! add div container in page_content for each sections,! update droplets SectionPicker, ShowWysiwyg and ShowRandomWysiwyg! put sec_anchor in this div, sec_anchor fixed in all found files sec_anchor default now set to "section_", sec_anchor can't be empty for future developement
! replace more invalid char in secureform.mtab to work with settings_page
! change redirect logic for registered pages
! update folder framework class.login, admin/login, admin/skel/htt
! update headerinfo! change os_version request if os is not windows
! /framework/class.frontend.php! set $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'] to WB_URL if menu url is a registered page! set some header("Location:.. to new method send_header(
! /framework/frontend.functions! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays! method page_content, add parameter $echo true to print $content, false return $content
! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays+ add variables for backend-menu, header.htt and footer.htt
! Fixed IDKEY in Secureform.mtab to solve issues whith Security warnings ! on pages that used a lot of IDKEYS. (fixed by NorHei)
! optimize some methods+ add method send_header, replace header('Location:... with new method+ if header send failed you get a manuell redirected link, so script don't break
+ add var $iPhpDeclaredClasses = sizeof(get_declared_classes() set by PHP in initialize.php
ModLanguages:: fixed the order of loading languages
ModLanguage modified for auto fallback to DEFAULT_LANGUAGEglobalExceptionHandler added AppException, SecurityException, SecDirectoryTraversalExceptionErrormessage for old class.database modified
fixed Errorhandling for old class.database
Drop tables in installer fixedTwig_Autoloader activated
some modifications concerning the new autoloaderTwig Template engine v.1.7.0some droplets actualisizedunfinished changes in installer
last fixes for use of page_icon s.o.
! update upgrade-script, now don't overwrite existings values in settings+ add field tooltip to table pages in installer! change some module tool_icon.png (Tks to Stefek) ! add date_time string to backup_droplets.zip- search and comment out founded require_once(WB_PATH."/framework/class.database.php"); ...
changed class Database into a Singleton-Classadded forgotten 'static' keyword in ModLanguageremoved version control from sm2 - include.php
some little corrections ModLanguage/Database/initialize.php
renamed file class.database.php to Database.phprenamed class database into Databaseclasses SecurityException and SecDirectoryTraversalException added in globalExceptionHandler.phpCoreAutoloader() added in initialize.phpnew Constants 'WB_REL' and 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' in initialize.php...
added new global exceptionhandler (class AppException)
! settigs.php add fields dev_infos and page_icon_dir+ add developer info to footer! update class.admin.php, footer.htt
added new getter 'getQueryCount' in class database
add replyto to form module (see DEVINFOS)
fixed change_mode() against a very old problem with invalid calling arguments
fixed a little problem with chmod()
add argument 'replyTo' into class.wb::mail()
add additional exeptionhandling in globalExceptionHandler
+ move admin/themes/templates/ to admin/skel/themes/htt/! and update class.wb.php, upgrade-script.php
+ Installer add const DEBUG to config.php! move const DEBUG and var $starttime from index.php to initialize.php
config.php added define to set admin-directory
made handling of config.php a little bit more easy
! update correct_theme_source and fixed the call in all files
fixed function SanitizeHttpReferer() in consideration of subdirectories
little fixes in classs database and add new readonly property DbName
little designfix in forgot_form.phpfix media if uploading zip files with folder, than create FolderProtectFiles
fixed undefined fragment index in initialize.php add $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'] storing active pagelink if page_id != 0
highly critical security-fixannounced on http://www.darksecurity.de/advisories/2012/SSCHADV2012-003.txt
little Typo-fix in database::SqlImport()
little Regex-fix in database::SqlImport()
added new method SqlImport() to class database
fix class.login, when name and pass are both empty, no longer call increase_attempssome redirect updates in frontend account files
add linebreak in backend message for 'delete install folder...'
secureForm Fix for hosting with load balancing
typofix in function make_dir
! wb_quickSkin_28.php create _skin folders with folder protect file ! add a 3th parameter to function make_dir to allows the creation of nested directories specified in the pathname. Defaults to TRUE
+ add languages vars in languages files+ add upload error mesages moduleinstall+ add index.php if not exists in function createFolderProtectFile! corrected changed coding between login_form and forgot_form
christmas time corrected wrong files
fix wrong background url in "Website Under Construction"
! changes in code modul+ add function getTableEngine to class.database + add Quickskin to include folder+ add reworkes Droplet SectionPicker to load modules frontend.css
new backend theme handling (Tks to Stefek)some fixes in install
small changes in INSTALL and UPGRADE (Tks to unawave2)update upgrade-script showing from Version to Version (Tks to unawave2)add Servicepack version to header.htt
add new backend theme handling (Tks to Stefek)
account/signup.php, check if user is already loggedfix non object message in framework/functions.php
settings for pwgen updated
fixed strict notice warning in class.wbchange editor for intropage to editareaadd missing slash in themes
added new constant 'DO_NOT_TRACK' set to true if a client sends the DNT-Header
fixed field_remove
new class PasswordHashnew Password-/Hash-generator(step to fix password-issues)
syntaxfix order::clean()
fixed order::clean()
change sql statements to strict in module dropletsfix vars in compatibility mode for versions before 2.8.1 in frontend.functions.php
fixed c&p mistake
removed stoneaged code from 2.4
little fix in calling globalExceptionHandler from inner core files
fixed secureform
activate globalExceptionHandler in inner core files
fix SQL-statements to SQL-strict
little fix in globalExceptionHandler
global exception handler activated
class.order completely recoded to reduce SQL requestsall other files: fix SQL-statements to SQL-strict
database::field_modify() there was a bug to fixall other files: fixed SQL-statements to SQL-strict
move fixes 2.8.2 to 2.8.3fixes will be shown in an extra readmean package with the fixed files will be createdfor all users who downloaded the 2.8.2 before 29 Jul-2011
! update DA language (Tks to Achrist)! update some languages variables (Tks to Rübenwurzel, Testör)! move function url_encode from admin/pages to framework/functions.php ! add missing svn properties in some headerinfos! font-size correction in wb_theme (Tks to Rübenwurzel)
for security reasons the 'remember me' functionality is deaktivated in class login 'Get configuration values' is optimized
update jquery-min to version 1.6.2update jquery-ui-min to version 1.8.14fix index error in media upload (Tks to DBS)add missing nopreview.jpgupdate media browser not to show forbidden filesremove unused jquery archiv folder
bugfix in initialize including SecureFormupdate admintools FTAN handling
fixed little bug in moveCssToHead()
fixed Ticket 1050 Bug in include/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php with Lotus Notesfixed Ticket 573, 939 Bad formatting of e-mail received from form submissionsfixed Ticket 1009 cannot change user password without changing Email in preference
class-switcher for SecureForm added
Ticket 833 fixed markup for table cells in view.phpchange themes.css to make style more flexible in success.htt and error.httbackend themes: add js function redirect_to_page(url, timer) to redirect without message
Preparing 2.8.2 stable, last tests
in /framework/functions.php::media_filename - replace whitespaces by _/upgrade-script.php - some small fixes
remove auto including YUI Framework in backend for modules, enable with >print_footer(true)>print_error and ->print_success too accept a message as arrayauto validate in frontend if style block inside body tagcaptcha now XHTML valide
bug fixed in class.database.php methode field_add in call field_existsupdate search, pls test, (Tks to Thorn)
add missing methode is_group_match in class.wb.php
fix entities converting in select languages (Tks to the community)see http://www.websitebaker2.org/forum/index.php/topic,20547.msg140512.html#msg140512
add page position in get_page_details