Created 2.8.x branch
Replaced function mime_content_type as the old one causes shell_exec warnings on some servers (Thanks to Aldus)
Fixed bug that frontend.js, frontend.css and frontend_body.js are not used from snippets (ticket #764) (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Added option to use a frontend_body.js in modules to include javascript from modules in the body of the frontend (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Changes inside class.wb.php to get rid of the the print->footer() problematic in the frontend.changtes inside the adminsettings to alowed the user to use a "<" char inside his SMTP-Password.(thanks to FrankH)Add last changes to the changelog - missing by mistake.
VersionCompare inside use a new function to avoid conflicts within wrong results comparing versionnumbers/-strings.Also remove PHP-Code inside "calender-system.css" (line 36) .
Moved backend.js back from <body> to <head>
Added possibility to add a backend_body.js to modules wich is then called in <body>
Added more meta tags to backend themes
Fixed some validiation bugs in core and different modules (Thanks to luisehahne)
changed in class_login.php mktime() to time()
changes in frontend.functions.php, line 323: 'date' to 'gmdate' to avoid E_STRICT warnings. Also "wb-setup.php' inside the jscalendar folder.
Added option to use also MYSQL_ASSOC and MYSQL_NUM with mysql_fetch_array (Thanks to Luisehahne)
-Moved styles from admin/pages/sections.php to sections.htt in backend themes (Thanks to Luisehahne)
- Moved javascript files from admin/pages/index.php to external js files (Thanks to Luisehahne)
- Major improovements and changes to all backend files to get more valide Code output (Thanks to Luisehahne)
Fixed small bug introduced in changeset [989]
Add Droplets Modul to the project and the modificated files (index, seach and frontendfunctions)
Bugfixes for ticket 728 (install without tables) - see changelog for details.
Fixed bug with not always included stylesheets in backend (ticket #717)
added skinable Admin Interface
fixed bug if language folder contains none language files (XX.php) or sub folders
Fixed bug with smart login option (remember me) (ticket #689)
Redirect time for function print_success can now be defined in Settings (ticket #603)
Added reload option to Add-on section and removed Admin tool reload
Added option to display user name on all backend sides
fixed wrong redirect path and added Id tag
Added option to perform pre-installation checks to test requirements of Add-Ons
Added default target attribut to backend menu links
Copyright notices now includes 2009
Added Javascript syntax highlighting framework EditArea as replacement for Codepress.
fixed error message in admin class if type array not defined
fixed two issues with searchresult-highlighting: do not highlight in
/-tags, do not convert < to &lt; anymore.
-tags, do not convert < to &lt; anymore.
changed mailer to not extract line break of alternative body text
search: replaced most of $string_ul_umlauts (from search_convert.php) through use of preg's u-switch. Replaced strtr() by str_replace() (it's just faster). Changed ' to '
added config for section anchor.ATTN: add "INSERT INTO TABLE_PREFIX.'settings' (name,value,extra) VALUES ('sec_anchor', 'wb_', '')" to upgrade-script.
search: added search_lang for use in search-form. Using DE, the search will search รค=ae,... (alternate spelling of german umlauts)removed undocumented word-boundary searchsearch_path is now anchored to the beginning of link ("link LIKE '$path%'" instead of "link LIKE '%$path%'")...
removed useless init_utf8funcs()-function
fixed an issues related to search, changed one SQL inner join (to use USING instead of WHERE, added $database = new Database(); in front of output-filter
page-names with doubled (or more) points can not be handled if php runs as cgi. Thanks to forum member hgi2001.
Hebrew-table in charsets-table.php was faultily imported - fixed.
changed register_backend_modfile() to work with wysiwyg-module, too
fixed file-naming issue when old page-names (from before 2.7) contains "&"
class.admin.php deletes actual query-string while redirection. fixed.
