Added preview-images for CAPTCHA. Improved security: CAPTCHAS can't be loaded from outside WB
fixed some issues with CAPTCHA and ASP: Adjusted baseline of '*' in supplyed fonts to meet baseline of numbers. Added counter to ttf_image generation-loop. Removed now unneeded GD-lib checks. Improved ASP in news-module.
Added keywords to files where they are missing
Added Javascript Admin module (developed by Stepan Riha, adapted for WB2.7 by Swen Uth)
ttf-CAPTCHA: check if string is completely inside the image.
Added strongly "condensed" fonts with many intersections for ttf-CAPTCHA as default fonts. It should be very difficult for spam-bots to recognize intersected characters.
added new CAPTCHA and ASP (Advanced Spam Protection)
Added keywords to new files
adapted news-module to use the new jscalendar, removed old one
Module code: curly backets get deleted by pparse() from phplib. fixes #553
added new module-based search-function and publish-by-date code
updated PHPMailer framework to version 2.0.0 (/include/phpmailer)
Added new version again
Delete codepress because of SVN errors
- Update codepress to Version 0.9.6- Update phplib to Version 7.4a
Upgrade pclzip to the newer more php5 complaint version 2.6, see ticket #526
Changed all copyright notices to include now 2008
Added svn:executable to new files
Added package which allows to integrate optional JS & CSS module files (frontend.css, frontend.js, backend.css, backend.js) into the <head> section of the HTML code. This allows developers to code modules which creates (X)HTML valid output.
Added Id keywords to all missing files
Added 2007 to all copyright noticesAdded missing ID KeywordsRemoved not Unix conform line endings
Fixed bug #346 with captcha script
Added phpmailer class (thanks to doc)
Changed all line endings to Unix stlye
Updated all copyright notices to include 2006
Fixed ticket #107 - captcha being cached.
Finished correct Captcha implementation in form mod
Updated Captcha code
Added Id keyword to wb/include/index.php
Moved captcha.php into include dir
Deleted htmlarea folder under include
Changed column names in mod_news_posts from short,long to content_short, content_long.
Changed most occurrences of strip_slashes to new dummy method strip_slashes_dummy.
Change addslashes,stripslashes to (wb class) method calls add_slashes,strip_slashes
Created new stripslashes method in class wb. Changed stripslashes() calls to method calls.
Pages in link list in htmlarea popup are now correctly ordered.
Added the Id keyword for all files
Restructured frontend code and fixed various bugs
Initial import from CVS to Subversion of Website Baker 2.5.2