


| Revision:
  • svn:ignore: classic_theme rounded

# Date Author Comment
1773 2012-09-28 01:42 Luisehahne

! account split html and code
+ add signup activation registering
+ add missing icons in themes

1766 2012-09-22 22:25 Luisehahne

! typofix in EN language,
! empty seo_title will set to menu_title
! continue rebranding wb_theme

1760 2012-09-18 06:49 Luisehahne

! fallback changes in wysiwyg Revision 1754
because it's required that section_id is the PRIMARY KEY
Fallback will be done in upgrade-script until the final version
! build in extra input seo title in page settings
! beginning rebranding wb_theme

1743 2012-09-07 03:31 Luisehahne

! styling permissions blocks in page settings by backend theme css

1730 2012-08-31 03:41 Luisehahne
1708 2012-08-29 13:25 Luisehahne
1684 2012-05-05 09:17 Luisehahne

! update upgrade-script, now don't overwrite existings values in settings
+ add field tooltip to table pages in installer
! change some module tool_icon.png (Tks to Stefek)
! add date_time string to
- search and comment out founded require_once(WB_PATH."/framework/class.database.php"); ...

1679 2012-04-28 00:13 Luisehahne

add tool_icon.png to admintools

1678 2012-04-27 23:32 Luisehahne
  1. validation fix in print_footer, class.database
    ! replace settings and default header
1677 2012-04-27 14:32 Luisehahne

! preparing new groups management and page settings
! upgrade-script insert or update page access files

1674 2012-04-20 20:50 Luisehahne
  1. fixed add-ons upload error (tks to DBS)
    + add tool_icon.png to core module
    ! update outpu_filter success an error messages
    ! small redesign wb_themes
  2. fixed fileformat to unix
1668 2012-04-17 14:53 Luisehahne

! settigs.php add fields dev_infos and page_icon_dir
+ add developer info to footer
! update class.admin.php, footer.htt

1667 2012-04-17 14:28 Luisehahne

add folder /templates/round/title_images to work with page_icon

1665 2012-04-17 13:51 darkviper

update page_settings - CSS for wb_theme and argos_theme (for Rev.1664)

1663 2012-04-17 03:59 Luisehahne

update round print.css for better output

1649 2012-03-24 05:23 Luisehahne

! rebranding banner.jpg and powered.jpg round template

1646 2012-03-23 17:47 Luisehahne
  1. typofix in templates to include jquery
1644 2012-03-22 17:03 darkviper

prevent from empty theme-name in CopyTheme::_SanitizeNewName()

1643 2012-03-22 16:30 darkviper

added backend functions to copy themes and import htt-template files according to the the new theme fallback functionality

1642 2012-03-22 05:10 Luisehahne

! update header info.php wb_themes

1641 2012-03-22 04:28 Luisehahne

+ move admin/themes/templates/ to admin/skel/themes/htt/
! and update class.wb.php, upgrade-script.php

1632 2012-03-02 02:59 Luisehahne

! small design update for wb theme, login und login_forgot

1625 2012-02-29 01:50 Luisehahne

! update correct_theme_source and fixed the call in all files

1606 2012-02-08 23:31 Luisehahne

some little changes and fixes in template allcss and round
add // register_frontend_modfiles('jquery'); to activate comment out
Set version to 2.71

1602 2012-02-08 02:54 Luisehahne

a quick simple stylesheet fix in wb_theme

1599 2012-02-06 16:59 Luisehahne

update all used files with redirect_url to $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER']

1596 2012-02-04 01:50 Luisehahne

highly critical security-fix
announced on

1568 2012-01-10 05:33 Luisehahne

! fix show_menu2 2th parameter for template round and allcss (Tks to Ruebenwurzel)
! set fingerprint_with_ip_octets default to 2 in a new installation

1557 2012-01-02 16:49 Luisehahne ! update editor.css for allcssand round (Tks to Ruebenwurzel)
  1. bugfix in forgot_form.php
1549 2011-12-19 23:44 Luisehahne

christmas time corrected wrong files

1546 2011-12-18 21:00 Luisehahne

! recoded /account/forgot_form.php
! update quickSkin
! update languages files
+ add /temp/quickSkin/ folder
! begin fixing sec_anchor in urls

1533 2011-12-08 01:05 Luisehahne

new backend theme handling (Tks to Stefek)
some fixes in install

1532 2011-11-28 23:58 Luisehahne

small changes in INSTALL and UPGRADE (Tks to unawave2)
update upgrade-script showing from Version to Version (Tks to unawave2)
add Servicepack version to header.htt

