fixed bug in output filter (mailto links with HTML entities in optional part)