added /framework/ModuleReorgAbstract provides the basics for modul depending reorganisation classesupdate /modules/news/Reorg now extends ModuleReorgAbstractfixed problem with empty directories fixedupdate /modules/news/upgrade.php // rebuild all access files fixed
! /upgrade-script.php, implement class AccessFile() add messages for better overview
! see Build 1986 also implemented in frontend account
! If the advanced option languages Page was disabled or pages exist with one language only, then all available languages are shown to be selected in the User-Settings implemented in backend
! /modules/news/Reorg.php completely recoded using class AccessFile()! /modules/news/upgrade.php add accessfile report to output details in upgrade-script.php! /modules/news/save_post.php search for missing accessfile folder and create missing one
! /languages/ all language files, add new translation $MESSAGE['START_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_EXISTS']! /admin/start/index.php for system administrator only: add start link to 'MESSAGE_START_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_EXISTS'
! /framework/class.wb.php::getLanguagesDetailsInUsed() optimized+ /framework/class.wb.php::getAvailableLanguagesObjectInstance()! /framework/class.wb.php::getLanguagesInUsed() method optimized! /framework/class.frontend.php update changes made in class.wb.php...
/framework/AccessFile little Typofixes/framework/AccessFileHelper added new method getDelTreeLog() and add const LOG_PRESERVE and LOG_CLEARset WbAdaptor::AppName to 'WebsiteBaker'
! /framework/initialize.php::SetInstallPathConstants() setting of DOCUMENT_ROOT now compatible for windows installation! /framework/functions.php::rebuild_all_accessfiles() Optimize rebuild access file coding
Packet AccessFile fixed indifferent handling of './..' directory entries
/framework/functions.php::rebuild_all_accessfiles() output of detailed log corrected
! /framework/functions.php: started implementation of packet AccessFile in function rebuild_all_accessfiles()+ /framework/functions.php::rm_full_dir() added additional argument to set list of protected files! integrate the new processes into the upgrade-script.php...
! /install/sql/wb_search_data.sql recoding initial data for table `search` without primary index value
/framework/WbDatabase fixed little problem with multiple database connections
/update-script.php last correction for loading PasswordHash packet and Typo fix line 87/admin/pages/PageTree // SmallRawPageTree : adaption of Translate and WbAdapter
! Finished Pages settings output page_code treelist
/news/add.php insert missing [SHORT] tag/news/view.php new placeholder [POST_ID] for use in post-loop added
/news/add.php fixed some little HTML syntax bugs
upgrade-script.php add loading interface PasswordHashInterface
added framework/UpgradeHelper::getMissingTables()added alias framework/UpgradeHelper::getMissingTables() with existsAllTables()added upgrade-script.php add loading class PasswordHashupdate some corrections of typos in upgrade-sript.php
modified loading sequence of Password classes
adding SERVER_TIMEZONE to table settingsinsert date_default_timezone_set( SERVER_TIMEZONE ) into /framework/initialize.phpsome little optimations in update-script.php
package Translate: creating language path in TranslateAdaptorWbOldStyle with modified admin-path fixed
/admin/settings/save now also allows empty entries for 'website_title','website_description' and 'website_keywords'
typofix/structurfix in /modules/form/modify_settings.php
added ~dummy.git files to include empty directories in git-hub zipfiles
update Twig from version 1.13.1 to 1.13.2
typofixes in /admin/pages/
update /modules/fckeditor update to version 2.9.9 IE fix (from Marmot)
update /include/editarea to IE fix (from Marmot)
solved some problems with MultiLingual module
solved an autoloading problem on upgrade in /framework/Password.php
solved problems with escaped strings in /modules/droplets/droplets.functions.php
class AccessFile implemented in modules/news
updated for some corrections in class AccessFile
added $page_id compatibility to /index.phpsolved escaping problems on save to database in modules/droplets
added classes AccessFile and AccessFileHelper to /framework/
update Droplet iParentPageIcon
module/MultiLingual updated for make use of different graphics formatadded Droplet to use Multilingual in index.php of template
/modules/MultiLingual/tpl/lang.html-twig little typofix in template
fixed/updated /admin/groups - permissions
fixed Tooltips in backend
MultiLingual: icon-URL corrected
Typofix in /wb_theme/jquer/jquery-plugins.js Line 61
added module MultiLingual to basic packet
update Twig template engine to version 1.13.1
unneeded file /framework/Modlanguage.php removed
/wb_theme/jquery/jquery-plugins.js fixed uncheck function
fixed headers_sent problem in /upgrade_script.phpfixed problem with output buffer in /search/search_modext.php
/account/signup added posibility for different mailto address/install/save.php modified internal comment
modified layout of admin/groups for better usability
modified class Password for use with different hashing classes
typofixes in /install/save.php
implement class Password and activate it (not implemented for use yet)
added new method to class Translate. it gives possibility to handle translations with additional replacements.
class WbDatabase fixed select_db() for multiconnection modus
TranslateAdaptorWbOldStyle forgotten second arg for trim added
TranslateAdaptorWbOldStyle now also accepts modified admin directory names
set default rights to dissabled for new installed modules
syncronize project and some small typo corrections in /account/
syncronize project and some small typo corrections in /admin/
fixed invalid translate addon activation (/admin/preferences/index.php)
in /admin/languages some little corrections
! /modules/admin.php $sSectionIdPrefix! /admin/media/upload.php change $database->query($sql) to $database->get_one($sql)! /upgrade-script.php only systemadministartor can call the script upgrade all dev-module inclding in package
! /modules/form/ beginning recoding
! /modules/news/ beginning beginning recoding replacing absolute MediaUrl with place holder
! /modules/show_menu2/ set to version 4.9.7 DEBUG == true show query counts
! /modules/droplets/ set to version 1.3.0 installing module with sql import make upgrade.php compatible with upgrade-scrip.php
! recoding /modules/code/add.php with exception
! /admin/pages/ add/change to new Translate class add a default.ini with a list of protected basenames, and a PagesEnvironment to force writing the accessfile forever
! /admin/addons/ change to new Translate class
! /admin/preferences/index.php change to new Translate class languages only given for existing page languages! /admin/settings/ change to new Translate class
! modules/menu_link/save.php coding new sql logic to replace adding an empty table row in add.php
! modules/wysiwyg/save.php use new methode in class.wb to replace absolute MediaUrl
! install/save.php,search_modext.php set $sSectionIdPrefix (SEC_ANCHOR) to the right value
! class.admin.php corrected url_help, add Translat::disableAddon() in methode print_footer! frontend.functions.php page_content() set $sSectionIdPrefix to the right format! functions.php change get_parent_titles from menu_title to filename
update headerinfo
added new static Method Password::isValid() It checks a new password for invalid characters
added new OutputFilter plugin 'FilterMediaRel'
add new method wb::ReplaceAbsoluteMediaUrl()class wb: added Translate::disableAddon() in print_error() and print_success()
some typofixes in class PassWordclass /framework/PasswordHash never needed(replaced by /include/phpass/PasswordHash
added posssibility to use different adaptors for each moduleadded new adaptor to access language definitions in a MySQL database
little corrections in class Password
Classes Password / PasswordHash added for an essential strengthening of the password security
! update jsadmin module and set Version to 1.4.1! update news module and set Version to 3.8.7
! update output_filter module set version to 0.4.1
! update captcha_control module set version to 1.2.1