


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
1745 2012-09-08 15:06 Luisehahne

! add div container in page_content for each sections,
! update droplets SectionPicker, ShowWysiwyg and ShowRandomWysiwyg
! put sec_anchor in this div, sec_anchor fixed in all found files
sec_anchor default now set to "section_",
sec_anchor can't be empty for future developement

1723 2012-08-30 04:19 Luisehahne
  1. fixed missing class.admin
  2. check droplet skype if no existing user
1717 2012-08-29 16:09 Luisehahne

! update droplets uninstall, upgrade
! add $database=WbDatabase::getInstance();
! update /examples/

1686 2012-05-07 14:31 darkviper

some modifications concerning the new autoloader
Twig Template engine v.1.7.0
some droplets actualisized
unfinished changes in installer

1685 2012-05-06 16:29 darkviper

last fixes for use of page_icon s.o.

1681 2012-05-03 01:01 darkviper

reorganisation of default theme of page-settings
added menu_icon_0 and menu_icon_1
update show_menu2 to handle the new icon fields (see|en.txt)
add new droplet 'iParentIcon' for use with the new icons
added new module-depending language files (not complete yet) in admin/pages

1657 2012-04-04 04:39 Luisehahne

some validation fixes in backend

1622 2012-02-25 01:29 darkviper

typofix in Droplet [ShowRandomWysiwyg]

1621 2012-02-24 16:53 darkviper

Droplet [SectionPicker] fixed
Added new droplets [ShowWysiwyg] and [ShowRandomWysiwyg]

1599 2012-02-06 16:59 Luisehahne

update all used files with redirect_url to $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER']

1550 2011-12-21 18:32 Luisehahne

update php mailer to version 5.2

1543 2011-12-14 01:13 Luisehahne

fix droplet sectionPicker
fix install config.php not writeable
check table droplet if empty import examples

1535 2011-12-10 04:56 Luisehahne

! changes in code modul
+ add function getTableEngine to class.database
+ add Quickskin to include folder
+ add reworkes Droplet SectionPicker to load modules frontend.css

1527 2011-11-22 23:19 Luisehahne

fix redirect login

1503 2011-08-18 04:18 Luisehahne

change sql statements to strict in module droplets
fix vars in compatibility mode for versions before 2.8.1 in frontend.functions.php

1477 2011-07-21 04:47 Luisehahne

! update DA language (Tks to Achrist)
! update some languages variables (Tks to Rübenwurzel, Testör)
! move function url_encode from admin/pages to framework/functions.php
! add missing svn properties in some headerinfos
! font-size correction in wb_theme (Tks to Rübenwurzel)

1475 2011-07-13 01:07 Luisehahne + add SecureForm.mtab.php under mantennance by WebsiteBaker Community
! security fixes media, groups, users, sections
  1. change lang variable to remove upgrade-script
    ! reworked add sections in pages
    ! fix set empty href in show_menu2
    ! set show_menu2 version to 4.9.6 ...
1473 2011-07-09 02:40 Luisehahne

found more backlinks to fix
remove not working ftan in frontend
fixed redirect in login procedure (Tks to mr-fan)
update droplet LoginBox, additional parameter $redirect
remove double config call in media (Tks to Testör)

1347 2010-11-23 18:10 Luisehahne

fix Droplet LoginBox fronend_signup (tks to Maverik)
fix save user e-mail,

1301 2010-03-07 20:55 Luisehahne

Tickets #932 change deprecated eregi functions
Tickets #948 fixed Multiple use of same parametrised droplet - parameter handling
Upgrade Droplets to Version 1.0.3
update some headerinfos
non existing pages, will be created if clicking save in page settings

1294 2010-02-19 03:28 Luisehahne

update headerinfo
change $search_pattern for check if Javascript mailto encryption is enabled
module output_filter set to version 0.12

1286 2010-02-08 23:15 Luisehahne

Droplet emailfilter fixed search mdcr.js
some little fixes in upgrade-script
new WebsiteBaker Logo in themes

1136 2009-08-15 11:19 kweitzel

Created 2.8.x branch

991 2009-06-15 17:55 Matthias

Added missing id tags and copyright notices to droplets modul

989 2009-06-15 15:12 aldus

Add Droplets Modul to the project and the modificated files (index, seach and frontendfunctions)