


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
1400 2011-01-21 20:42 FrankH
  1. Security fix in account
  2. Security fix in admin/media, thanks to hal 9000
1397 2011-01-20 03:40 Luisehahne

recoded rediect timer in print_success (tks to Chio)

1394 2011-01-16 23:17 Luisehahne

set construct to FRONTEND class.wb
set 2.8.2 to RC5

1387 2011-01-16 12:42 Luisehahne

fix class.wb

1386 2011-01-16 10:56 Luisehahne

update headerinfos

1379 2011-01-13 04:10 Luisehahne

fix class.admin

1378 2011-01-13 02:21 Luisehahne

fixed inclusion of SecureForm
added IDNA/Punycode to wb::validate_email()

1374 2011-01-10 13:21 Luisehahne

fixed headerinfos

1373 2011-01-10 13:14 Luisehahne

update headerinfos

1372 2011-01-10 02:45 Luisehahne

fixed class.wb.php to add class SecureForm

1369 2011-01-06 07:17 Luisehahne

add jquery-include.js (Tks to Stefek)
update bind jquery in frontend, jquery-include.js and jquery-insrt.js are included

1368 2010-12-31 16:46 Luisehahne

delete class.secureform.php
add newest SecureForm
fixed Call to a member function read() on a non-object in function register_frontend_modfiles

1367 2010-12-29 18:55 Luisehahne

securtiy fix in class.login

1365 2010-12-29 14:04 Luisehahne

added some functions
set status to 2.8.2 RC3

1364 2010-12-29 12:52 Luisehahne

added function 'db_update_key_value()'

1363 2010-12-29 12:44 Luisehahne

Ticket #1053, Ticket #941 show_breadcrumb

1362 2010-12-29 12:24 Luisehahne

additional functions added in class.database

1358 2010-12-28 09:44 Luisehahne

validation fixes in pages backend theme

1357 2010-12-27 20:50 FrankH

Security fixes

1352 2010-12-21 23:00 Luisehahne

fix if upgrade module can now overwrite existing newer files in modules folder
same fix for upgrade templates

1350 2010-12-20 23:54 Luisehahne

syntaxfix in initialize.php

1349 2010-12-19 20:04 Luisehahne

add ini_set('display_errors', 1) (Tks to Thorn)
update headerinfos

1342 2010-05-04 10:05 Luisehahne

remove some unneeded code in backend themes templates
see forum: JQuery und Backend-Theme

1340 2010-05-02 13:17 Luisehahne

added IdKey to class secureForm

1337 2010-04-27 20:09 Luisehahne

add an extra class class.secureform.php and extends it to class.wb.php
check for installed modules before loading in content

1331 2010-04-20 10:07 Luisehahne

update class.login.php (tks to Ruud)

1330 2010-04-19 18:54 Luisehahne

update class.login.php

1329 2010-04-18 20:23 Luisehahne

Validation fix in preference

1328 2010-04-18 18:16 Luisehahne

fixed directory_list

1327 2010-04-17 11:36 Luisehahne

litte fix to show GMT value in default view
fixed file_list

1323 2010-04-14 17:10 Luisehahne

Ticket #985 With #1318 no login in backend possible
Ticket #986 Typo inside the german language file
Ticket #982 Unnessesary heredoc causes on errors while installation!
Ticket #926/Ticket #928 Mail Notification on new user registration

1322 2010-04-14 10:03 Luisehahne

Ticket #984 Removing outdated comment-block in class.login.php
Ticket #983 Sorting order of modules and templates inside groups.php

1318 2010-04-14 01:41 Luisehahne

Ticket #976 Using md5 also for the username inside class.login.php

1314 2010-04-11 12:38 Luisehahne

little fixes for backwards compatible PHP4, pls test

1313 2010-04-11 05:55 Luisehahne

show_menu2 remove unneeded code for WB < 2.7
class.wb.php, recoding backend preference
add a language variable $MESSAGE['PREFERENCES']['INVALID_CHARS']
update theme.css & preference.htt in argos_theme & wb_theme
remove classic_theme

1312 2010-04-07 20:57 Luisehahne

Ticket #971 Using $_POST in Admin - account - login.php (tks to Aldus)
update class.wb.php added tokens function

1311 2010-04-07 08:35 Luisehahne

Ticket #967 Typo in the mysql-query results in "not" upgrading the modul info ( tks to Aldus)

