Changed all line endings to Unix stlye
Changed ->mail to ->mail in admin/login/forgot/index.php - ticket #136
Updated help links to use
Updated all copyright notices to include 2006
Fixed some wrong html tags in settings/template.html (moved WYSIWYG Style back to advanced options)
Set version number to 2.6.2.
Ticket #126. Cookie REMEMBER_KEY wasn't cleared in account/logout and expiration date is now set to time in the past. Thanks to alex!
Changed mail calls to $wb->mail (thanks to John!).
Forgotten password: if sending of e-mail fails, restore old password. Ticket #110
Added more charset options. Ticket #102 - thanks to ruebenwurzel!
Character encoding setting also affects admin backend. Mentioned in ticket #102.
Reintroduced page languages setting. If switched to off page languages are only used to determine the language file for the universal texts. If on, displayed page and menu are affected by the language session variable.
Fixed a bug where access settings of registered and private pages were displayed incorrectly.
Added an exit call after every heading("Location:...") redirector to prevent unwanted execution of code.
Fixed bug #122. Replaced empty field check by check with setting name n.e. wb_version.
Replaced all remaining occurrences of '/media' by MEDIA_DIRECTORY - bug #108.
Fixed bug #105 - back buttons in addon detail pages not editable.
Added extra protection from deleting all addons if none selected
Added charset encoding for admin templates
Change version from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1
Fixed small bug in forgot details app
Added default charset option to settings
Added captcha verification to sign-up form
Added captcha verification option to settings page
Reintroduced option 'none' to WYSIWYG editor selection list in settings.
Moved page_link function to class wb and changed page_link() in functions.php to use the wb class method
Applied aportale's patch to use label instead of javascript toggle code
Fixed more inconsistencies regarding line endings and end-of-file newlines
Fixed inconsistent line ending styles
Modified some comments about copyright/license notices (see ticket #48)
Added direct-access redirection on some files (see ticket #37)
Corrected "Help" URL on admin start page
Correct "Help" URL on admin start page
Fixed bug #74 - permission settings no getting changed.
Fixed ticket #46 - addon details are taken from database. Minor changes to install/save.php.
Fixed bug #71 - added $admin->strip_slashes() to intro2.php
Fixed spelling mistakes
Fixed bug #45 - incorrect display of time in settings.
Fixed bug #33 and other bugs regarding addon (un)installation
Fixed bug #44 - module entries in addons table do not get deleted upon module uninstallation.
Fixed bug #43 - double entries in addon table.
Fixed minor bugs with template and module permissions on groups
Fixed template install problem
Fixed some minor bugs with settings
Semi-disabled use of "separate" page trash feature
Updated tools interface
Changed included file name from include.php to tool.php
Fixed addon listing in numerous places so it now use's DB for info
Tuned interface with less javascript
Added css for label element
Removed page languages option
Replaced add_slashes by addslashes in media/browse.php where it is applied to a non GPC variable.
Updated tool-handling code
Updated module install code for correct insertion into addons table
Update module install code for correct insertion into addons table
Updated admin footer link
'None found' is shown if no tools are found.
Fixed mis-use of templating for Administrative Tools section
Implemented new module type 'tool'. Added setting section 'Tools' (advanced). Removed possibility to set permissions for all module types other than 'page'.
Empty_trash now also works with sub-pages in the trash.
Deleted pages cannot be chosen as parents anymore. Pages that have only deleted children do not get the plus sign if page trash is separate.
Removed strip_slashes_dummy.
Fixed ticket #19 (addon link not shown). Corrected breadcrumbs code.
Module table entries now get deleted upon module installation. Removed 1 second delay in admin success messages.
Created new table "modules" to allow for faster lookup of which modules are installed. Allows for greater flexibility also.
Added new setting 'wb_version' which is not changeable in admin>>settings but allows for easier upgrade scripts in the future.
Corrected session code.
Fixed some issues regarding settings.
Removed another occurrence of OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH (pclzip).
Fixed problems with settings section in admin.
Implemented upgrade functionality in templates and languages. Fixed some bugs.
Removed debugging lines.
Cleaned up settings/save.php
Fixed problems with settings in database. Should be fully functional again.
Moved settings from config.php into database.NOT FULLY WORKING!!!
Fixed path bugs concerning the htmlarea module transition.
Removed support for internal HTMLArea editor.
Fixed bug in new module installation routine. Added language string "Upgraded successfully".
Implemented Installation of modules on top of an older version. This is done via checking $module_version. Instead of install.php, upgrade.php is then called if it exists in the module package. For module developers: $module_version and $new_module_version are accessible in upgrade.php to find out what upgrade steps need to be taken.
Fixed missing parent option 'none' - ticket #12 - and a minor scope bug.
Fixed bug #2 - Issue when changing page parent
Changed language string name 'EDITOR' to 'WYSIWYG_EDITOR'
Added htmlspecialchars when saving intro page
Fixed minor bugs
Implemented choice of WYSIWYG editor
Changed most occurrences of strip_slashes to new dummy method strip_slashes_dummy.
Change addslashes,stripslashes to (wb class) method calls add_slashes,strip_slashes
Reworked search.php, fixed typo in media/browse.html.
Removed debugging line...
Created new stripslashes method in class wb. Changed stripslashes() calls to method calls.
Cleaned up code concerning deleting/restoring pages.
Resubmitting changeset 23.
Undoing changes from r21 on
Fixed bug where group with existing name can be added.