Added some basic functions for module developers
ASP: off per default. CAPTCHA: removed unneeded $admin. Filename: just convert chars like quote, doublequote, < > & to empty string.
removed some obsolete language variables from news and form module (now defined in global WB language files)
Added keyword Id to new files
Moved edit module CSS functions from modules to WB core (avoid code duplication; improve maintenance of code)
fixed: Language-redirect removed query-string from URL
updated edit module CSS functions to include backend.css into head if possible
fixed charset names (uppercase)
fixed issue with highlighting while charset != utf-8
search: great speed-up with large pages - requires PHP >= 4.3.3; small speed-up for PHP < 4.3.3.FCK-Editor: loads large pages faster
fixed another issue with utf8_isASCII() (too slow with many ~100KB pages)
fixed an issue with utf8_check() (too slow with many ~100KB pages)
adjusted error/warning templates to the updated backend layout
Removed hardcoded /admin folder strings from WB core files where possible
fixed issue with WYSIWYG pages (appears if backend language and page frontend language differs)
fixed issue with smart view URL link
fixed an issue with highlighting
fixed issue in pagename generation if AddDefaultCharset is set (as work-around).
fixed hebrew transliteration-table. Thanks to forum-member iti.
added bugfix from the forum member tavitar to fix an issue with multiple groups (module permission do not add up properly)
suppressed warnings in initialize.php if constant already defined; modified upgrade script to make FCK the new default editor
some minor changes in utf-8 translation-table
modified upgrade script and suppressed headers already send message (avoid issues with error reporting E_ALL)
fixed language bug (backend language switched to the pages language viewed in frontend)
fixed an highlighting-issue: highlighting a page with more than one sections mangled umlauts in the second to last section
fixed E_NOTICE warning with already defined module frontend constants
Removed module mail_filter and added revised version under new module name output filter. Bugs with regular expression fixed.
removed wrong parameter from change_mode()-calls in function.php
removed non-ascii character from source
out-of-date default page isn't shown anymore, instead shows next public page
search will show email-addresses, even if email-filter is activated (on page with highlighting). Fixed.
Added some missing add_slashes(), get_post_escaped(), and strip_tags() for $_POST, $_GET and $_REQUEST-data. Also for $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].
registered pages didn't appear in menu. fixed.
Removed debug-output and doubled comments from framework/functions.php
Allow a user-supplied From-Name in form-settings for email und success-email.
fixed WARNING-message about possibly not defined constant
Re-introduced Changeset 593 (filename in pages/ from page_title instead of menu_title)
introduced the WB 2.7 backend style developed by Michael Brinsteiner (escpro), thanks man
Added Javascript Admin module (developed by Stepan Riha, adapted for WB2.7 by Swen Uth)
added new CAPTCHA and ASP (Advanced Spam Protection)
Removed changes introduced with Changeset 593 (need to agree if we want add this to the core with WB2.7)
Generate filename in pages/ from page_title instead of menu_title.
Added multi-lingual Admin tool description. Moved Admin tool language text from global language file to module language files. Added function get_variable_content to allow extraction of variable without including files.
Added the new admin tool email output filter which allows to transform emails before displaying them on the frontend
Added support to configure the mailer settings via the backend
Fixed hardcoded /pages issue in intro page feature
Added example .htaccess to parse .html files, fixed bug in changeset [555]
Revoked parts of changeset [547] and again introduced changeset [540]
Added keywords to new files
added new module-based search-function and publish-by-date code
Reintroduced some more changes from changeset [520] and [540] which where overwritten by changeset [546]
Reintroduced changes from changeset [520] and [540] wich where overwritten by changeset [546]
Revoked changeset [541] end removed all PAGE_EXTENSION variables and the related option in WB settings as this function only works on Apache Servers together with .htaccess and mod_rewrite...
added the "users in multiple groups" feature (closes parts of ticket #546)
module menu_link: fixed page-deleteing-bug and some odd behavior, added table mod_menu_link
fixed #532 - PHP Error levels
Replaced hardcoded .php with the variable PAGE_EXTENSION for the use in pagenames. (!!Attention!! To get extenions other than .php working additional fixes are necessary!) Fixes ticket #370
Replaced the variable PAGE_EXTENSION with hardcoded .php on all places where the pathes points to WB Corefiles with the page extension .php
Moved the admin tools from 'Settings' to the new section 'Admin-Tools'.
introduced smart URL detection for the 'View' menu in the WB backend (if page_id is set, redirect to this page instead of the root)