1310 2010-04-01 02:43 Luisehahne

Ticket 963 Minor XSS issue in admin login
update jquery-ui-min.js from 1.7.2 to 1.8.0
Fixed typo in the english language file

1297 2010-02-20 05:35 Luisehahne

Ticket #945 fixed reloads function

1291 2010-02-19 03:07 Luisehahne

recoded function extract_permission in /framework/functions.php
change URL_HELP to in /framework/class.admin.php
recoded function preprocess in /framework/class.frontend.php
optimize function getVersion in /framework/

1290 2010-02-19 02:49 Luisehahne

change constant EDIT_ONE_SECTION to default false

1281 2010-01-30 05:57 Luisehahne

continue update headertext
Ticket #930 disabled SyntaxHighlighter from default WB Installation
change help url to

1277 2010-01-28 06:18 Luisehahne

update headertext

1271 2010-01-23 03:30 Luisehahne

continue update header info

1270 2010-01-22 23:56 Luisehahne

set svn keywords

1269 2010-01-22 23:51 Luisehahne

Ticket #869 Droplet-Engine does'nt work in some case
continue update header info

1265 2010-01-22 05:40 Luisehahne

Ticket #909 WYSIWYG Editor width destroyes backend layout
Set EDITOR_WIDTH to 0, This way backend theme developper
can style the WYSIWYG Editor according to their themes.

1252 2010-01-19 17:57 Luisehahne

removed wb_path as javascript var (thanks to Bianca)

1250 2010-01-16 13:59 Luisehahne

fixed snippets including frontend.css and frontend.js without register_frontend_modfiles

1248 2010-01-14 05:49 Luisehahne

update header

1245 2010-01-14 04:25 Luisehahne

Ticket #911 3. continue to fix CSS-errors in WB backend

1242 2010-01-13 07:34 Luisehahne

Ticket #911 Beginning to fix More CSS-errors in WB backend
add SVN- Revision to backend theme

1241 2010-01-12 18:14 Luisehahne

Ticket #906 Search Template bug
update editor min width logic
dragableresize table

1238 2010-01-11 21:30 Luisehahne

fix load_module, load_language (tks to Webbird)

1237 2010-01-11 14:13 Luisehahne

Ticket #904 fix if templatename is equal language

1235 2010-01-10 15:11 Luisehahne

Ticket #903 fix CSS-errors in WB backend
add title class in show_breadcrumbs, now full css styling

1234 2010-01-05 03:20 Luisehahne

update revision ID

1233 2010-01-05 02:39 Luisehahne

recoded function show_breadcrumbs

1220 2009-12-21 15:10 LordDarkman

Ticket #896: Bugfix in framework/functions.php > added test is_dir to function rm_full_dir

1216 2009-12-16 17:43 LordDarkman
1192 2009-11-27 20:37 Luisehahne

fixed parse error ticket #878

1189 2009-11-26 17:47 Luisehahne

fix some PHP 5.3 deprecated functions

1182 2009-11-24 20:36 Luisehahne

add two constants in /framework/initialize.php for later feature in database settings
define('EDIT_ONE_SECTION', true) to edit only one section with editor in manage sections
modify page will be loading all sections with editor
define('EDITOR_WIDTH', 900) set min width for editor...

1181 2009-11-24 19:42 Luisehahne
1171 2009-10-13 20:10 Ruud

fixed breaking droplets by highlighting search-words in search result pages.

1166 2009-10-12 18:54 Luisehahne

Fix Bugs headersend errors in some core files
delete whitespaces after ?>

1165 2009-10-12 06:52 Luisehahne

update function show_bread_crumb in framework/frontend.functions.php,
replace separator with entities char, add title for multilingual,
set breakcrumb in div container class="breadcrumb",
set separator in span tag class="separator",

1156 2009-10-09 23:30 Luisehahne

Ticket #815 Fix Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in load_template

1155 2009-10-09 23:07 Luisehahne

Ticket #815 Fix Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in load_module

1153 2009-10-07 01:49 Luisehahne

Security fix - wrong placed "exit()" inside class.wb

1152 2009-10-04 14:24 Luisehahne
1145 2009-09-21 11:14 aldus

Add Missing code inside "framework/addon.precheck.php" (ticket #798).
Changes inside "upgrade-script" to avoid "mysql_list_tables is deprecated" warnings (ticket #800).
Add "global $admin" to the install.php of the droplets-module to avoid (variable isn't declared) warnings. (ticket #800).