1530 2011-11-27 17:08 Luisehahne

update templates allcss and round (Tks to Rübenwurzel)
Add UPGRADE Instructions
Update INSTALL Instructions
Optimize config.php handling for installation

1529 2011-11-25 06:03 Luisehahne

add new backend theme handling (Tks to Stefek)

1528 2011-11-23 00:19 Luisehahne

rework login and show_menu in templates allcss and round

1517 2011-10-24 18:17 Luisehahne

fix SERVER_EMAIL in language files
fix encoded text in sections.php
add missing image in argos_theme

1511 2011-09-14 19:24 Luisehahne

fixed strict notice warning in class.wb
change editor for intropage to editarea
add missing slash in themes

1493 2011-08-11 16:56 Luisehahne

Ticket #1106 FatalError in groups module

1492 2011-08-11 16:53 Luisehahne

Ticket #1107 Deleting users not possible
Change handling, first user will be set to inactive
secound inactive user will be show in an extra dropdown
and can now deleted from user table or reactivated

1478 2011-07-22 03:58 Luisehahne

fix mssing filename in intro.php
inactive user in dropwonlist are show with line-through

1477 2011-07-21 04:47 Luisehahne

! update DA language (Tks to Achrist)
! update some languages variables (Tks to Rübenwurzel, Testör)
! move function url_encode from admin/pages to framework/functions.php
! add missing svn properties in some headerinfos
! font-size correction in wb_theme (Tks to Rübenwurzel)

1475 2011-07-13 01:07 Luisehahne + add SecureForm.mtab.php under mantennance by WebsiteBaker Community
! security fixes media, groups, users, sections
  1. change lang variable to remove upgrade-script
    ! reworked add sections in pages
    ! fix set empty href in show_menu2
    ! set show_menu2 version to 4.9.6 ...
1473 2011-07-09 02:40 Luisehahne

found more backlinks to fix
remove not working ftan in frontend
fixed redirect in login procedure (Tks to mr-fan)
update droplet LoginBox, additional parameter $redirect
remove double config call in media (Tks to Testör)

1467 2011-07-02 02:06 Luisehahne

update some headerinfos
fix missing header for some error messages

1458 2011-06-26 16:13 Luisehahne

Ticket 833 fixed markup for table cells in view.php
change themes.css to make style more flexible in success.htt and error.htt
backend themes: add js function redirect_to_page(url, timer) to redirect without message

1457 2011-06-25 19:18 Luisehahne

Preparing 2.8.2 stable, last tests

1445 2011-04-27 22:35 Luisehahne

small validation fixes in backend themes

1428 2011-02-07 05:55 Luisehahne

update Argostheme to version 1.5 (Tks to Argos)
validation fixes
call edit_full_area on the fly

1427 2011-02-04 07:09 Luisehahne

validation fixes in wb_theme

1426 2011-02-04 05:27 Luisehahne

validation fixes

1425 2011-02-04 00:16 Luisehahne

redefined wrong admin backlinks

1417 2011-01-24 15:46 Luisehahne

add redirect timer description in settings.php

1411 2011-01-23 16:51 FrankH
  1. Bugfix for Tickets 965, 966 and 910
1410 2011-01-23 13:30 FrankH
  1. Bugfix for build 1409
1409 2011-01-23 11:58 FrankH

+ Ticket 1058 added warn_page_leave (currently only in wysiwyg)

1402 2011-01-22 05:41 Luisehahne

secure peparing and beginning fix admin/pages

1400 2011-01-21 20:42 FrankH
  1. Security fix in account
  2. Security fix in admin/media, thanks to hal 9000
1398 2011-01-20 19:44 FrankH
  1. Security fix in admin/admintools and admin/groups
1395 2011-01-17 20:15 FrankH
  1. Security fix in admin/addons
1380 2011-01-13 16:56 Luisehahne

output fixings, known error in jsadmin will be fix later

1370 2011-01-09 10:53 Luisehahne

update install, changed some default settings to enabled

1361 2010-12-29 05:45 Luisehahne

sync languages files with
unzip addons now overwrite newer files

1358 2010-12-28 09:44 Luisehahne

validation fixes in pages backend theme

1357 2010-12-27 20:50 FrankH

Security fixes

1355 2010-12-27 12:14 FrankH

Security fixes

1353 2010-12-26 20:49 FrankH

Security fixes

1345 2010-05-12 09:53 Luisehahne

remove unneeded flags in backend themes
remove admin/images

1344 2010-05-11 18:53 Luisehahne

Ticket #1004 Small typofixes needed in FR lang file (Tks to quinto)
Ticket #1005 add FR Language for the admin templates (Tks to quinto)

