update jquery fancybox from 1.0 to 1.2.1 add fancybox imagefolder incl. fancybox.css
small update upgrade.php to reset newsfiles to created dates
add upgrade.php to reset newsfiles to created dates
Ticket #770, #785, #792, #807, #809, fixes and recoded the news module
Created 2.8.x branch
Fixed bug in news modul introduced in changeset [1057]
Fixed again some bugs in news modul (ticket #756) (Thanks to Aldus and Luisehahne)
Updated Danish language Files (Thanks to Achrist)
fixed some smaller issues in rss.php (Thanks to Kibmcz)
- Added Danish language files to modules (Thanks to Achrist)
- Updated Danish language file (Thanks to Achrist)
- Again added some & to news and form to get more valid output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
-Fixed wrong set </form> tag to get valid output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Fixed E_ALL notice in news/view.php
replaced in form and news delimiter "&" with "&" was introduced with changeset [1069] but didn't work on all servers
replaced all remaining mktime() with time(), except from third party scripts
Fixed some validiation bugs in core and different modules (Thanks to luisehahne)
fixed display issue of jscalendar in news modul (Thanks to Aldus)
Fixed some validiation bugs in news modul (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Changes on the news-modul: uninstall.php, add.php and view.php. See changlog for details.
The news module post_title link made unclickable when there is no full post.
Added a better option to hide the READ_MORE link in the news module. (ticket #739)
Bugfix for ticket #725 (newsmodul)
fixed small typo introduced in changeset [982]
Fixed some strange backend layout issues (ticket #722)
Updated Dutch language files for modules (Thanks to LuckyLuke)
Updated again Norsk language File (Thanks to oeh)
Updated French language files (Thanks to Quinto and VotreEspace)
fixed wrong path to images in news and form modul
corrected info.php of news-modul
restore view.php to the running version of 944;changes of 946 are obsolete to this file - upload by mistake
Bugfix inside news-modul: publish-date isn't display in the detail view.Modify error.htt template for valid xhtml-output.
Copyright notices now includes 2009
added French languages to modules
added hour and minute support to default published_when field in news modul
changed handling of post_date in news modul (thanks to susigross)
Add time-check to the MySQL Query inside rss.php to avoid the problems described in #609
made news Modul multilingual, see ticket #676 (some additional translations are needed)
fixed bug in view.php of news module ( #676 Thanks to susigross)
fixed another bug in view.php of news modul introduced in changeset [892]
replaced in news modul special chars with entities to get valid output;changed SESSION ID Separator from '&' to '&' to get valid outputRemoved the <p> tag around the news as it is added from the editorset version to 2.8 BETA
Tcket #607: including the frontend.css in comment_page.php in the news-modules
news: added PAGE_SPACER to $page_title (creates e.g. title-32.php instead of title32.php)
News: total number of news wasn't calculated correctly
fixed display issue in news modul
fixed MODI_DATE/PUBLISHED_DATE issue in news-module. Added PUBLISHED_TIME, removed PUBL_DATE,PUBL_TIME. Thanks to forum-member timorotha
removed some obsolete language variables from news and form module (now defined in global WB language files)
Added norwegian translation (Thanks OEH)
Moved edit module CSS functions from modules to WB core (avoid code duplication; improve maintenance of code)
some code clean up in news/form module
small adaption of the edit CSS function file css.functions.php
updated edit module CSS functions to include backend.css into head if possible
Some code clean-up in News module
added updated edit CSS functions to the News module
Added RU-language-files, provided by user shlack; converted to entities.
Added class nixhier to frontend.css from form and news Modul (required for ASP)
removed include/captcha/asp.php. css have to be added to module's css-files.
reintroduced include/captcha/asp.php
removed include/captcha/asp.php
added missing Dutch language files for core modules
Modified news module to create a default index.php during installation (directory spoofing)
removed German Umlauts in some language file (PHP comments)
module news: set focus on captcha-field if user have to re-enter captcha
added kewyword id to all new files
Added missing text in languages files for jscalendar
Added some missing add_slashes(), get_post_escaped(), and strip_tags() for $_POST, $_GET and $_REQUEST-data. Also for $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].
Added default index.php to all folders to prevent directory spoofing
Improved ASP in news-module.
Had to fix some strtotime()-related issues in admin/pages/sections and module news to use with PHP4.
some cleanup in news-module (ASP related).
removed forgotten debug output
fixed some issues with CAPTCHA and ASP: Adjusted baseline of '*' in supplyed fonts to meet baseline of numbers. Added counter to ttf_image generation-loop. Removed now unneeded GD-lib checks. Improved ASP in news-module.
module news: added publish_until field to control the visibility of a news-posting by date and time
added new CAPTCHA and ASP (Advanced Spam Protection)
fixed bug in news module: Dont allow comments if commenting is disabled or post or post's group is inactive
fixed bug in Codepress integration (if codepress framework not installed)
Fixed bug with the edit module CSS file implementation (IE7, Opera)
fixed E_NOTICE-warning in news-module (SECTION_ID)
adapted news-module to use the new jscalendar, removed old one
Fixed bug in news modul with missing variable PAGE_DIRECTORY
added again keywords to news modul files
Updated news modul with features from the advanced news modul
Added keywords to new files
added new module-based search-function and publish-by-date code
Changed all copyright notices to include now 2008
fixed issue with special chars in news feed
Fixed some bugs in rss.php
Fixed error when uninstalling the news modul
Added Id keywords to all missing files
Added 2007 to all copyright noticesAdded missing ID KeywordsRemoved not Unix conform line endings
Code cleaning and fixing two issues in save_group.php
Fixed Captcha error when adding comment to news (#358)
Fixed table width 100% are wrong displayed in container templates when IE is used (#350)
Fixed group images in news modul cannot be stored (#342)
Fixed files in /pages/posts folder are not deleted (#340)
Fixed specialchars problem in the news modul (#339)
Fixed news modul stores empty records (#338)
Fixed Captcha didn't work in news comments (#337)
Fixed missing default values for INT fields in all system and modules tables (#329)
Fixed typo in news delete post page #283
Fixed typo in news save comment page #282
Changed all line endings to Unix stlye
Removed duplicate expression from news/install.php