1142 2009-09-16 18:53 Luisehahne
  1. Fixed bug changed URL_HELP in class.admin.php to (ticket #801).
  2. Fixed bug: inside the FCK-Editor wbmodul: missing 'OK' button when inserting WB link with Safari/Chrome (ticket #795).
  3. Fixed bug changed png fix and path to jquery-pngFix.js inside footer.htt for backend themes (ticket #786)....
1138 2009-08-25 12:18 Ruud

Fixed bug in droplets. Multiple droplets with the same parameter did not extract the new parameter. (problem introduced by code optimisations for WB2.8)
Fixed usage of the depriciated (PHP 5.3.0) split() function in class.wb. (ticket #772)
Fixed notice ob_end_clean..failed to delete buffer. (ticket #779)

1137 2009-08-22 22:29 Ruud

Changed the default searchform name in the installer. (ticket #775)
Fixed the recursive redirect problem when a page is called with a wrong language parm (ticket #780)

1136 2009-08-15 11:19 kweitzel

Created 2.8.x branch

1118 2009-08-09 20:17 Matthias

Replaced function mime_content_type as the old one causes shell_exec warnings on some servers (Thanks to Aldus)

1107 2009-08-06 18:39 Matthias

Fixed bug that frontend.js, frontend.css and frontend_body.js are not used from snippets (ticket #764) (Thanks to Luisehahne)

1105 2009-08-06 17:36 Matthias

Added option to use a frontend_body.js in modules to include javascript from modules in the body of the frontend (Thanks to Luisehahne)

1101 2009-07-29 14:17 aldus

Changes inside class.wb.php to get rid of the the print->footer() problematic in the frontend.
changtes inside the adminsettings to alowed the user to use a "<" char inside his SMTP-Password.(thanks to FrankH)
Add last changes to the changelog - missing by mistake.

1100 2009-07-28 13:29 aldus

VersionCompare inside use a new function to avoid conflicts within wrong results comparing versionnumbers/-strings.
Also remove PHP-Code inside "calender-system.css" (line 36) .

1086 2009-07-20 22:25 Matthias

Moved backend.js back from <body> to <head>

Added possibility to add a backend_body.js to modules wich is then called in <body>

1081 2009-07-18 18:51 Matthias

Added more meta tags to backend themes

1069 2009-07-15 22:28 Matthias

Fixed some validiation bugs in core and different modules (Thanks to luisehahne)

1066 2009-07-15 21:27 Matthias

changed in class_login.php mktime() to time()

1061 2009-07-14 14:15 aldus

changes in frontend.functions.php, line 323: 'date' to 'gmdate' to avoid E_STRICT warnings. Also "wb-setup.php' inside the jscalendar folder.

1011 2009-06-25 19:27 Matthias

Added option to use also MYSQL_ASSOC and MYSQL_NUM with mysql_fetch_array (Thanks to Luisehahne)

1009 2009-06-23 23:42 Matthias

-Moved styles from admin/pages/sections.php to sections.htt in backend themes (Thanks to Luisehahne)

- Moved javascript files from admin/pages/index.php to external js files (Thanks to Luisehahne)

- Major improovements and changes to all backend files to get more valide Code output (Thanks to Luisehahne)

992 2009-06-15 18:22 Matthias

Fixed small bug introduced in changeset [989]

989 2009-06-15 15:12 aldus

Add Droplets Modul to the project and the modificated files (index, seach and frontendfunctions)

987 2009-06-14 17:17 aldus

Bugfixes for ticket 728 (install without tables) - see changelog for details.

979 2009-05-06 17:28 Matthias

Fixed bug with not always included stylesheets in backend (ticket #717)

944 2009-02-22 10:39 Matthias

added skinable Admin Interface

939 2009-02-19 22:05 doc

fixed bug if language folder contains none language files (XX.php) or sub folders

931 2009-02-15 20:43 doc

Fixed bug with smart login option (remember me) (ticket #689)

929 2009-02-15 16:05 doc

Redirect time for function print_success can now be defined in Settings (ticket #603)

928 2009-02-15 13:29 doc

Added reload option to Add-on section and removed Admin tool reload

927 2009-02-14 23:08 doc

Added option to display user name on all backend sides

926 2009-02-14 14:14 doc

fixed wrong redirect path and added Id tag

925 2009-02-13 16:35 doc

Added option to perform pre-installation checks to test requirements of Add-Ons