1342 2010-05-04 10:05 Luisehahne

remove some unneeded code in backend themes templates
see forum: JQuery und Backend-Theme

1339 2010-04-30 15:19 Luisehahne

changes Backend javascripts from body to head

1335 2010-04-27 15:11 Luisehahne

Fixed update search settings
Fixed bug in /modules/admin.php

1333 2010-04-22 05:13 Luisehahne

start recoding without style display:none

1329 2010-04-18 20:23 Luisehahne

Validation fix in preference

1325 2010-04-15 00:21 Luisehahne

changed e-mail notification for backend login
styling in preference.htt in themes

1319 2010-04-14 02:45 Luisehahne

Ticket #974 Usability bug in /preferences

1316 2010-04-14 00:50 Luisehahne

Ticket #978 Add additional PHP 5.2 check to installation
Ticket #979 False PHP 4 requirements in install
Ticket #980 Usebility - Bug in the settings-interface
Ticket #981 typos in backend-theme "argos" in file groups.htt

1315 2010-04-11 21:13 Luisehahne

fix ticket #975 some weird /pages/ header infos

1313 2010-04-11 05:55 Luisehahne

show_menu2 remove unneeded code for WB < 2.7
class.wb.php, recoding backend preference
add a language variable $MESSAGE['PREFERENCES']['INVALID_CHARS']
update theme.css & preference.htt in argos_theme & wb_theme
remove classic_theme

1302 2010-03-09 00:07 Luisehahne

fixed search_modext.php ( Tks to Thorn )
Ticket #953 is already fixed
Ticket #954 styles issues in theme.css ( Tks to Ruebenwurzel )

1300 2010-03-06 18:58 Luisehahne

Ticket #950 missing classes in theme.css ( Tks to Ruebenwurzel )
update jquery-min.js to version 1.4.2

1295 2010-02-19 04:29 Luisehahne

Beginning with Ticket #901
add siteadd.png to backend themes
change icon add child page

1287 2010-02-09 00:18 Luisehahne

missunderstanding back to old logo

1286 2010-02-08 23:15 Luisehahne

Droplet emailfilter fixed search mdcr.js
some little fixes in upgrade-script
new WebsiteBaker Logo in themes

1276 2010-01-28 04:08 Luisehahne

update jquery 1.4.0 to 1.4.1,
removed include/jquery/plugins
update backend themes

1275 2010-01-24 23:57 Luisehahne

Ticket #923 argos_theme: Always Allowed Viewers in page_settings
css width fix for pagetree to show in IE7

1274 2010-01-24 14:55 Luisehahne

Ticket #921 fix issues in IE by using EditArea framework

1273 2010-01-24 09:26 Luisehahne

Ticket #921 Update EditArea framework
fix stylings wb_theme, fix upgradescript

1272 2010-01-23 13:08 Luisehahne

update jquery to version 1.4, rename old one to jquery-min132.js
fixed argos theme

1266 2010-01-22 12:54 Luisehahne

Ticket #917 Update backend themes

1264 2010-01-22 05:05 Luisehahne

Ticket #916 Update backend theme footer

1260 2010-01-21 07:25 Luisehahne

fix more small css-errors in WB Backend (thanks to Ruebenwurzel)

1253 2010-01-19 18:29 Luisehahne

fix some more small css-errors in WB Backend (thanks to Ruebenwurzel)

1252 2010-01-19 17:57 Luisehahne

removed wb_path as javascript var (thanks to Bianca)

1251 2010-01-19 07:06 Luisehahne

fix some more small css-errors in WB Backend (thanks to Ruebenwurzel)

1247 2010-01-14 05:15 Luisehahne

Ticket #911 5. continue to fix CSS-errors in WB backend

1246 2010-01-14 04:43 Luisehahne

Ticket #911 4. continue to fix CSS-errors in WB backend

1245 2010-01-14 04:25 Luisehahne

Ticket #911 3. continue to fix CSS-errors in WB backend

1244 2010-01-14 03:50 Luisehahne

Ticket #911 2. continue to fix CSS-errors in WB backend

1243 2010-01-14 03:01 Luisehahne

Ticket #911 continue to fix CSS-errors in WB backend